Public Safety & Homeland Security, & Veterans & Defense Affairs, Secretaries of; transfer of powers. [SB-381]
Secretary of Public Safety; Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security; transfer of certain powers and duties. Renames the Secretary of Public Safety as the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and reassigns duties currently assigned to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security relating to homeland security. The bill renames the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security as the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs. The bill also incorporates portions of the JLARC report relating to improvements to
SB-381: Public Safety & Homeland Security, & Veterans & Defense Affairs, Secretaries of; transfer of powers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0490) on 04/02/2014
Forensic Science Board; membership of Scientific Advisory Committee. [SB-342]
Forensic Science Board; Scientific Advisory Committee; membership. Provides that the positions on the Scientific Advisory Committee that are required to be filled by members of the Board of the International Association for Identification and the Board of the Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners may be filled by persons who are on the respective boards when initially appointed. Current law requires that the appointees be board members throughout their terms.
SB-342: Forensic Science Board; membership of Scientific Advisory Committee.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan McDougle
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0253) on 03/17/2014
Line of Duty Act; funding and review. [SB-289]
Line of Duty Act; funding and review. Creates a Line of Duty Death and Health Benefits Fund and provides for the funding of Line of Duty claims. The bill also establishes an advisory review board to assist the Comptroller in the review of claims involving a claimant who has not received a disability determination from the Virginia Retirement System, Social Security Administration, Workers' Compensation Commission, or any recognized retirement system or who is, as of the time the claim for benefits had been filed, working in an alternative position.
SB-289: Line of Duty Act; funding and review.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Committee Substitute Printed To Web Only 14104282d-s1 on 01/21/2014
Private security services businesses; exception for certified public accountants. [HB-897]
Private security services businesses; exception for certified public accountants. Provides that a certified public accountant (CPA) authorized to practice in the Commonwealth and his employees are excepted from the licensing, certification, and training requirements for private security services businesses. Currently, CPAs who are licensed to practice in the Commonwealth are excepted from these requirements, but other CPAs who are authorized to practice in the Commonwealth, i.e., out-of-state license holders, are not.
HB-897: Private security services businesses; exception for certified public accountants.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Peace
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0214) on 03/07/2014
Public Safety & Homeland Security, & Veterans & Defense Affairs, Secretaries of; transfer of powers. [HB-730]
Secretary of Public Safety; Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security; transfer of certain powers and duties. Renames the Secretary of Public Safety as the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security and reassigns duties currently assigned to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security relating to homeland security. The bill renames the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security as the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs. The bill also incorporates portions of the JLARC report relating to improvements to
HB-730: Public Safety & Homeland Security, & Veterans & Defense Affairs, Secretaries of; transfer of powers.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0115) on 03/03/2014
Private security services businesses; exempt from training requirements established by DCJS, etc. [HB-609]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; private security services businesses; exemption from training. Provides that the Department of Criminal Justice Services may grant a full exemption from compulsory training for certain persons employed by private security services businesses if such persons have already received training that meets or exceeds the minimum standards approved by the Department. Currently, the Department may only grant a partial exemption from compulsory training.
HB-609: Private security services businesses; exempt from training requirements established by DCJS, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Roxann Robinson
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0032) on 02/27/2014
Criminal Justice Services, Department of; human trafficking policy. [HB-595]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; human trafficking policy. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services to establish compulsory training standards and publish and disseminate a model policy or guideline for law-enforcement personnel involved in criminal investigations or assigned to vehicle or street patrol duties to ensure that law-enforcement personnel are sensitive to and aware of human trafficking offenses and the identification of victims of human trafficking offenses.
HB-595: Criminal Justice Services, Department of; human trafficking policy.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis
Left In Appropriations on 02/12/2014
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; registration of juveniles, etc. [HB-523]
Registration of juveniles; petition for removal from registry. Requires juveniles adjudicated delinquent of rape, forcible sodomy, or object sexual penetration to register on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry. The bill also provides a procedure for removal of the name of a person who was adjudicated delinquent as a juvenile from the Registry.
HB-523: Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; registration of juveniles, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Albo
Passed By Indefinitely In Courts Of Justice (9-y 6-n) on 02/17/2014
Forensic Science Board; membership of Scientific Advisory Committee. [HB-517]
Forensic Science Board; Scientific Advisory Committee; membership. Provides that the positions on the Scientific Advisory Committee that are required to be filled by members of the Board of the International Association for Identification and the Board of the Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners may be filled by persons who are on the respective boards when initially appointed. Current law requires that the appointees be board members throughout their terms.
HB-517: Forensic Science Board; membership of Scientific Advisory Committee.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rick Morris
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0102) on 03/03/2014
Public safety employees; testing for blood-borne pathogens. [HB-395]
Public safety employees; testing for blood-borne pathogens. Adds the Department of Forensic Science to the definition of "public safety agency," employees of which may be requested or required to undergo testing for certain blood-borne pathogens following involvement in exposure prone incidents.
HB-395: Public safety employees; testing for blood-borne pathogens.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0275) on 03/24/2014
Active Shooter Local Law-Enforcement Training Grant Fund; created. [HB-337]
Active Shooter Local Law-Enforcement Training Grant Fund. Establishes the Active Shooter Local Law-Enforcement Training Grant Fund (the Fund) to be administered by the Department of Criminal Justice Services. Criteria shall be established for making grants from the Fund, including procedures for determining the amount of a grant and the required local match, if any. The Fund is intended to assist localities with smaller populations and fewer resources at their disposal to provide training to their law-enforcement officers in order to prepare for
HB-337: Active Shooter Local Law-Enforcement Training Grant Fund; created.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Left In Appropriations on 02/12/2014
Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; definition of law-enforcement officer. [HB-327]
Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; definition of law-enforcement officer. Adds certain employees of the Department of Corrections to the definition of "law-enforcement officer" for purposes of the Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act. The bill contains technical amendments.
HB-327: Law-Enforcement Officers Procedural Guarantee Act; definition of law-enforcement officer.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/12/2014
False advertisement for regulated services; notice, penalty. [HB-280]
False advertising for regulated services; notice; penalty. Prohibits persons from placing advertisements for services in the Commonwealth requiring a license, certification, or registration through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services unless the individual who will perform such services possesses the necessary license, certification, or registration at the time of the posting. Violations of this provision constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor and a violation of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act. The bill also provides that whenever
HB-280: False advertisement for regulated services; notice, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Albo
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0396) on 03/31/2014