You have voted HB-1069: Life and Health Insurance Policies and Annuity and Health Maintenance Organization Contracts - Discretionary Clauses - Prohibition.
You have voted HB-1063: Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Design and Construction - Alternative Project Delivery and Solicitation Methods MC/PG 102-25.
Mechanical Repair Contracts - Technical Service Bulletins [HB-1046]
Prohibiting a mechanical repair contract from containing a provision precluding coverage for service to a motor vehicle for issues identified in a technical services bulletin and prohibiting the denial of a service claim for such an issue by a guarantor or provider.
HB-1046: Mechanical Repair Contracts - Technical Service Bulletins
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/18/2025
Fraud Prevention and Worker Protections - Prohibitions, Penalties, and Enforcement [HB-1096]
Prohibiting a person from knowingly making or using, or causing to be made or used, a false record or statement resulting in underpayments of unemployment insurance contributions or payment of unemployment insurance benefits of more than a certain amount; altering the enforcement mechanisms of the Maryland Wage and Hour Law, the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law, workplace fraud laws, living wage laws, and prevailing wage laws; etc.
HB-1096: Fraud Prevention and Worker Protections - Prohibitions, Penalties, and Enforcement
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing Canceled on 02/10/2025
Land Bank Authorities - Powers and Authority [HB-1128]
Authorizing certain land bank authorities to create a special fund for certain purposes, make loans or grants for certain purposes, and enter into partnerships for certain purposes; requiring a land bank authority to include in the sale, lease, transfer, or disposition of the land bank authority's property a certain agreement; and authorizing a county or municipal corporation to authorize, by law, a land bank authority to foreclose on certain property through a certain in rem foreclosure action.
HB-1128: Land Bank Authorities - Powers and Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/17/2025
Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act) [HB-1035]
Requiring the Maryland Energy Administration, in coordination with the Public Service Commission and the Department of Natural Resources, to pursue certain agreements with neighboring states and federal agencies related to the development of new nuclear energy generation stations; prohibiting an electricity supplier or other owner of a certain generating station from entering into a certain contract with a commercial or industrial customer under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-1035: Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Hearing 2/28 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/10/2025
Montgomery County - Common Ownership Communities - Disputes, Payments, and Elections MC 11-25 [HB-1117]
Establishing certain requirements for elections to governing bodies and organizing activities of cooperative housing corporations, condominiums, and homeowners associations in Montgomery County; establishing procedures and requirements during a dispute between a member or an owner and a cooperative housing corporation, condominium, or homeowners association in Montgomery County; etc.
HB-1117: Montgomery County - Common Ownership Communities - Disputes, Payments, and Elections MC 11-25
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2025
Corporations and Associations - Limited Equity Housing Cooperatives - Establishment [HB-1052]
Authorizing a Maryland nonstock corporation to convert to a limited equity housing cooperative subject to certain requirements; requiring a limited equity housing cooperative for certain households to receive notice and vacate a portion of a certain residential rental facility; requiring a limited equity housing cooperative to reimburse certain households for moving expenses; etc.
AN ACT relating to the purchase of single-family homes. [HB-237]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to define terms; prohibit persons who own 50 or more single-family rental homes in qualifying counties from purchasing additional single-family homes in qualifying counties except for use by the person as a residence; limit the purchase restriction to single-family homes that have been advertised for sale for less than 90 days or less than 30 days if the purchaser qualifies as a small business; provide that a violation is also a violation of KRS 367.170; provide for joinder of certain parties with joint and
HB-237: AN ACT relating to the purchase of single-family homes.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
To Judiciary (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to state contracts. [HB-269]
Amend KRS 45A.110 to require the bidder or offeror to attest to not receiving two or more civil penalties under KRS Chapter 337, 338, 339, or 341 in order to be eligible to receive the written determination of responsibility.
