Divorce proceedings; evidence by affidavit, residency requirement. [SB-94]
Evidence by affidavit in divorce proceedings; residency requirement. Provides that the affidavits submitted as evidence by a party in a no-fault divorce action and by a corroborating witness affirm that at least one party to the suit is, and has been for a period in excess of six months immediately preceding the commencement of the suit, a bona fide resident and domiciliary of the Commonwealth. Current law does not specify that the six-month period of residency must immediately precede the commencement of the suit.
SB-94: Divorce proceedings; evidence by affidavit, residency requirement.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0521) on 04/03/2014
Physical evidence recovery kits; local and state law-enforcement agencies shall report an inventory. [SB-658]
Inventory of physical evidence recovery kits. Requires all local and state law-enforcement agencies to report an inventory of all physical evidence recovery kits in their custody that may contain biological evidence that were collected but not submitted to the Department of Forensic Science for analysis prior to July 1, 2014. The Department shall establish the form of and timeline for such inventory, receive the reports from the law-enforcement agencies, and report the results of the inventory to the General Assembly by July 1, 2015. The bill does
SB-658: Physical evidence recovery kits; local and state law-enforcement agencies shall report an inventory.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0642) on 04/04/2014
Child care; Department of Social Services to plan for national background checks for providers. [SB-639]
Department of Social Services; plan for national background checks for child care providers. Directs the Department of Social Services to convene a work group to review current state and federal laws and regulations governing criminal history background checks for child-care providers and to develop a plan for implementation of national fingerprint-based criminal history background checks for all child care providers in the Commonwealth, and to report to the Governor and the General Assembly by November 1, 2014.
SB-639: Child care; Department of Social Services to plan for national background checks for providers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0379) on 03/27/2014
Epinephrine; possession and administration. [SB-635]
Possession and administration of epinephrine. Authorizes any employee of a licensed restaurant, summer camp, or campground to possess and administer epinephrine, provided such employee is authorized by a prescriber and trained in the administration of epinephrine. The bill also requires the Department of Health, in conjunction with the Department of Health Professions, to develop policies and guidelines for the recognition and treatment of anaphylaxis in restaurants, campgrounds, and summer camps.
SB-635: Epinephrine; possession and administration.
Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger
Continued To 2015 In Education And Health (13-y 0-n) on 01/23/2014
Emergency care; school board employees that render certain care shall not be liable for negligence. [SB-624]
Emergency care; school board employees. Provides that employees of a school board or a local health department approved by the local governing body to provide health services that render certain acts of emergency care, including emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), or use of an automated external defibrillator (AED), shall not be liable for ordinary negligence in acts or omissions on the part of such employee while engaged in such acts of emergency care.
SB-624: Emergency care; school board employees that render certain care shall not be liable for negligence.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Newman
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0468) on 03/31/2014
Criminal history record information checks, protective order registry; dissemination of information. [SB-610]
Criminal history record information checks; protective order registry; dissemination of information. Provides that certain criminal history record information and protective order registry information shall be made available to the Attorney General of the United States for the purposes of a National Instant Criminal Background check to determine a person's eligibility to possess or purchase a firearm under state or federal law.
SB-610: Criminal history record information checks, protective order registry; dissemination of information.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Cosgrove
Passed By Indefinitely In Courts Of Justice (13-y 2-n) on 01/22/2014
Local departments; consent to treatment and collection of evidence. [SB-534]
Local departments; consent to treatment and collection of evidence. Provides that a local director of social services or his designee may consent to (i) surgical or medical treatment of a minor in the custody of the local department of social services in certain situations and (ii) the collection of forensic evidence on behalf of a minor in the custody of the local department in cases in which the minor is believed to be the victim of sexual assault.
SB-534: Local departments; consent to treatment and collection of evidence.
Sponsored by: Sen. George Barker
Committee Substitute Printed To Web Only 14104851d-s1 on 02/05/2014
Foreign judgments; Uniform Foreign Country Money-Judgments Recognition Act. [SB-473]
Foreign judgments. Replaces the Uniform Foreign Country Money-Judgments Recognition Act enacted in Virginia in 1990 with the version approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws in 2005, which has been adopted in 18 states and the District of Columbia. Both versions provide for recognition and enforcement of foreign-country judgments in a United States state court. Judgments on taxes, fines, or criminal-like penalties and judgments relating to domestic relations are not covered by the Act. The Act provides that a foreign-country
SB-473: Foreign judgments; Uniform Foreign Country Money-Judgments Recognition Act.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0462) on 03/31/2014
Firearms; criminal background check for transfer, exemption for holders of concealed permits. [SB-396]
Criminal background check for transfer of firearms; exemption for holders of concealed handgun permits. Provides that a licensed firearms dealer does not have to have a criminal background check performed to determine a person's eligibility to purchase a firearm if the purchaser possesses a valid concealed handgun permit and presents a photo-ID issued by an agency of the Commonwealth or the Department of Defense.
