Commonwealth Public Safety

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. [SB-619]
Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. Expands the definition of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act to include probation and parole officers whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of their duty.


Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas Left In Finance on 12/02/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Human trafficking training; DCJS to establish for law-enforcement, etc. [SB-135]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; teacher licensure; human trafficking training. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish compulsory training standards for law-enforcement personnel involved in criminal investigations or assigned to vehicle or street patrol duties to ensure that law-enforcement personnel are sensitive to and aware of human trafficking offenses and identification of human trafficking offenses. The bill also requires every person seeking initial licensure as a teacher and every person seeking renewal (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Left In Education And Health on 12/02/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. [HB-1161]
Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act. Creates the Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act to establish procedural guarantees for correctional officers when allegations are made against such officers involving matters that may lead to their dismissal, demotion, suspension, or transfer for punitive reasons.


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory Left In Appropriations on 12/01/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Line of Duty Act; certain employees of DOC included in definition of deceased person under Act. [SB-297]
Line of Duty Act; certain employees of the Department of Corrections. Expands the definition of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act to include employees of the Department of Corrections with internal investigations authority whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of their duty.


Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas Left In Finance on 12/02/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Human trafficking training; DCJS to establish for law-enforcement, etc. [HB-678]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; human trafficking training. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish compulsory training standards for law-enforcement personnel involved in criminal investigations or assigned to vehicle or street patrol duties to ensure that law-enforcement personnel are sensitive to and aware of human trafficking offenses


Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts Left In Finance on 12/02/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. [SB-93]
Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act. Creates the Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act to establish procedural guarantees for correctional officers when allegations are made against such officers involving matters that may lead to their dismissal, demotion, suspension, or transfer for punitive reasons.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden Left In Appropriations on 12/01/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. [HB-1193]
Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. Expands the definition of a deceased person under the Line of Duty Act to include probation and parole officers whose death occurs as a direct or proximate result of the performance of their duty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr Left In Appropriations on 12/01/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

School security officers; carrying a firearm in performance of duties. [HB-1392]
School security officers; carrying a firearm in performance of duties. Authorizes a school security officer to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties if (i) within 10 years immediately prior to being hired by the local school board he was an active law-enforcement officer in the Commonwealth; (ii) he retired or resigned from his position as a law-enforcement officer in good standing; (iii) he meets the training and qualifications to carry a concealed handgun as a retired law-enforcement officer; (iv) he has met the additional training (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0311) on 03/13/2017

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Line of Duty Act; includes firefighters and emergency medical services trainees in Act. [SB-523]
Line of Duty Act; firefighters and emergency medical services trainees. Includes persons enrolled in a Fire Service Training course offered by the Virginia Department of Fire Programs under the Line of Duty Act.


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Saslaw Left In Finance on 12/02/2016

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. [HB-768]
Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. Provides that the Department of Criminal Justice Services may distribute funds from the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund to reimburse an entity that offers a firearms safety or training course or class approved by the Department free of charge to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, and family abuse. The bill also requires that, upon the issuance of a protective order, the petitioner for the order be provided with a list of such approved courses (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Miyares Left In Finance on 12/02/2016

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