HB-269: AN ACT relating to state contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
To State Government (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to local regulatory actions. [HB-215]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 82 to define "city," "project labor agreement," and "public construction project"; permit a city to establish a mandatory preference for awarding public construction project contracts to unions through a negotiated project labor agreement; permit cities to negotiate wages that are higher than the state or federal minimum wage as a condition of the project labor agreement; create a new section of KRS Chapter 337 to define "city," "prevailing wage," "prevailing wage rate," and "public works project"; permit a city
HB-215: AN ACT relating to local regulatory actions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Alan Gentry
To Local Government (h) on 02/07/2025
AN ACT relating to the prevention of harmful practices associated with property and casualty insurance. [HB-233]
Amend KRS 367.620 to define terms; amend KRS 367.622 to establish right to cancel a real estate goods or services contract within five business days after an insurer's notice of noncoverage; amend KRS 367.624 to establish notice requirements for real estate goods or services contracts; amend KRS 367.626 to establish cancellation and other requirements for real estate goods or services contracts; amend KRS 367.627 and 367.628 to establish penalties and requirements relating to real estate goods or services trade practices associated with property
HB-233: AN ACT relating to the prevention of harmful practices associated with property and casualty insurance.
Sponsored by: Rep. Shawn McPherson
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 15) on 03/15/2025
Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements [SB-923]
Establishing requirements for local school systems that issue invitations for bids for high school sports officiating services for boys' and girls' high school sports; authorizing the Department of Education to develop guidelines to assist a local school system in the implementation of the provisions of the Act, including additional criteria for determining which high school sports qualify as similar boys' and girls' high school sports.
SB-923: Public Schools - High School Sports Officiating Services - Procurement Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. (ways And Means) on 03/17/2025
Fraud Prevention and Worker Protections - Prohibitions, Penalties, and Enforcement [SB-938]
Prohibiting a person from knowingly making or using, or causing to be made or used, a false record or statement resulting in underpayments of unemployment insurance contributions or payment of unemployment insurance benefits of more than a certain amount; altering the enforcement mechanisms of the Maryland Wage and Hour Law, the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law, workplace fraud laws, living wage laws, and prevailing wage laws; etc.
SB-938: Fraud Prevention and Worker Protections - Prohibitions, Penalties, and Enforcement
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025
Land Use and Real Property - Accessory Dwelling Units - Requirements and Prohibitions [SB-891]
Establishing the policy of the State to promote and encourage the creation of accessory dwelling units on land zoned for single-family residential use in order to meet the housing needs of the citizens of the State; requiring, on or before October 1, 2026, the legislative body of certain counties or municipal corporations to adopt a local law authorizing the development of accessory dwelling units on land zoned for single-family residential use subject to certain requirements; etc.
SB-891: Land Use and Real Property - Accessory Dwelling Units - Requirements and Prohibitions
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Washington
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
SB-978: Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 2/18 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
You have voted SB-978: Environmental Permits - Requirements for Public Participation and Impact and Burden Analyses (Cumulative Harms to Environmental Restoration for Improving Shared Health - CHERISH Our Communities Act).
Aviation Oversight - BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport Master Plan [SB-973]
Requiring the Maryland Aviation Commission to adopt, rather than approve for adoption by the Executive Director of the Maryland Aviation Administration, regulations for the operation of the State-owned airports; altering requirements for meetings and a quorum of the Commission; altering certain powers and duties of the Administration and the Commission; requiring certain contracts to be approved by the Commission; etc.
SB-973: Aviation Oversight - BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport Master Plan
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/03/2025
Business Regulation - Cellular Phone Carriers - Authorized Users [SB-846]
Requiring a cellular phone carrier to allow a customer of record who is responsible for payment of an account to have the option to designate other individuals as authorized users on the customer's account and to allow an authorized user to take certain actions in connection with the account.
SB-846: Business Regulation - Cellular Phone Carriers - Authorized Users
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds [SB-835]
Requiring that undisputed retention proceeds retained by a unit or a certain contractor under a State procurement contract be paid within 90 days after the date of substantial completion.
SB-835: State Finance and Procurement - Retention Proceeds
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Mautz
Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2025