Baltimore City - Office of the Sheriff - Neighborhood Services Unit [HB-1293]
Establishing the Neighborhood Services Unit within the Office of the Sheriff of Baltimore City; requiring the Neighborhood Services Unit and the Board of License Commissioners of Baltimore City to work in partnership to enforce the alcoholic beverages laws of Baltimore City and to enter into a memorandum of understanding that specifies the respective roles and responsibilities of the parties in connection with the partnership; expanding the authorized uses of certain revenue to include the work of the Neighborhood Services Unit; etc.
HB-1293: Baltimore City - Office of the Sheriff - Neighborhood Services Unit
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Smith
Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2025
Land Use and Real Property - Accessory Dwelling Units - Requirements and Prohibitions [HB-1466]
Establishing the policy of the State to promote and encourage the creation of accessory dwelling units on land with a single-family detached dwelling unit as the primary dwelling unit in order to meet the housing needs of the citizens of the State; requiring, on or before October 1, 2026, the legislative body of certain counties or municipal corporations to adopt a local law authorizing the development of accessory dwelling units on land with certain single-family detached dwelling units subject to certain requirements; etc.
HB-1466: Land Use and Real Property - Accessory Dwelling Units - Requirements and Prohibitions
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Third Reading Passed (138-1) on 03/17/2025
School Bus Transition - Propane-Powered School Buses - Grant Program, Fund, and Purchase [HB-1269]
Altering certain provisions of law relating to funding and grants to transition to zero-emission vehicle school buses to include propane-powered school buses; and authorizing a county board of education, beginning in fiscal year 2030, to enter into a new contract for the purchase of school buses that are propane-powered.
HB-1269: School Bus Transition - Propane-Powered School Buses - Grant Program, Fund, and Purchase
Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard
First Reading Environment And Transportation on 02/07/2025
Maryland Department of Health - Provision of Health Care Services - Study [HB-1376]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to include in the contract for a study of the Health Services Cost Review Commission, the Maryland Health Care Commission, the Maryland Insurance Administration, and the Maryland Community Health Resources
Commission a requirement that the independent consultant study the current provision of health care services in the State; requiring the study to consider recommendations for strategies the State should consider to ensure high quality health care for all Marylanders; etc.
HB-1376: Maryland Department of Health - Provision of Health Care Services - Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseline Pena-Melnyk
Hearing 2/21 At 2:00 P.m. on 02/11/2025
County Superintendents - Contracts - Required Provisions (Superintendent Buyout Limit) [HB-1317]
Requiring that a contract executed between a county board of education and a county superintendent of schools on or after July 1, 2025, include certain provisions that provide for the compensation the county superintendent shall receive on termination of the contract and the continuance of health benefits coverage for 1 year beginning on the date of termination or until the county superintendent secures new employment, whichever occurs first.
HB-1484: Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration For Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Jazz Lewis
Hearing Canceled (environment And Transportation) on 03/02/2025
You have voted HB-1484: Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration For Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act).
Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements [HB-1483]
Establishing requirements for local school systems that issue invitations for bids for high school sports officiating services for boys' and girls' high school sports; authorizing the Department of Education to develop guidelines to assist a local school system in the implementation of the provisions of the Act, including additional criteria for determining which high school sports qualify as similar boys' and girls' high school sports.
HB-1483: Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing Canceled (ways And Means) on 03/05/2025
Prekindergarten - 3-Year-Olds - Private Providers (Parental Choice for Prekindergarten Act) [HB-1374]
Altering the definition of "Tier I child" for purposes of publicly provided prekindergarten to not include 3-year-olds and only include certain 4-year-olds; authorizing an eligible private prekindergarten provider to elect to enroll 3-year-olds in publicly provided prekindergarten; requiring an eligible private provider that elects to enroll a Tier I 3-year-old to enter into a certain memorandum of understanding with the State Department of Education and the county board of education; etc.
Social Media Platforms - Vloggers and Video Content Featuring Minors (Child Influencers Protection Act) [HB-1453]
Requiring a vlogger who creates video content that is posted on a social media platform and features a certain minor child to compensate the child under certain circumstances; establishing requirements on social media platforms relating to deleting video content featuring minor children; applying certain requirements related to the labor of minors to children compensated by vloggers; etc.