SB-396: Firearms; criminal background check for transfer, exemption for holders of concealed permits.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Vogel
Continued To 2015 In Courts Of Justice (13-y 0-n) on 01/22/2014
Personal action for injury to person; malpractice against health care provider, failure to report. [SB-395]
Personal action for injury to person; malpractice against health care provider; failure to report diagnosis of cancer. Provides that where negligence for a delay in communicating to a patient the interpretation of an imaging or diagnostic test or study in a malpractice claim against a health care provider who ordered such test or study that was interpreted to reveal a diagnosis of a malignant tumor or cancer, the normal two-year statute of limitations is extended for a period of one year from the date the diagnosis of a malignant tumor or cancer
SB-395: Personal action for injury to person; malpractice against health care provider, failure to report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Vogel
Continued To 2015 In Courts Of Justice (15-y 0-n) on 01/27/2014
Firearms; criminal history record information check on transferee; penalties. [SB-39]
Transfer of firearms; criminal history record information check; penalties. Adds a definition of "firearms show vendor" and requires that a criminal history record information check be performed on the prospective transferee before the vendor may transfer firearms at a gun show. In order to be a "firearms show vendor" the person must have paid or given another thing of value to the promoter for the opportunity to sell guns at the gun show. Under current law, only licensed dealers must obtain such a check. The bill also requires that the promoter
SB-39: Firearms; criminal history record information check on transferee; penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Committee Substitute Printed To Web Only 14104063d-s1 on 01/22/2014
Trafficking in persons; penalties. [SB-373]
Trafficking in persons; penalties. Creates new felonies for trafficking in persons for forced labor or sexual servitude and adds the new felonies as a predicate criminal act under the criminal gang statute, as racketeering crimes, and to the functions of a multijurisdiction grand jury, and also allows seizure and forfeiture of property used in committing such felonies. The new felonies and the existing felony of receiving money for procuring a person are added to the rape shield statute. The bill allows a petition for a child in need of services
SB-373: Trafficking in persons; penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/04/2014
Writ of actual innocence; biological evidence, petitioners pro se. [SB-36]
Writ of actual innocence based on biological evidence; petitioners pro se. Provides that the Supreme Court shall not accept a petition for a writ of actual innocence based on biological evidence from a petitioner pro se unless such petition is accompanied by a certificate that a copy of the petition and all attachments has been sent to the attorney for the Commonwealth for the jurisdiction where the conviction or adjudication of delinquency occurred and to the Attorney General. This duplicates the practice for a pro se petition for a writ of actual
SB-36: Writ of actual innocence; biological evidence, petitioners pro se.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janet Howell
Continued To 2015 In Courts Of Justice (15-y 0-n) on 01/15/2014
Criminal history record checks; sets out list of barrier crimes. [SB-353]
Criminal history record checks; barrier crimes. Sets out the list of barrier crimes for (i) individuals seeking employment at nursing homes, home care organizations, hospices, state facilities, and private providers licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, community services boards, behavioral health authorities, assisted living facilities, adult day care centers, children's welfare agencies, family day homes approved by family day systems, and children's residential facilities; (ii) applicants for licensure, registration,
SB-353: Criminal history record checks; sets out list of barrier crimes.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Edwards
Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/04/2014
Cigarettes; sealed labeled pack shall be prima facie evidence. [SB-352]
Sealed pack labeled as cigarettes; prima facie evidence. Provides that where a sealed pack is labeled as containing cigarettes, such labeling shall be prima facie evidence that the contents of the pack are cigarettes.
SB-352: Cigarettes; sealed labeled pack shall be prima facie evidence.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janet Howell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0301) on 03/24/2014
Money order sellers and money transmitters; definitions, criminal background checks, regulations. [SB-335]
Money order sellers and money transmitters. Requires criminal background checks on members, senior officers, directors, and principals of applicants for licensure as a money order seller or money transmitter. Obligations imposed on a member apply only to a person who owns or controls a five percent or greater interest in an applicant or licensee that is a limited liability company. The measure allows the Bureau of Financial Institutions to file a claim to recover any required annual fees or actual examination expenses incurred that are not paid
SB-335: Money order sellers and money transmitters; definitions, criminal background checks, regulations.
Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Puckett
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0454) on 03/31/2014
Firearm transfers; criminal history record information checks, penalty. [SB-287]
Transfer of firearms; penalty. Provides that any person who sells or otherwise transfers a firearm to a person who is prohibited from possessing a firearm by state or federal law is guilty of a Class 6 felony if the transferor does not obtain a background check from a licensed firearms dealer.
SB-287: Firearm transfers; criminal history record information checks, penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Creigh Deeds
Failed To Report (defeated) In Courts Of Justice (6-y 8-n) on 01/22/2014
Health care providers; civil immunity for members of or consultants to boards or committees. [SB-253]
Civil immunity for members of or health care professional consultants to certain boards or committees. Extends civil liability protection to members of, or consultants to, boards or committees established (i) under the requirements of a national accrediting organization granted authority by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or (ii) pursuant to guidelines approved or adopted by statewide or local associations representing licensed health care providers for acts or omissions done in the performance of their duties as members of, or consultants
SB-253: Health care providers; civil immunity for members of or consultants to boards or committees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan McDougle
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0363) on 03/27/2014