
State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Public Utilities - Electricity Generation Planning - Procurement, Permitting, and Co-Location (Next Generation Energy Act) [SB-937]
Requiring the Maryland Energy Administration, in coordination with the Public Service Commission and the Department of Natural Resources, to pursue certain agreements with neighboring states and federal agencies related to the development of new nuclear energy generation stations; prohibiting an electricity supplier or other owner of a certain generating station from entering into a certain contract with a commercial or industrial customer under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman Hearing 2/28 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/10/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

State Lottery - Ticket Purchase and Delivery by Third-Party Entity - Authorization [SB-850]
Authorizing the State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency to allow licensed agents to enter into an agreement with third-party entities to allow those entities to purchase State lottery tickets on behalf of individuals in the State and deliver the tickets to the purchasers; and authorizing the third-party entities to charge a service fee.


Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Consumer Protection - Third-Party Litigation Financing [SB-985]
Prohibiting certain litigation financiers from engaging in certain conduct with respect to litigation financing transactions and certain litigation financing contracts; requiring that the litigation financing contracts contain certain disclosures and be executed in a certain manner; requiring a certain disclosure of a litigation financing contract in certain civil actions; and imposing a fiduciary duty on litigation financiers in certain class actions.


Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Collective Bargaining - Local Government Employees and Public Employee Relations Act [SB-976]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for public local employees; applying the Maryland Public Employee Relations Act to county and municipal government employers and their employees; providing that a public employee may be deemed a certain management employee for purposes of establishing collective bargaining rights; establishing impasse procedures for collective bargaining between public local employees and their employers that include binding arbitration; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Cyber Maryland Program - Revisions [SB-867]
Transferring the Cyber Maryland Program from the Maryland Technology Development Corporation to the Maryland Department of Labor; altering the duties of the Program; requiring the Program to issue competitive grants and contracts beginning in fiscal year 2026, to enhance cybersecurity workforce development, including cybersecurity for operational technology; authorizing the Governor for fiscal year 2027 and each fiscal year thereafter to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation sufficient to run the program; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/17/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Corporations and Associations - Cooperative Limited Equity Housing Corporations - Establishment [SB-927]
Authorizing a Maryland nonstock corporation to convert to a cooperative limited equity housing corporation subject to certain requirements; requiring a cooperative limited equity housing corporation for certain households to receive notice to vacate a portion of a certain residential rental facility; requiring a cooperative limited equity housing corporation to reimburse certain households for moving expenses; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. (environment And Transportation) on 03/19/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - Authorizations and Revisions [SB-939]
Requiring the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City to impose a fee of up to $250 for expedited processing of certain Class C per diem licenses; requiring the Board to adopt regulations related to the application process for Class C per diem licenses, including for the denial or revocation of the licenses; limiting the number of licenses that may be issued to a person for the same location within a calendar year; authorizing the issuance of certain alcoholic beverages licenses in the 40th alcoholic beverages district; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Baltimore City - Alcoholic Beverages - 43rd Alcoholic Beverages District - Class B-D-7 Licenses [SB-788]
Authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City to issue additional B-D-7 beer, wine, and liquor licenses in certain areas of the 43rd alcoholic beverages district of Baltimore City if the license applicant meets certain criteria; and extending to July 1, 2026, an alcoholic beverages license issued for a certain area for the purpose of renewal.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Washington Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Howard Community College - Board of Trustees, Meetings, and Contracts - Alterations Ho. Co. 1-25 [SB-813]
Adding two members to the Board of Community College Trustees for Howard County; requiring each meeting of the Board to allow for public comment; requiring the Board to make a video or audio recording of its meetings which are to be made available on the Board's website; requiring Board members to undergo certain training specific to Board governance; and requiring the Board to submit a report to the General Assembly by January 1, 2026, and every 6 months thereafter until a contract is finalized, on the status of the faculty union contract.