HB-1453: Social Media Platforms - Vloggers and Video Content Featuring Minors (Child Influencers Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Jazz Lewis
Hearing Canceled on 03/03/2025
Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement (Maryland Values Act) [HB-1222]
Requiring an employee or agent of a State or local correctional facility and a law enforcement agent to provide certain notice of the release of an individual who is the subject of an active immigration detainer request and has been convicted of a certain crime of violence and transfer the individual to federal immigration authorities under certain circumstances; requiring the termination of an existing immigration enforcement agreement by July 1, 2025; etc.
HB-1222: Public Safety - Immigration Enforcement (Maryland Values Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing Canceled on 03/24/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7; Title 9; Title 16; Title 47 and Title 67, relative to personal seat licenses. [SB-1120]
As introduced, requires that contracts entered into between a personal seat license (PSL) holder of 10 or more years and a professional sports franchise for the purchase of a subsequent PSL with an upgraded or improved seating classification include a provision that enables the PSL holder to purchase the subsequent PSL for the same price as the previous PSL; applies to all contracts for subsequent PSL purchases entered into for seating at stadiums in certain counties on or after the effective date of the act. - Amends TCA Title 7; Title 9; Title
SB-1120: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7; Title 9; Title 16; Title 47 and Title 67, relative to personal seat licenses.
Sponsored by: Rep. London Lamar
Assigned To General Subcommittee Of Senate Commerce And Labor Committee on 03/18/2025
You have voted SB-1120: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7; Title 9; Title 16; Title 47 and Title 67, relative to personal seat licenses..
Calvert County - Personal Property Tax - Exemption [HB-1160]
Exempting certain personal property from the Calvert County property tax; providing that operating personal property of a railroad or public utility and certain property used to provide cable television, data, or telecommunications services remains subject to the Calvert County personal property tax; providing that certain personal property subject to a payment in lieu of taxes agreement is subject to the Calvert County property tax on the termination of the agreement; etc.
HB-1160: Calvert County - Personal Property Tax - Exemption
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Fisher
Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2025
Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – Authorizations and Revisions [HB-1172]
Requiring the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City to impose a fee of not more than $250 for expedited processing of certain Class C per diem licenses; requiring the Board to adopt regulations related to the application process for Class C per diem licenses, including for the denial or revocation of the licenses, and limiting the number of licenses that may be issued to a person for the same location within a certain period of time; etc.
HB-1172: Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages – Authorizations and Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Marlon Amprey
Third Reading Passed (138-0) on 03/17/2025
State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds [HB-1166]
Requiring that undisputed retention proceeds retained by a unit or a certain contractor under a State procurement contract be paid within 90 days after the date of substantial completion.
HB-1166: State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Adams
Hearing Canceled on 03/08/2025
AN ACT relating to public contracts. [HB-345]
Create new sections of KRS Chapters 45A, 56, and 65 to require that state and local contracts contain a provision that any iron, steel, aluminum, or manufactured goods used in all state and local projects be manufactured in the United States unless a waiver is granted; amend KRS Chapters 45A.343, 45A.352, 65.027, 162.070, 164A.575, 176.070, 176.080, and 424.260 to conform; provide that Sections 1 to 3 of the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Buy American Act.
HB-345: AN ACT relating to public contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Blanton
To State Government (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7; Title 9; Title 16; Title 47 and Title 67, relative to personal seat licenses. [HB-1151]
As introduced, requires that contracts entered into between a personal seat license (PSL) holder of 10 or more years and a professional sports franchise for the purchase of a subsequent PSL with an upgraded or improved seating classification include a provision that enables the PSL holder to purchase the subsequent PSL for the same price as the previous PSL; applies to all contracts for subsequent PSL purchases entered into for seating at stadiums in certain counties on or after the effective date of the act. - Amends TCA Title 7; Title 9; Title
HB-1151: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7; Title 9; Title 16; Title 47 and Title 67, relative to personal seat licenses.
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Miller
Action Def. In S/c Business And Utilities Subcommittee To First Calendar Of 2026 on 03/19/2025
You have voted HB-1151: AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 7; Title 9; Title 16; Title 47 and Title 67, relative to personal seat licenses..
AN ACT relating to rights and obligations of landlords and tenants to a residential lease. [HB-359]
Repeal and reenact various sections of KRS Chapter 383 to amend the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; create new sections of KRS Chapter 383 to conform; amend KRS 383.715 to conform; repeal KRS 383.300, 303.302, 383.500, 383.505, 383.515, 383.525, 383.540, 383.580, 383.620, and 383.665; apply to a lease made on or after the effective date of the Act.
HB-359: AN ACT relating to rights and obligations of landlords and tenants to a residential lease.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nima Kulkarni
To Local Government (h) on 02/07/2025