HB-2547: Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act Private Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021 Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act Ending Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021 Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021 Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act Non-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021 SCAM Debt Act Ryan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021 Small Business Lending Fairness Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Meeks
Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 05/17/2021
You have voted HB-2547: Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act Private Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021 Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act Ending Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021 Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021 Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act Non-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021 SCAM Debt Act Ryan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021 Small Business Lending Fairness Act.
HB-2543: Studying Barriers to Housing Act Ensuring Diverse Leadership Act of 2022 Ensuring Diversity in Community Banking Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Joyce Beatty
Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 06/21/2022
Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act [HB-2537]
To amend the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to provide a timetable for the collection of medical debt by debt collectors, to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to prohibit consumer reporting agencies from issuing consumer reports containing information about debts related to medically necessary procedures, and for other purposes.
HB-2537: Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Rashida Tlaib
Introduced In House on 04/14/2021
Debt Bondage Repair Act [HB-2332]
To prohibit consumer reporting agencies from furnishing a consumer report containing any adverse item of information about a consumer if such consumer is a victim of trafficking, and for other purposes.
HB-2332: Debt Bondage Repair Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Lieu
Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 06/16/2021
Fair Access to Banking Act [HB-1729]
To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit certain financial service providers who deny fair access to financial services from using taxpayer funded discount window lending programs, and for other purposes.
HB-1729: Fair Access to Banking Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney
Introduced In House on 03/10/2021
Financial Inclusion in Banking Act of 2021 [HB-1711]
To amend the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to direct the Office of Community Affairs to identify causes leading to, and solutions for, under-banked, un-banked, and underserved consumers, and for other purposes.
HB-1711: Financial Inclusion in Banking Act of 2021
Sponsored by: Rep. David Scott
Received In The Senate And Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 05/19/2021
Protecting Consumer Access to Credit Act [HB-1645]
To amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to make improvements to the regulation of consumer reporting agencies and protect consumers, and for other purposes.
HB-1645: Protecting Consumer Access to Credit Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick McHenry
Introduced In House on 03/08/2021