Sex Offender & Crimes Against Minors Registry Act; amends to add solicitation of prostitution. [HB-235]
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act; solicitation of prostitution; pandering; minors. Amends the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry Act to add solicitation of prostitution from a minor and pandering involving a minor. The bill also provides that a person who engages in pandering involving a minor is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
HB-235: Sex Offender & Crimes Against Minors Registry Act; amends to add solicitation of prostitution.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0649) on 04/06/2014
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; VSP to establish supplement (Robby's Rule). [HB-195]
Supplement to the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry (Robby's Rule). Requires the Superintendent of State Police to establish and maintain a supplement to the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry that would include the names of persons who have committed offenses that would require registration if the offense occurred today, but who are not otherwise required to register. Any attorney for the Commonwealth or law-enforcement officer may submit a request to the Department of State Police to include a person on the supplement
HB-195: Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; VSP to establish supplement (Robby's Rule).
Sponsored by: Rep. David Ramadan
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/12/2014
Sex offenders; reregistration, name change. [HB-1251]
Sex offenders; reregistration; name change. Provides that a person required to register with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry must reregister in person with the local law-enforcement agency within three days following a change of the person's name and that a person who is incarcerated or civilly committed must notify the Registry within three days following a name change. Currently, there is no time specified for when such person has to reregister. The bill also requires that the information contained in the Registry must include
HB-1251: Sex offenders; reregistration, name change.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Ramadan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0677) on 04/06/2014
Line of Duty Act; funding and review. [HB-1230]
Line of Duty Act; funding and review. Creates a Line of Duty Death and Health Benefits Fund and provides for the funding of Line of Duty claims. The bill also establishes an advisory review board to assist the Comptroller in the review of claims involving a claimant who has not received a disability determination from the Virginia Retirement System, Social Security Administration, Workers' Compensation Commission, or any recognized retirement system or who is, as of the time the claim for benefits had been filed, working in an alternative position.
HB-1230: Line of Duty Act; funding and review.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Sickles
Left In Appropriations on 02/12/2014
School Safety, Virginia Center for; bullying. [HB-1187]
Virginia Center for School Safety; bullying. Requires the Virginia Center for School Safety to use the definition of bullying found in §22.1-276.01 of the Code of Virginia for purposes of training on evidence-based antibullying tactics and providing information to school divisions regarding school safety concerns.
HB-1187: School Safety, Virginia Center for; bullying.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0092) on 03/03/2014
Auxiliary police officers; firearms training standard. [HB-1174]
Firearms training standard; auxiliary police officers. Provides that the minimum training standards for auxiliary police officers employed by any local or state government agency established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services shall include optional firearms training requirements in accordance with the specific requirements of any such agency.
HB-1174: Auxiliary police officers; firearms training standard.
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Comstock
Stricken At The Request Of Patron In Courts Of Justice (14-y 0-n) on 02/19/2014
Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund; local fee. [HB-1049]
Independent criminal justice academies; fee. Changes the date by which a locality must have been operating a certified independent criminal justice academy from July 1, 2010, to July 1, 2012, to allow certain localities to charge a fee for operating their criminal justice academies.
HB-1049: Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund; local fee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gordon Helsel
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0431) on 03/31/2014
Probation violations; intermediate sanctions. [HB-2339]
Probation violations; intermediate sanctions. Authorizes a court to delegate the authority to impose an intermediate sanction on an offender who has violated any term or condition of his probation to a probation officer or a community-based probation officer. The bill authorizes a probation officer to commit such offender to a local or regional jail for a period of no more than five consecutive days, provided that (i) the probation officer's supervisor has approved the commitment of the offender, (ii) the probation officer has issued a noncompliance
Prisoners; mental health screening at local correctional facilities. [SB-1442]
Mental health screening of inmates at local correctional facilities. Requires that the staff of a local correctional facility screen persons admitted to the facility for mental illness using a scientifically validated instrument designated by the Commissioner of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The bill provides that if the screening indicates that a person may have a mental illness, an assessment of his need for mental services shall be conducted within 72 hours of the time of the screening by a qualified mental health professional,
SB-1442: Prisoners; mental health screening at local correctional facilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Left In Appropriations on 02/21/2017
Criminal Justice Services Board; citizen membership. [HB-2322]
Criminal Justice Services Board. Replaces the member representing the Virginia Crime Prevention Association with a member representing the Virginia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators since the Virginia Crime Prevention Association is no longer in existence.
