Commonwealth Public Safety

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

DNA data bank sample tracking system; replaces certain references in Code. [HB-748]
Department of Forensic Science; DNA data bank sample tracking system. Replaces certain references in the Code to the Local Inmate Data System with references to the Department of Forensic Science DNA data bank sample tracking system.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0042) on 04/01/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Civilian deaths in custody; report. [HB-801]
Civilian deaths in custody; report. Requires every law-enforcement agency and correctional facility to report to the Department of Criminal Justice Services certain information regarding the death of any person who is detained, under arrest or in the process of being arrested, en route to be incarcerated, incarcerated, or otherwise in the custody of such law-enforcement agency or correctional facility. The bill provides that any law-enforcement agency or correctional facility that fails to comply may, at the discretion of the Department, be declared (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Marcia Price Left In Public Safety on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention, Virginia Center for; established. [HB-825]
Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention; Virginia Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund; creation. Establishes the Virginia Center for Firearm Violence Intervention and Prevention (the Center) within the Department of Criminal Justice Services and transfers to the Center the administration of the existing Virginia Gun Violence Intervention and Prevention Fund.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Left In Public Safety on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Marcus alert system; participation in the system is optional for localities, etc. [SB-361]
Marcus alert system; participation. Extends the date by which localities shall establish voluntary databases to be made available to the 9-1-1 alert system and the Marcus alert system to provide relevant mental health information and emergency contact information for appropriate response to an emergency or crisis from July 1, 2021, to July 1, 2023, and provides an exemption to the requirement that localities establish protocols for local law-enforcement agencies to enter into memorandums of agreement with mobile crisis response providers regarding (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0613) on 04/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Human trafficking; trauma-informed training for law-enforcement personnel. [HB-412]
Human trafficking training for law-enforcement personnel. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish standards for law-enforcement personnel regarding trauma-informed training for the recognition, prevention, and reporting of human trafficking.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph McNamara Left In Public Safety on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund; purpose, fee apportionment. [SB-299]
Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund; purpose; fee apportionment. Provides that the Department of Criminal Justice Services shall adopt guidelines to make funds from the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund, which is used to support the prosecution of domestic violence cases and victim services, available to sexual assault service providers and hospitals for the purpose of funding the cost of salaries and equipment for sexual assault forensic examiners, sexual assault nurse examiners, and pediatric forensic nurses, with (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan Continued To 2023 In Finance And Appropriations (15-y 1-n) on 02/02/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Drug-related investigations; use of confidential informants. [HB-428]
Use of confidential informants in drug-related investigations. Directs the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish a model policy for the use of confidential informants in drug-related investigations and to include in such model policy that (i) no individual currently on probation may serve as a confidential informant without notice to his probation or parole officer, (ii) no individual who has recently violated the terms of his probation or parole shall serve as a confidential informant, (iii) law-enforcement personnel shall obtain (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Early Identification System (EIS); DCJS to establish. [HB-611]
Conduct of law-enforcement officers; establishment of an Early Identification System. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) to establish a best practices model for the implementation, training, and management of an Early Identification System (EIS). The bill defines an EIS as a system through which a law-enforcement agency collects and manages data to identify and assess patterns of behavior, including misconduct and high-risk behavior, or performance of law-enforcement officers and law-enforcement agency employees. (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby Tabled In Public Safety (11-y 10-n) on 02/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Human trafficking; training for law-enforcement personnel. [HB-283]
Human trafficking training for law-enforcement personnel. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish training standards for law-enforcement personnel regarding the recognition, prevention, and reporting of human trafficking.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0045) on 04/01/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Human Trafficking Victim Support Certification Program; victim support certificate. [HB-260]
Sex Trafficking Response Coordinator; Human Trafficking Victim Support Certification Program; victim service providers. Requires all victim service providers working or volunteering for a treatment program for victims of human trafficking, including sex trafficking, to obtain a human trafficking victim support certificate through the Human Trafficking Victim Support Certification Program developed by the Sex Trafficking Response Coordinator within the Department of Criminal Justice Services and to renew such certificate through the Program every (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Shelly Simonds Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Hotels; human trafficking training. [HB-258]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; hotels; human trafficking training. Directs the Department of Criminal Justice Services, under the direction of the Criminal Justice Services Board, to develop an online course to train hotel proprietors and their employees, as defined in the bill, to recognize and report instances of suspected human trafficking. The bill provides that such online course shall be provided at no cost to the hotel proprietors and their employees. The bill requires that every hotel proprietor require its employees to complete (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0751) on 04/27/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

