Consumer Credit

US Congress 114th Congress

To require the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection to verify the accuracy of consumer complaint information before making such information available to the public. [HB-5491]
To require the Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection to verify the accuracy of consumer complaint information before making such information available to the public. This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to require the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to verify the accuracy of information in its consumer complaint database before making it available to the public.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mick Mulvaney Introduced In House on 06/15/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

To amend the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to require that no deference be given to the interpretation of consumer financial law by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, to define the scope of judicial review of Bureau actions, and for other purposes. [HB-5490]
To amend the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to require that no deference be given to the interpretation of consumer financial law by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, to define the scope of judicial review of Bureau actions, and for other purposes. This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to repeal the declaration that the deference that a court affords to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regarding its determination of the meaning or interpretation of any provision of a federal consumer (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Mia Love Referred To The Subcommittee On Regulatory Reform, Commercial And Antitrust Law. on 07/20/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Certainty in Enforcement Act of 2015 [HB-548]
Certainty in Enforcement Act of 2015 Amends equal employment opportunity requirements under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to deem an employer's, labor organization's, employment agency's, or joint labor management committee's consideration or use of credit or criminal records or information, as mandated by federal, state, or local law, to be job related and consistent with business necessity. Declares that such use of credit or criminal records shall not be the basis of liability under any theory of disparate impact. (Currently, an unlawful employment (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Duncan Hunter Referred To The Subcommittee On Workforce Protections. on 03/24/2015

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US Congress 114th Congress

To repeal section 1075 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 relating to rules for payment card transactions, and for other purposes. [HB-5465]
To repeal section 1075 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 relating to rules for payment card transactions, and for other purposes. This bill: (1) repeals provisions of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 that amended the Electronic Fund Transfer Act to authorize the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to prescribe regulations governing interchange transaction fees for electronic debit transactions, and (2) restores the law amended by such provisions as if they had not been enacted.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Labrador Introduced In House on 06/14/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Protecting Consumer Financial Information Act [HB-5455]
Protecting Consumer Financial Information Act This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to limit the authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), in conducting any required monitoring or assessment, to gather information from time to time regarding the organization, business conduct, markets, and activities of covered persons and service providers. The CFPB may gather information only on a sampling basis. The bill repeals CFPB authority to gather and compile information from examination reports concerning covered (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Barry Loudermilk Introduced In House on 06/10/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Bureau Advisory Opinion Act of 2016 [HB-5453]
Bureau Advisory Opinion Act of 2016 This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to require the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to establish a procedure and promulgate rules to provide written opinions in response to inquiries concerning conformance of specific proposed or prospective conduct by a covered person with federal consumer financial law. A "covered person" under the Act is: (1) any person that engages in offering or providing a consumer financial product or service, and (2) any affiliate of that person if (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Denny Heck Introduced In House on 06/10/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

CFPB Data Accountability Act [HB-5413]
CFPB Data Accountability Act This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to prescribe requirements for the consumer complaint website the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) must establish. The CFPB may only make consumer complaint information available to the public on the website in an aggregated format and after taking steps to ensure that proprietary, personal, or confidential consumer information is not made public. The CFPB must verify any consumer complaint information where the complaint alleges a violation of (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Garland Barr Introduced In House on 06/08/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Comprehensive Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 2016 [HB-5282]
Comprehensive Consumer Credit Reporting Reform Act of 2016 This bill amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act to revise requirements for reinvestigations of disputed information by a consumer reporting agency (CRA), establishing a new right to appeal, free of charge, completed disputes adverse to the consumer. The bill prescribes requirements for: dispute procedures for furnishers of information and CRAs, as well as meaningful disclosures to consumers about investigations and reinvestigations; and CRA action when notified of inaccurate or incomplete (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Eleanor Norton Introduced In House on 05/19/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