Statewide Fire Prevention Code; authority of Va. Fire Services Bd., fees for school inspections. [SB-1365]
Statewide Fire Prevention Code; authority of the Virginia Fire Services Board; fees for school inspections. Transfers primary authority for the adoption of the Statewide Fire Prevention Code from the Board of Housing and Community Development to the Virginia Fire Services Board. The bill also removes the prohibition against the State Fire Marshal's charging fees for school inspections. The bill contains technical amendments.
SB-1365: Statewide Fire Prevention Code; authority of Va. Fire Services Bd., fees for school inspections.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards
Committee Amendments on 01/30/2017
Human trafficking identification and awareness training; DCJS to adopt regulations. [SB-1407]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; human trafficking identification and awareness training. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) to adopt regulations that make compulsory for all law-enforcement personnel the Department's training standards regarding sensitivity to and awareness of human trafficking offenses, the identification of human traffickers, and identification of and assistance for victims of human trafficking offenses. Current law requires such training only for personnel in criminal investigations
SB-1407: Human trafficking identification and awareness training; DCJS to adopt regulations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Passed By Indefinitely In Courts Of Justice (9-y 6-n) on 01/30/2017
Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. [SB-1300]
Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. Creates the Virginia Firearms Safety and Training for Sexual and Domestic Violence Victims Fund. The bill provides that the Department of Criminal Justice Services may distribute funds from the Fund to reimburse an entity that offers a firearms safety or training course or class approved by the Department free of charge to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, or family abuse. The Department would not be permitted to issue reimbursements in excess of the amount
SB-1300: Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Vogel
Requires 27 Affirmative Votes To Override Veto on 04/05/2017
Line of Duty Act; clarifies provisions of Act. [HB-2243]
Line of Duty Act. Clarifies provisions of the Line of Duty Act, including clarifying that suspension or reinstatement of health insurance benefits begins and ends at the beginning of a health insurance plan year rather than in the middle of a plan year and recognizing current practice that the Line of Duty Act administrator provides materials for training. The bill codifies certain provisions of the Line of Duty Act that currently are in the appropriation act. The bill modifies the provision that would have disqualified, effective July 1, 2017,
HB-2243: Line of Duty Act; clarifies provisions of Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. S. Chris Jones
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0439) on 03/13/2017
Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn cameras. [HB-2134]
Local law-enforcement agencies; body-worn cameras. Requires localities to adopt and establish a written policy for the operation of a body-worn camera system, as defined in the bill, that conforms to the model policy established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) prior to purchasing or deploying a body-worn camera system. The bill requires the Department to establish a model policy for the operation of body-worn camera systems and the storage and maintenance of body-worn camera system records.
Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations, disclosure of report. [HB-2099]
Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations; disclosure of report. Provides that an attorney for the Commonwealth shall disclose a report of his findings for any "officer-involved shooting" if no criminal charges are brought against a law-enforcement officer, or, alternatively, if charges are brought, the attorney for the Commonwealth shall issue a general statement disclosing the general purpose of bringing such charges or seeking an indictment. The bill directs the Department of Criminal Justice Services to develop a model policy
HB-2099: Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations, disclosure of report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/07/2017
Officer-involved deaths; community-policing programs and training standards. [HB-2118]
Model policy regarding officer-involved deaths; community-policing programs and training standards. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish a model policy regarding the independent review of all officer-involved shootings. The bill also requires that the Department periodically review community-policing programs and establish training standards to ensure sensitivity to and awareness of persons who have a mental illness, substance abuse addiction, or developmental disability.
HB-2118: Officer-involved deaths; community-policing programs and training standards.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Keam
Tabled In Militia, Police And Public Safety By Voice Vote on 01/27/2017
Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn cameras. [HB-2117]
Local law-enforcement agencies; body-worn cameras. Requires localities to adopt and establish a written policy for the operation of a body-worn camera system, as defined in the bill, that conforms to the model policy established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) prior to purchasing or deploying a body-worn camera system. The bill requires the Department to establish a model policy for the operation of body-worn camera systems and the storage and maintenance of body-worn camera system records.