Virginia Public Procurement Act; architectural and professional engineering term contracts. [SB-1508]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; architectural and professional engineering term contracting; limitations on project fees; certain school divisions. Includes a school division in a locality with a population in excess of 78,000 under the exception from (i) the $100,000 single-project fee limit for architectural and professional engineering term contracts and (ii) the $1 million annual aggregate total of all such projects. Under the bill, such school divisions may pay a single-project fee of up to $2.5 million and an annual aggregate of $6 million.
SB-1508: Virginia Public Procurement Act; architectural and professional engineering term contracts.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Cosgrove
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0555) on 03/16/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction management contracts. [HB-2366]
Public procurement; requirements for use of construction management and design-build contracts. Establishes requirements for the procurement of construction using the construction management and design-build procurement methods by state and local public bodies and covered institutions of higher education, as defined in the bill, and the conditions under which such methods may be used. Public bodies must comply with procedures adopted by the Secretary of Administration for construction management or design-build projects. State public bodies and
HB-2366: Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction management contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. R. Steven Landes
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0699) on 03/24/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; small business enhancement program, limitations. [SB-1334]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; small business enhancement program; limitations. Provides that any enhancement or remedial measure authorized by the Governor for state public bodies may allow for small businesses certified by the Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity or a subcategory of small businesses established as a part of the enhancement program to have a price preference over noncertified businesses competing for the same contract award, provided that the certified small business or the business in such subcategory of small
SB-1334: Virginia Public Procurement Act; small business enhancement program, limitations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Ruff
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0578) on 03/16/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction management contracts. [SB-1129]
Public procurement; requirements for use of construction management and design-build procurement methods. Establishes requirements for the procurement of construction using the construction management and design-build procurement methods by state and local public bodies and covered institutions of higher education, as defined in the bill, and the conditions under which such methods may be used. Public bodies must comply with procedures adopted by the Secretary of Administration for construction management or design-build projects. State public bodies
SB-1129: Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction management contracts.
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Ruff
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0704) on 03/24/2017
Virginia Industries for the Blind; exempted from certain procurements. [HB-2096]
Procurement; exemption for Virginia Industries for the Blind. Exempts from the requirements of the Public Procurement Act (? 2.2-4300 et seq.) the Virginia Industries for the Blind when procuring components, materials, supplies, or services for use in commodities and services furnished to the federal government in connection with its operation as an AbilityOne Program-qualified nonprofit agency for the blind.
HB-2096: Virginia Industries for the Blind; exempted from certain procurements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0625) on 03/17/2017
Review of existing contracts; security of government information, including citizen data, report. [HB-2047]
Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth; contract review. Directs the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth, Director of the Department of General Services, and the Office of the Attorney General to conduct a periodic review of existing contracts of executive branch agencies with contractors to ensure that such contract terms are being adhered to as they relate to the security of government information. The bill requires completion of the initial review by January 1, 2018, and submission of a report to the Governor and the General
HB-2047: Review of existing contracts; security of government information, including citizen data, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Stricken From Docket By Science And Technology By Voice Vote on 01/23/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; bid, performance, and payment bonds, waiver by localities. [HB-2017]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; bid, performance, and payment bonds; waiver by localities. Authorizes a locality, where the bid, performance, and payment bond requirements are waived, to waive the requirement for prequalification for a bidder or contractor with a current Class A contractor license for nontransportation-related construction contracts in excess of $100,000 but less than $300,000 upon a written determination made in advance by the local governing body that waiving the requirement is in the best interests of the locality. The bill
HB-2017: Virginia Public Procurement Act; bid, performance, and payment bonds, waiver by localities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Villanueva
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0789) on 04/05/2017
Study; Virginia Public Procurement Act; report. [HJR-674]
Study; Virginia Public Procurement Act; report. Establishes a joint subcommittee to study the best method to implement the recommendations of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission concerning the Virginia Public Procurement Act.
HJR-674: Study; Virginia Public Procurement Act; report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Tabled In Rules By Voice Vote on 01/26/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; competitive negotiation for professional services. [HB-1880]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; competitive negotiation for professional services. Provides that for competitive negotiation for professional services, a public body may conduct negotiations simultaneously with the top two ranked firms if the public body does not request or discuss nonbinding estimates of total project costs at the discussion stage and as long as such process is set forth in the Request for Proposal.
HB-1880: Virginia Public Procurement Act; competitive negotiation for professional services.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In General Laws on 02/08/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting. [HB-1808]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting; construction and professional services. Authorizes any public body to procure construction on a best value procurement basis using a numerical scoring system consisting of the following: (i) technical solution, 30 percent; (ii) past performance, 30 percent, including (a) price history of cost overruns, (b) schedule history of on-time delivery, and (c) contractor performance ratings from the immediately preceding five-year period; and (iii) price, 40 percent. The Request for Proposal
HB-1808: Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Left In General Laws on 02/08/2017
Energy performance-based contract; cooperative procurement. [HB-1712]
Procurement; energy performance-based contracting. Authorizes a public body, defined as a contracting entity, to purchase energy conservation or operational efficiency measures from an energy performance-based contract entered into by another contracting entity pursuant to the Energy and Operational Efficiency Performance-Based Contracting Act even if the entity did not participate in the request for proposals if the request for proposals specified that the procurement was being conducted on behalf of other contracting entities. The measure permits
HB-1712: Energy performance-based contract; cooperative procurement.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0259) on 03/03/2017
Virginia Public Procurement Act; contracts for architectural and engineering services. [HB-1693]
Virginia Public Procurement Act; contracts for architectural and engineering services relating to multiple construction projects; maximum fee for any single project. Increases the maximum permissible fee for any single project encompassed in a contract for architectural or professional engineering services relating to multiple construction projects from $100,000 to $150,000.
HB-1693: Virginia Public Procurement Act; contracts for architectural and engineering services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Collins
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0343) on 03/13/2017
Public contracts; gender identity, civil liability. [HB-1667]
Public contracts; civil liability; gender identity; sexual orientation. Prohibits agencies of the Commonwealth and other public bodies from requiring any contractor entering into a public contract to agree to additional nondiscrimination provisions with respect to gender identity or sexual orientation. The bill also provides civil immunity for any business or nonprofit organization that does not provide any benefit or accommodation with respect to gender identity or sexual orientation.
HB-1667: Public contracts; gender identity, civil liability.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Marshall
Left In General Laws on 02/08/2017