CFPB Dual Mandate and Economic Analysis Act [HB-5211]
CFPB Dual Mandate and Economic Analysis Act This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to revise the purpose of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regarding competition in markets for consumer financial products and services. The CFPB shall implement and, where applicable, enforce federal consumer financial law consistently for the purpose of strengthening private sector participation in markets, without government interference or subsidies, to increase competition and enhance consumer choice. The CFPB shall establish (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Stivers Introduced In House on 05/12/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Overdraft Protection Act of 2016 [HB-5198]
Overdraft Protection Act of 2016 This bill amends the Truth in Lending Act to prohibit a depository institution from engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with overdraft coverage, or in acts designed to evade the provisions of this Act. Each depository institution that offers or provides overdraft coverage for transaction accounts held at the institution shall clearly and conspicuously disclose overdraft coverage fees. It must also disclose that, if a consumer does not opt-in to such overdraft coverage: the consumer's transaction (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Janice Schakowsky Introduced In House on 05/11/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Small Business Credit Card Act of 2016 [HB-5156]
Small Business Credit Card Act of 2016 This bill amends the Truth in Lending Act to cover any qualified small business as a consumer with respect to a credit card account under an open end credit plan (thereby extending credit card protections under such Act to small businesses). The bill defines "qualified small business" under the Act as any business concern having 50 or fewer employees, whether or not: (1) the credit card account is in the name of an individual or a business entity, and (2) any credit transaction involving such account is for (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Nita Lowey Introduced In House on 04/29/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Uniformity Act [HB-5112]
Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices Uniformity Act This bill amends the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 to repeal the authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to take action to prevent a covered person or service provider from committing or engaging in an abusive act or practice under federal law in connection with any transaction with a consumer for a consumer financial product or service, or the offering of one. Regarding CFPB authority over deceptive acts, the bill prohibits the CFPB from taking any action against (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Pete Sessions Introduced In House on 04/28/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Free Credit Score Act of 2016 [HB-5058]
Free Credit Score Act of 2016 This bill amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act to require nationwide consumer reporting agencies to include the consumer's credit score when furnishing a consumer with a free annual report.


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. on 04/29/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

SAFE Lending Act of 2016 Stopping Abuse and Fraud in Electronic Lending Act of 2016 [HB-5023]
SAFE Lending Act of 2016 Stopping Abuse and Fraud in Electronic Lending Act of 2016 This bill amends the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) to declare that a remotely created check may only be issued by a person specifically designated in writing by the consumer to the insured depository institution at which the consumer maintains the account from which the check is drawn. A remotely created check is a paper or electronic check that: is not created by the financial institution that holds the customer account from which the check is to be paid; (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Introduced In House on 04/21/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Elder Protection and Abuse Prevention Act [HB-5018]
Elder Protection and Abuse Prevention Act This bill amends the Older Americans Act of 1965 to direct the Administration on Aging of the Department of Health and Human Services to: (1) ensure that all programs funded under such Act include appropriate training in elder abuse prevention and services addressing elder justice and exploitation; and (2) update periodically the need for such training related to prevention of abuse, neglect, and exploitation (including financial exploitation) of older adults. The Administration has a duty and function to: (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Lee Referred To The Subcommittee On Higher Education And Workforce Training. on 09/19/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Financial Literacy for Financial Aid Act [HB-5016]
Financial Literacy for Financial Aid Act


Sponsored by: Rep. Pete Olson Referred To The Subcommittee On Higher Education And Workforce Training. on 09/19/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Fair Access to Credit Scores Act of 2016 [HB-5010]
Fair Access to Credit Scores Act of 2016 This bill amends the Fair Credit Reporting Act to require certain consumer reporting agencies to disclose, upon request and without charge, as part of a consumer's free annual disclosure, a current credit score generated using the scoring methodology most frequently used to generate scores sold to creditors, including information regarding other risk scores or predictors in the consumer's file. Those agencies shall also furnish any other consumer information the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau considers (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Introduced In House on 04/20/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act [HB-4997]
Home Mortgage Disclosure Adjustment Act This bill amends the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 1975 to exempt from maintenance of mortgage loan records and disclosure requirements depository institutions that have originated in each of the two preceding calendar years: fewer than 100 closed-end mortgage loans, and fewer than 200 open-end lines of credit.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Emmer Introduced In House on 04/20/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

Individual Refund Security Act [HB-4970]
Individual Refund Security Act This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to prohibit tax refunds from being issued to prepaid debit cards, unless: (1) the Department of the Treasury has verified the identity of the account holder, and (2) the refund is issued no earlier than 21 days after the date on which the tax return is filed. Treasury must conduct the verification required by this bill in the same manner that is used to verify the identity of account holders suspected of being victims of identity theft.


Sponsored by: Rep. Matt Salmon Introduced In House on 04/15/2016

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US Congress 114th Congress

State and Tribal Government Sovereignty Protection Act of 2016 [HB-4737]
State and Tribal Government Sovereignty Protection Act of 2016 This bill establishes a moratorium period during which the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) may not issue or enforce any rule or regulation governing payday loans, vehicle title loans, or other similar loans. The Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 is amended to prohibit the CFPB from issuing any final rule or regulation to regulate payday loans, vehicle title loans, or other similar loans, unless it first: (1) consults with appropriate state, tribal, and local officials (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Randy Neugebauer Introduced In House on 03/14/2016

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