DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. [HB-1894]
DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. Expands the responsibilities of the Department of Criminal Justice Services regarding community policing by requiring the compulsory training standards for basic training and recertification of law-enforcement officers to include fair and impartial policing, verbal de-escalation, and needs of special populations. The bill changes the term "community policing" to "community engaged policing."
HB-1894: DCJS training standards; community engaged policing.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Left In Appropriations on 02/08/2017
Criminal Justice Services Board and its Committee on Training; citizen membership. [HB-1951]
Criminal Justice Services Board. Adds to both the Criminal Justice Services Board (the Board) and its Training Committee one citizen member representing community interests. The bill also replaces the member of the Board representing the Virginia Crime Prevention Association, which is no longer in existence, with a member representing the Virginia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. The bill also directs the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, in consultation with the Governor, to review the current composition of
HB-1951: Criminal Justice Services Board and its Committee on Training; citizen membership.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0206) on 02/23/2017
Line of Duty Act; Act includes firefighter trainees. [SB-1118]
Line of Duty Act; firefighter trainees. Includes under the Line of Duty Act a person with a recognized membership status with a fire company or department who is enrolled in a Fire Service Training course offered by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs or required to become a certified firefighter.
SB-1118: Line of Duty Act; Act includes firefighter trainees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0627) on 03/20/2017
Victim and witness assistance programs; DCJS to develop guidelines. [HB-1896]
Staff of victim and witness assistance programs. Provides that guidelines developed by the Department of Criminal Justice Services related to the creation of victim and witness assistance programs shall include provisions requiring that local victim witness assistance staff shall be considered employees of the locality within which the program is established and that no elected official shall have authority to appoint or remove such staff.
HB-1896: Victim and witness assistance programs; DCJS to develop guidelines.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholas Freitas
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
Model addiction recovery program; DCJS, et al., to develop. [HB-1845]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; model addiction recovery program; jails. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services, in consultation with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, to develop a model addiction recovery program that may be administered by sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, jail officers, administrators, or superintendents in any local or regional jail. The bill provides that such programs shall be based on existing addiction recovery programs being administered by any local or regional jails in the
HB-1845: Model addiction recovery program; DCJS, et al., to develop.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0758) on 03/24/2017
Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. [HB-1853]
Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. Creates the Virginia Firearms Safety and Training for Sexual and Domestic Violence Victims Fund. The bill provides that the Department of Criminal Justice Services may distribute funds from the Fund to reimburse an entity that offers a firearms safety or training course or class approved by the Department free of charge to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, or family abuse. The Department would not be permitted to issue reimbursements in excess of the amount
HB-1853: Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rick Morris
(67 Affirmative Votes Required To Override) on 04/05/2017
Prisoners; mental health screening upon admission to a local correctional facility. [HB-1783]
Mental health screening of prisoners in local correctional facilities. Requires that the staff of a local, regional, or community correctional facility screen persons admitted to the facility for mental illness using a scientifically validated instrument identified by the Department of Criminal Justice Services in consultation with the State Board of Corrections and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The bill also requires that these entities develop and deliver a training program for employees of such facilities in
HB-1783: Prisoners; mental health screening upon admission to a local correctional facility.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
Left In Appropriations on 02/08/2017
DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. [SB-1047]
DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. Expands the responsibilities of the Department of Criminal Justice Services regarding community policing by requiring the compulsory training standards for basic training and recertification of law-enforcement officers to include fair and impartial policing, verbal de-escalation, and needs of special populations. The bill changes the term "community policing" to "community engaged policing."
SB-1047: DCJS training standards; community engaged policing.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Left In Appropriations on 02/21/2017
Mental health awareness training; law enforcement officers, firefighters, etc. [SB-1064]
Mental health awareness training; law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to develop compulsory training standards for law-enforcement officers regarding mental health awareness. The bill also emergency medical services personnel, and firefighters other than volunteer firefighters to participate in a mental health awareness program created or certified by the Mental Health Work Group, established in the Department of Fire Programs.