DNA data bank sample tracking system; replaces certain references in Code. [SB-150]
Department of Forensic Science; DNA data bank sample tracking system. Replaces certain references in the Code to the Local Inmate Data System with references to the Department of Forensic Science DNA data bank sample tracking system.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0041) on 04/01/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Criminal records; sealing of records. [HB-181]
Criminal records; sealing of records; repeal. Repeals provisions not yet effective allowing for the automatic and petition-based sealing of police and court records for certain convictions, deferred dispositions, and acquittals and for offenses that have been nolle prossed or otherwise dismissed.


Sponsored by: Rep. Margaret Ransone Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies; removes the authority of a locality to establish. [HB-110]
Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies. Removes the Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies. Removes the authority of a locality to establish a law-enforcement civilian oversight body. Under current law, law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies may (i) receive, investigate, and issue findings on complaints from civilians regarding conduct of law-enforcement officers and civilian employees; (ii) investigate and issue findings on incidents, including the use of force by a law-enforcement officer, death or serious injury to any person held in (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John McGuire Left In Public Safety on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; minimum rights. [HB-70]
Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; minimum rights. Provides that the rights accorded to law-enforcement officers in the Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act are minimum rights and all law-enforcement agencies shall adopt grievance procedures that are consistent with such rights. The bill removes the current exception from the provisions of the Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act for any law-enforcement officer or law-enforcement agency that serves under the authority of a locality that has established a (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Wilt Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary (9-y 6-n) on 02/28/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

School boards; employment of at least one school resource officer in public middle and high school. [HB-37]
School boards; school resource officers; employment; threat assessment. Requires each school board to enter into a collaborative agreement with the local law-enforcement agency to employ at least one school resource officer in each public middle and high school in the local school division and at least one school resource officer per five public elementary schools in the local school division, who is required to serve in each such elementary school on a rotating basis. The bill also requires each division superintendent to include on the threat (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson Left In Education on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Law-enforcement officers; exemption from certain training requirements. [SB-17]
Employment of retired law-enforcement officers; exemption from certain training requirements. Provides that the Director of the Department of Criminal Justice Services shall exempt a law-enforcement officer who has demonstrated sensitivity to cultural diversity issues, had previous experience and training as a law-enforcement officer, is currently receiving or is eligible to receive a service retirement allowance, and has a break in service of no longer than 60 calendar months between retirement and new employment as a law-enforcement officer from (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Travis Hackworth Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0704) on 04/27/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

School security officers; scope of employment, certain veterans permitted to carry. [HB-8]
School security officers; scope of employment; School security officers; scope of employment; carrying firearm in performance of duties. Provides that each school security officer, in addition to performing each enumerated duty, is responsible for carrying out any other duty assigned to him by the local school board, excluding enforcement of discipline reserved solely and exclusively to school administrators. The bill permits a school security officer to carry a firearm in the performance of his duties if (i) within 10 years immediately prior to (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert Passed By Indefinitely In Rules (13-y 3-n) on 03/04/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2021 Special I

Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies; deputy sheriffs. [HB-2291]
Law-enforcement civilian oversight bodies; deputy sheriffs. Adds a sheriff's office to those law-enforcement agencies that may be overseen by a law-enforcement civilian oversight body created by a locality and adds a nonprobationary deputy sheriff of a sheriff's office to those law-enforcement officers who are subject to such body if created by a locality. The bill provides that any disciplinary determinations made by the law-enforcement civilian oversight body on any nonprobationary deputy sheriff shall be advisory only and that if the sheriff's (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary (12-y 2-n 1-a) on 02/17/2021

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2021 Special I

Line of Duty Act; Virginia licensed health practitioners required to conduct medical reviews. [SB-1367]
Line of Duty Act; requiring licensed health practitioners to conduct medical reviews. Requires that, for any medical review of a claim made pursuant to the provisions of the Line of Duty Act, the Virginia Retirement System shall require that such review be conducted by a doctor, nurse, or psychologist who is licensed in the Commonwealth or a contiguous state. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2022.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bill DeSteph Left In Appropriations on 03/01/2021

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