Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program [HB-1538]
Establishing the Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program in the Maryland Department of Health to support pregnant and postpartum Maryland Medical Assistance Program recipients who have higher risks of pregnancy complications because of maternal hypertension or maternal diabetes; requiring the Department to choose a managed care organization to administer the Program; requiring the managed care organization to contract with a technology vendor to offer remote patient monitoring services to participants in the Program; etc.
HB-1538: Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Maternal Health Monitoring Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Jamila Woods
Hearing Canceled on 03/13/2025
Department of Budget and Management - Expedited Hiring Program (FEDERAL Jobs Act of 2025) [SB-1040]
Establishing the Expedited Hiring Program in the Department of Budget and Management for the purpose of hiring eligible applicants for vacant positions in the State Personnel Management System, subject to certain requirements; authorizing an appointing authority to recruit for certain vacant positions in State government under certain circumstances; and authorizing the Secretary of Budget and Management to contract with a certain entity to assist with the implementation of the Program.
SB-1040: Department of Budget and Management - Expedited Hiring Program (FEDERAL Jobs Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/14/2025
Digital Product Repair [SB-111]
An Act relating to the diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of products that use digital electronics to operate; adding an unlawful act to the Alaska Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Act; and providing for an effective date.
SB-111: Digital Product Repair
Sponsored by: Sen. Forrest Dunbar
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/26/2025
Commercial Fishing Insurance Co-op [HB-116]
An Act exempting from insurance regulation cooperative agreements entered into by two or more persons engaged in commercial fishing for the purpose of paying claims or losses.
AN ACT relating to state contracts. [HB-813]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 148, defining "state marina", "marina operator", and "license agreement"; allow the Finance and Administration Cabinet to enter into an agreement with a marina operator to renew or extend a license agreement or other agreements with a marina operator.
HB-813: AN ACT relating to state contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tipton
To State Government (h) on 02/27/2025
AN ACT relating to regional industrial taxing districts. [HB-707]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 65 to define terms; allow two or more local governments to form a regional industrial taxing district; establish requirements for an economic development project in a regional industrial taxing district; allow the district to levy a special ad valorem tax; allow local governments to impose an occupational license fee on businesses, trades, and professions performed, rendered, or conducted within a regional industrial taxing district; establish requirements for the occupational license fee and the revenues collected;
HB-707: AN ACT relating to regional industrial taxing districts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Deanna Frazier Gordon
To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to contracts. [HB-690]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 336 to define "covenant not to compete" and "covered employee"; provide that an employer shall not require a covered employee to enter into a covenant not to compete; set forth civil remedy, damages that can be recovered, and limitations to bring claim; provide that the provisions must be posted by the employer; indicate that an employer shall not retaliate against an employee for bringing a civil action; establish application of provisions; amend KRS 336.990 to provide civil penalties.
HB-690: AN ACT relating to contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Stevenson
To Economic Development & Workforce Investment (h) on 02/26/2025
AN ACT relating to state contracts. [HB-760]
Amend KRS 45A.110 to require the bidder or offeror to attest to not receiving two or more civil penalties under KRS Chapter 337, 338, 339, or 341 in order to be eligible to receive the written determination of responsibility.
HB-760: AN ACT relating to state contracts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrielle Camuel
Withdrawn on 02/20/2025
AN ACT relating to property rights to the use of an individual's image. [SB-7]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 365 to define terms; establish that every individual has property rights to images of his or her unclothed body; establish how those property rights may be transferred or terminated; provide for liability, enforcement, and damages resulting from a violation of those property rights.
SB-7: AN ACT relating to property rights to the use of an individual's image.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal
Received In House on 03/06/2025
AN ACT relating to government contracts and declaring an emergency. [HB-622]
Amend KRS 45A.030 to expand the definition of "contract"; amend KRS 45A.035 to require promulgation of administrative regulations to establish policies regarding timely payments under contracts; create a new section of KRS Chapter 45A to establish timely payment penalty and procedures; require the Finance and Administration Cabinet to submit a detailed report of interest penalties and reimbursement payments every six months due to payments not timely made to the Legislative Research Commission; EMERGENCY.
HB-622: AN ACT relating to government contracts and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King
Posted For Passage For Concurrence In Senate Committee Substitute (1) And Committee Amendment (1-title) on 03/14/2025
Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES Act) [SB-1025]
Establishing that each individual and a certain right holder have the right to authorize the use of the voice or visual likeness of the individual in a digital replica; providing that the right does not expire on the death of the individual and is transferable or licensable in a certain manner; providing that the right terminates after a certain period of time; requiring an online service to designate an agent for certain purposes; requiring the Secretary of State to maintain and make available certain information; etc.
SB-1025: Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Mautz
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/04/2025
You have voted SB-1025: Commercial Law - Voice and Visual Likeness - Digital Replication Rights (Nurture Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Entertainment Safe Act - NO FAKES Act).