SB-1064: Mental health awareness training; law enforcement officers, firefighters, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/21/2017
Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations; disclosure of report. [SB-1000]
Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations; disclosure of report. Provides that an attorney for the Commonwealth shall disclose a report of his findings for any "officer-involved shooting" if no criminal charges are brought against a law-enforcement officer, or, alternatively, if charges are brought, the attorney for the Commonwealth shall issue a general statement disclosing the general purpose of bringing such charges or seeking an indictment. The bill directs the Department of Criminal Justice Services to develop a model policy
SB-1000: Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations; disclosure of report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mamie Locke
Committee Substitute Printed To Lis Only 17104782d-s1 on 01/25/2017
Business advertising material; expands definition. [HB-1629]
Business advertising material; private security services businesses. Expands the definition of business advertising material as it relates to private security services businesses to include any electronic medium, including the Internet, social media, and digital advertising.
HB-1629: Business advertising material; expands definition.
Sponsored by: Rep. Hyland Fowler
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0085) on 02/20/2017
Private security; compliance agent experience, surety bond. [HB-1628]
Private security; compliance agent experience; surety bond. Removes the requirement that a compliance agent for a private security services business have either five years of experience or three years of managerial or supervisory experience in a private security services business, a state or local law-enforcement agency, or a related field. The bill also removes the option for a private security services business or a private security services training school to be covered by a bond in lieu of liability insurance. The bill provides that it will
Mental health screening of prisoners at local correctional facilities. [SB-940]
Mental health screening of inmates at local correctional facilities. Requires that the staff of a local correctional facility screen persons admitted to the facility for mental illness using a scientifically validated instrument designated by the Commissioner of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. The bill provides that if the screening indicates that a person may have a mental illness, an assessment of his need for mental services shall be conducted within 72 hours of the time of the screening by a qualified mental health professional,
SB-940: Mental health screening of prisoners at local correctional facilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Left In Appropriations on 02/21/2017
Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of Military Affairs employees. [SB-939]
Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of Military Affairs employees. Confers eligibility for death benefits under the Line of Duty Act to all employees of the Department of Military Affairs not currently eligible for such benefits whose death is the direct or proximate result of the performance of official duties of the agency when those duties are related to a major disaster or emergency.
SB-939: Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of Military Affairs employees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Passed By Indefinitely In Finance With Letter (16-y 0-n) on 02/01/2017
DCJS training; jail officers; mental health first aid. [SB-933]
DCJS training; jail officers; mental health first aid. Requires that the compulsory training standards established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services for persons employed as deputy sheriffs and jail officers by local criminal justice agencies include annual training in mental health first aid. This bill was incorporated into SB 940.
SB-933: DCJS training; jail officers; mental health first aid.
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Favola
Incorporated By Finance on 01/31/2017
Mental health awareness training; law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency personnel. [HB-1480]
Mental health awareness training; law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel. Requires the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) to establish and administer a mental health awareness program for training persons in emergency services professions in recognizing potential mental health issues and assisting themselves and each other with mental health issues. The bill requires DBHDS to create and administer a process by which a program not created by DBHDS can be certified as a qualified
HB-1480: Mental health awareness training; law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency personnel.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
Concealed handguns; authorization and training for persons designated to carry on school property. [HB-1469]
Authorization and training for persons designated to carry concealed handguns on school property. Permits a school board or an administrator of a private school to designate one or more employees of the school who may carry a concealed handgun on school property. Any person designated to carry a concealed handgun must be certified and trained by the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety or the National Rifle Association in the storage, use, and handling of a concealed handgun. The bill also outlines the training requirements for designated
HB-1469: Concealed handguns; authorization and training for persons designated to carry on school property.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cole
Left In Education on 02/07/2017
Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. [SB-850]
Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act. Creates the Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act to establish procedural guarantees for correctional officers when allegations are made against such officers involving matters that may lead to their dismissal, demotion, suspension, or transfer for punitive reasons.
Law-enforcement officers; de-escalation training requirement. [SB-811]
Law-enforcement officer training; de-escalation training requirement. Adds a requirement for training in de-escalation techniques to the compulsory training standards developed by the Department of Criminal Justice Services for basic training and recertification of law-enforcement officers.
SB-811: Law-enforcement officers; de-escalation training requirement.
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Favola
Failed To Report (defeated) In Courts Of Justice (6-y 6-n) on 01/16/2017
Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries. [HB-1416]
Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries. Increases from $100,000 to $125,000 the sum payable out of the general fund to the beneficiary of a deceased law-enforcement officer or other person covered by the Line of Duty Act whose death occurred on or after January 1, 2006, while in the line of duty as the direct or proximate result of the performance of his duty.
HB-1416: Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Left In Appropriations on 02/08/2017