Public schools; seizure management and action plans, biennial training, effective date. [SB-1322]
Public schools; seizure management and action plans; biennial training. Provides for the submission and utilization of seizure management and action plans for students with a diagnosed seizure disorder. The bill requires each such seizure management and action plan to state that such plan is separate from any individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan that is in place for the student and nothing in such plan shall be construed to abrogate any provision of any IEP or Section 504 Plan that is in place for the student. The bill requires
SB-1322: Public schools; seizure management and action plans, biennial training, effective date.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0514) on 03/31/2021
General district courts; jurisdictional limits. [SB-1108]
General district courts; jurisdictional limits. Increases from $25,000 to $50,000 the maximum civil jurisdictional limit of general district courts for civil actions for personal injury and wrongful death. General district courts; jurisdictional limits. Increases from $25,000 to $50,000 the maximum civil jurisdictional limit of general district courts for civil actions for personal injury and wrongful death.
SB-1108: General district courts; jurisdictional limits.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0199) on 03/18/2021
Settlement agreements; staying of dismissal. [HB-2193]
Settlement agreements; stay of dismissal. Provides that, in any case in which a plaintiff or counterclaim plaintiff is seeking a civil judgment against a defendant or counterclaim defendant, if the parties enter into a written settlement agreement, upon request of the parties, a dismissal of such case shall be stayed to allow for full compliance with such settlement agreement. The bill requires the plaintiff or counterclaim plaintiff to file a notice of dismissal with the court once the defendant or counterclaim defendant has complied with the terms
HB-2193: Settlement agreements; staying of dismissal.
Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Heretick
Failed To Pass on 03/01/2021
Homeowners and tenants of manufactured home parks; housing protections, foreclosures, etc. [SB-1327]
Housing Bill of Rights; housing protections; foreclosures; manufactured housing. Provides for various protections for homeowners and tenants of manufactured home parks, including (i) restricting the circumstances under which a court may order a person's primary residence to be sold to enforce a judgment lien; (ii) requiring localities to incorporate into their comprehensive plans strategies to promote manufactured housing as a source of affordable housing; (iii) requiring the Director of Housing and Community Development to develop a statement of
SB-1327: Homeowners and tenants of manufactured home parks; housing protections, foreclosures, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0092) on 03/12/2021
Court of Appeals; expands jurisdiction, increases from 11 to 17 number of judges on Court. [SB-1261]
Court of Appeals; jurisdiction; number of judges. Expands the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals of Virginia by providing for an appeal of right in every civil case and provides that the granting of further appeal to the Supreme Court of Virginia shall be within the discretion of the Supreme Court. The bill provides for an appeal of right in criminal cases by a defendant, but leaves unchanged the current requirement that in criminal cases the Commonwealth must petition the Court of Appeals for granting of an appeal. The bill increases from 11
SB-1261: Court of Appeals; expands jurisdiction, increases from 11 to 17 number of judges on Court.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0489) on 03/31/2021
Wrongful death statute of limitations; criminal investigations by law enforcement. [HB-2073]
Wrongful death statute of limitations; criminal investigations by law enforcement; emergency. Provides that in a civil action for the wrongful death of an injured person such action may be brought by a personal representative of a decedent within two years after the death of the person or, if applicable, within two years of the conclusion of a criminal investigation by law enforcement of such death, whichever is longer. Under current law, a wrongful death action must be brought within two years of the death of the decedent. The bill contains an
HB-2073: Wrongful death statute of limitations; criminal investigations by law enforcement.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Miyares
Passed By Indefinitely In Judiciary With Letter (15-y 0-n) on 02/17/2021
Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance policies; bad faith. [SB-1202]
Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance policies; bad faith. Provides that if an insurance company denies, refuses, or fails to pay its insured, or refuses a reasonable settlement demand within the policy's coverage limits, for a claim for uninsured or underinsured motorist benefits within a reasonable time after being presented with a demand for such benefits and it is subsequently found that such denial, refusal, or failure was not in good faith, then the insurance company is liable to the insured for the full amount of the judgment and
SB-1202: Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance policies; bad faith.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Left In Labor And Commerce on 03/01/2021
Career fatigue and wellness in certain health care providers; programs to address, civil immunity. [SB-1205]
Programs to address career fatigue and wellness in certain health care providers; civil immunity; emergency. Expands civil immunity for health care professionals serving as members of or consultants to entities that function primarily to review, evaluate, or make recommendations related to health care services to include health care professionals serving as members of or consultants to entities that function primarily to address issues related to career fatigue and wellness in health care professionals licensed, registered, or certified by the Boards
SB-1205: Career fatigue and wellness in certain health care providers; programs to address, civil immunity.
Sponsored by: Sen. George Barker
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0243) on 03/18/2021
Accrual of cause of action; diagnosis of latent injury. [HB-2139]
Accrual of cause of action; diagnosis of latent injury. Provides that a cause of action for a latent injury resulting from the exposure to a substance or the use of a product shall accrue when the person knew or should have known of the injury and its causal connection to an injury-causing substance or product. Accrual of cause of action; diagnosis of latent injury. Provides that a cause of action for a latent injury resulting from the exposure to a substance or the use of a product shall accrue when the person knew or should have known of the injury
HB-2139: Accrual of cause of action; diagnosis of latent injury.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Keam
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0195) on 03/18/2021
Death penalty; abolition of current penalty. [SB-1165]
Abolition of the death penalty. Abolishes the death penalty, including for those persons currently under a death sentence. The bill provides that no person may be sentenced to death or put to death on or after its effective date for any violation of law.