Sponsored by: Sen. Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Public Works Contracts - Apprenticeship Requirements (Maryland Workforce Apprenticeship Utilization Act) [HB-1017]
Altering certain apprenticeship requirements relating to public works contracts to require certain contractors and subcontractors to employ a certain number of qualified apprentices or journeyworkers necessary to meet a certain applicable percentage for the project; altering which projects are subject to certain apprenticeship requirements; repealing certain provisions of law that authorized contractors and subcontractors to make certain payments to a certain apprenticeship program in lieu of employing certain apprentices; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Consumer Protection - Credit Reporting - Medical Debt (Fair Medical Debt Reporting Act) [HB-1020]
Prohibiting a consumer reporting agency from furnishing any consumer report containing certain adverse information relating to a consumer's medical debt, or any collection action against a consumer for medical debt, or maintain a file on a consumer related to medical debt or collections; prohibiting a person from using medical debt information from a consumer report for certain purposes; prohibiting a health care facility, a health care practitioner, or an ambulance service from disclosing medical debt to a consumer reporting agency; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr Referred Finance on 03/07/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Financial Institutions - Conventional Home Mortgage Loans - Assumption and Required Disclosures [HB-1018]
Requiring banking institutions, credit unions, mortgage lenders, mortgage lending businesses, and mortgage loan originators to include a certain provision in certain conventional home mortgage loans authorizing a certain borrower to purchase the property interest of a certain borrower in connection with a decree of absolute divorce if the lending entity determines that the assuming borrower qualifies for the loan; applying certain provisions of the Act retroactively; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Pruski Referred Finance on 03/12/2025

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 34th Legislature

Telehealth Reimbursement Rates [SB-83]
An Act relating to health care insurance; relating to insurance reimbursement for health care services provided through telehealth; and providing for an effective date.


Sponsored by: Sen. Matt Claman Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/31/2025

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State (Montana)
Montana 2025 Regular Session

Revise the unit ownership act to allow a lower threshold for common element changes [HB-362]
Revise the unit ownership act to allow a lower threshold for common element changes


Sponsored by: Rep. Greg Oblander (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/12/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Calvert County Sheriff - Deputy Sheriffs and Correctional Deputies - Collective Bargaining [SB-767]
Providing that full-time deputy sheriffs and correctional deputies at the rank of major and below in the Calvert County Sheriff's Office have the right to organize and negotiate with the County Administrator of Calvert County and the Calvert County Sheriff with regard to certain wages and employee benefits in a certain manner.


Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Commissioned Public Art - Artist Rights and Registration of Art [HB-961]
Prohibiting an entity from including in a contract for certain State public art a provision requiring artists to waive copyright protections or certain rights; prohibiting enforcement of a certain waiver in an existing contract; and requiring an entity that commissions certain State public art to register the art with the Maryland State Arts Council.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan McComas Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/24/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Commercial Financing - Small Business Truth in Lending Act [SB-754]
Regulating commercial financing transactions, including by establishing requirements related to certain disclosures, calculations of annual percentage rates, terms of repayments, and other related items, and the extension of specific offers.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Prekindergarten - 3-Year-Olds - Private Providers (Parental Choice for Prekindergarten Act) [SB-780]
Altering the definition of "Tier I child" for purposes of publicly provided prekindergarten to not include 3-year-olds and only include certain 4-year-olds; authorizing an eligible private prekindergarten provider to elect to enroll 3-year-olds in publicly provided prekindergarten; requiring an eligible private provider that elects to enroll a Tier I 3-year-old to enter into a certain memorandum of understanding with the State Department of Education and the county board of education; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/03/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment [HB-966]
Establishing an Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program within the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide expertise in artificial intelligence to the circuit courts and the District Court in the form of expert testimony on the authenticity of electronic evidence that a court determines may have been created or altered using artificial intelligence; and authorizing the Governor, for fiscal years 2027 and 2028, to include an appropriation of $250,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Howard County - Common Ownership Communities - Funding of Reserve Accounts and Preparation of Funding Plans Ho. Co. 4-25 [SB-777]
Requiring that the annual budget of a cooperative housing corporation, a residential condominium, or a homeowners association in Howard County include certain funds; requiring that certain funds for the reserve account of a cooperative housing corporation, a residential condominium, or a homeowners association in Howard County be deposited by a certain day each fiscal year; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025

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