SB-1165: Death penalty; abolition of current penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0345) on 03/24/2021
Death penalty; abolition of current penalty. [HB-2263]
Abolition of the death penalty. Abolishes the death penalty, including for those persons currently under a death sentence. The bill provides that no person may be sentenced to death or put to death on or after its effective date for any violation of law.
HB-2263: Death penalty; abolition of current penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0344) on 03/24/2021
Habitual offenders; repeals remaining provisions of Habitual Offender Act. [SB-1122]
Habitual offenders; repeal. Repeals the remaining provisions of the Habitual Offender Act. The bill also requires that the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles reinstate a person's privilege to drive a motor vehicle that was suspended or revoked solely on the basis that such person was determined to be or adjudicated a habitual offender pursuant to the Habitual Offender Act. The bill also authorizes the Virginia Alcohol and Safety Action Program to continue to administer intervention for individuals who were ordered to attend an intervention
SB-1122: Habitual offenders; repeals remaining provisions of Habitual Offender Act.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0463) on 03/31/2021
Homeowners and tenants of manufactured home parks; housing protections, foreclosures, etc. [HB-2175]
Housing Bill of Rights; housing protections; foreclosures; manufactured housing. Provides for various protections for homeowners and tenants of manufactured home parks, including (i) restricting the circumstances under which a court may order a person's primary residence to be sold to enforce a judgment lien; (ii) requiring localities to incorporate into their comprehensive plans strategies to promote manufactured housing as a source of affordable housing; (iii) requiring the Director of Housing and Community Development to develop a statement of
HB-2175: Homeowners and tenants of manufactured home parks; housing protections, foreclosures, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0091) on 03/12/2021
Civil actions; actions filed on behalf of multiple similarly situated persons. [SB-1180]
Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons. Provides that a circuit court may enter an order joining, coordinating, consolidating, or transferring civil actions upon finding that separate civil actions brought by a plaintiff on behalf of multiple similarly situated persons involve common questions of law or fact and arise out of the same transaction, occurrence, or series of transactions or occurrences. The bill requires the Supreme Court to promulgate rules no later than November 1, 2021, governing such actions. The bill has a delayed effective
SB-1180: Civil actions; actions filed on behalf of multiple similarly situated persons.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/01/2021
Wrongful death; beneficiaries. [HB-2190]
Wrongful death beneficiaries. Provides that an award in a wrongful death action, where there is no surviving spouse of the decedent, children of the decedent, or children of a deceased child of the decedent, shall be distributed to the parents, brothers and sisters of the decedent, and any other relative who is primarily dependent on the decedent for support or services and is also a member of the same household as the decedent. Wrongful death beneficiaries. Provides that an award in a wrongful death action, where there is no surviving spouse of
HB-2190: Wrongful death; beneficiaries.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0488) on 03/31/2021
Career fatigue and wellness in certain health care providers; programs to address, civil immunity. [HB-1913]
Programs to address career fatigue and wellness in certain health care providers; civil immunity; emergency. Expands civil immunity for health care professionals serving as members of or consultants to entities that function primarily to review, evaluate, or make recommendations related to health care services to include health care professionals serving as members of or consultants to entities that function primarily to address issues related to career fatigue and wellness in health care professionals licensed, registered, or certified by the Boards
HB-1913: Career fatigue and wellness in certain health care providers; programs to address, civil immunity.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Keam
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0005) on 02/25/2021
Judgments; limitations on enforcement, judgment liens, settlement agents, effective date. [HB-2099]
Limitations on enforcement of judgments; judgment liens; settlement agents. Reduces from 20 years to 10 years from the date of a judgment the period of time within which an execution may be issued or action may be taken on such judgment. The bill provides that the limitation of the enforcement of a judgment may be extended up to two times by a recordation of a certificate prior to the expiration period in the clerk's office in which a judgment lien is recorded. The bill provides that such recordation shall extend the limitations period for 10 years
Personal injury claim; disclosure of insurance policy limits. [SB-1241]
Personal injury claim; disclosure of insurance policy limits. Provides that in a civil action for personal injuries sustained from a motor vehicle accident, regardless of the amount of losses sustained by an injured person, an insurance company shall disclose the policy limits of an alleged tortfeasor who has been charged with an offense of driving under the influence within 30 days of a request for such disclosure. Under current law, such disclosure is required only if the alleged tortfeasor is convicted of such an offense. The bill also adds the
SB-1241: Personal injury claim; disclosure of insurance policy limits.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0088) on 03/11/2021
Summons for unlawful detainer; notice to tenant, adverse employment actions prohibited. [HB-1897]
Summons for unlawful detainer; notice; adverse employment actions prohibited. Requires any summons for unlawful detainer to include a notice to the tenant that it is unlawful for his employer to discharge him from employment or take any adverse personnel action against him for appearing at an initial or subsequent hearing on such summons, provided that he has given reasonable notice of such hearing to his employer. Summons for unlawful detainer; notice; adverse employment actions prohibited. Requires any summons for unlawful detainer to include
HB-1897: Summons for unlawful detainer; notice to tenant, adverse employment actions prohibited.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Failed To Report (defeated) In Judiciary (7-y 8-n) on 02/10/2021
Public elementary and secondary schools; administration of undesignated stock albuterol inhalers. [HB-2019]
Public elementary and secondary schools; possession and administration of undesignated stock albuterol inhalers and valved holding chambers. Requires each local school board to adopt and implement policies for the possession and administration of undesignated stock albuterol inhalers and valved holding chambers in every public school in the local school division, to be administered by any school nurse, employee of the school board, employee of a local governing body, or employee of a local health department who is authorized by the local health
HB-2019: Public elementary and secondary schools; administration of undesignated stock albuterol inhalers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Governor: Approved By Governor-chapter 508 (effective - 1/1/22) on 03/31/2021