Action establishing boundaries to land; attorney fees. [HB-1250]
Action establishing boundaries to land; attorney fees. Provides that in an action to establish boundary lines the court may award attorney fees to any prevailing party when the need to ascertain the true boundary lines arose from the action of another party, and where such action was in willful disregard of the rights of another. The bill also provides that a claim of damages may be joined with any proceeding to establish boundary lines. This bill is a recommendation of the Boyd-Graves Conference.
HB-1250: Action establishing boundaries to land; attorney fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Civil causes of action; social media platforms, complying with certain requests for information. [HB-1214]
Civil causes of action; social media platforms; complying with certain requests for information. Requires the owner or operator of a social media platform, as defined in the bill, to comply with requests from a party to a civil action concerning (i) any identifying information regarding any person alleged to have published content giving rise to such action on such platform and (ii) restoration of access to any person claiming ownership of an account created on such platform, provided such person can prove original ownership of such account.
HB-1214: Civil causes of action; social media platforms, complying with certain requests for information.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Arnold
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Wrongful death; death of parent/guardian of child resulting from driving motor veh. under influence. [HB-1104]
Wrongful death; death of parent or guardian of child resulting from driving under the influence; child support. Provides that in any action for death by wrongful act where the defendant, as a result of driving a motor vehicle or operating a watercraft under the influence, unintentionally caused the death of another person who was the parent or legal guardian of a child, the person who has custody of such child may petition the court to order that the defendant pay child support.
HB-1104: Wrongful death; death of parent/guardian of child resulting from driving motor veh. under influence.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Walker
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Permissible venue; personal injury and wrongful death actions, appointment of administrator. [HB-779]
Permissible venue; personal injury and wrongful death actions; appointment of administrator on behalf of estate of decedent. Provides that in a personal injury or wrongful death action in which an administrator is appointed on behalf of the estate of a decedent, permissible venue shall lie only in a county or city in which venue would have been properly laid if the person for whom such appointment is made had survived.
HB-779: Permissible venue; personal injury and wrongful death actions, appointment of administrator.
Sponsored by: Rep. Katrina Callsen
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0050) on 03/08/2024
Common interest communities; foreclosure remedy. [SB-341]
Common interest communities; foreclosure remedy. Prohibits certain bills to enforce a lien from being entertained if the real estate is the judgment debtor's primary residence and the judgment is for assessments levied by certain common interest community associations if the amount secured by one or more judgments exclusive of interest and costs does not exceed $5,000. The bill also requires such common interest community associations to maintain individual assessment account records. Finally, the bill requires such associations to maintain records
SB-341: Common interest communities; foreclosure remedy.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0349) on 04/02/2024
Space Force; extension of certain benefits and privileges for persons serving in Armed Forces. [HB-738]
Space Force; extension of certain benefits and privileges for persons serving in a branch of the Armed Forces. Amends several provisions of law related to certain benefits and privileges available to persons serving or having served in a branch of the Armed Forces to include the Space Force as an eligible branch.
HB-738: Space Force; extension of certain benefits and privileges for persons serving in Armed Forces.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wiley
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0817) on 04/17/2024
Statutory agents; service of process. [HB-794]
Statutory agents; service of process. Adds the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission to the definition of "statutory agent" when such Clerk is appointed for the purpose of service of process on any individual, corporation, or limited partnership. The bill further applies certain methods of service of process currently applicable to limited liability corporations to nonstock corporations and domestic stock corporations. The bill provides that domestic or foreign limited liability partnerships may be served by personal service on its registered
HB-794: Statutory agents; service of process.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadarius Clark
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0454) on 04/04/2024
Unlawful detainer; bifurcation of case. [HB-740]
Unlawful detainer; bifurcation of case; contested rent and damages. Provides that, at an initial hearing on an unlawful detainer, if the defendant contests the amount of rent and damages alleged to be due and owing to the plaintiff, the court shall not bifurcate the unlawful detainer case. Under current law, at the initial hearing, upon request of the plaintiff, the court is required to bifurcate the unlawful detainer case and set a continuance date no later than 120 days from the date of the initial hearing to determine final rent and damages.
HB-740: Unlawful detainer; bifurcation of case.
Sponsored by: Rep. Elizabeth Bennett-Parker
Governor: Vetoed By Governor on 05/17/2024
Common interest communities; foreclosure remedy. [HB-880]
Common interest communities; foreclosure remedy. Prohibits certain bills to enforce a lien from being entertained if the real estate is the judgment debtor's primary residence and the judgment is for assessments levied by certain common interest community associations if the amount secured by one or more judgments exclusive of interest and costs does not exceed $5,000. The bill also requires such common interest community associations to maintain individual assessment account records. Finally, the bill requires such associations to maintain records
HB-880: Common interest communities; foreclosure remedy.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Bulova
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0055) on 03/08/2024
Interlocutory ruling, order, or action; motion to reconsider. [HB-901]
Interlocutory ruling, order, or action; motion to reconsider. Clarifies that no litigant, after making an objection or motion known to the court, shall be required to move for reconsideration to preserve his right to appeal a ruling, order, or action of the court, even if such ruling, order, or action is without prejudice to a motion to reconsider. This bill is a recommendation of the Boyd-Graves Conference.
HB-901: Interlocutory ruling, order, or action; motion to reconsider.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kannan Srinivasan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0057) on 03/08/2024
Places of public accommodation; possession and administration of epinephrine. [HB-1035]
Places of public accommodation; possession and administration of epinephrine. Permits every place of public accommodation, defined in relevant law as all places or businesses offering or holding out to the general public goods, services, privileges, facilities, advantages, or accommodations, to make epinephrine available for administration and permits any employee of such place of public accommodation who is authorized by a prescriber and trained in the administration of epinephrine to possess and administer epinephrine to a person present in such
HB-1035: Places of public accommodation; possession and administration of epinephrine.
Sponsored by: Rep. Elizabeth Bennett-Parker
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0465) on 04/04/2024
Health care; decision-making, end of life, penalties. [HB-858]
Health care; decision-making; end of life; penalties. Allows an adult diagnosed with a terminal condition to request and an attending health care provider to prescribe a self-administered controlled substance for the purpose of ending the patient's life. The bill requires that a patient's request for a self-administered controlled substance to end his life must be given orally on two occasions and in writing, signed by the patient and one witness, and that the patient be given an express opportunity to rescind his request at any time. The bill makes
HB-858: Health care; decision-making, end of life, penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Passed By For The Day on 02/13/2024
Localities; liability for owning or operating vehicle. [HB-704]
Localities; liability for owning or operating vehicle. Provides that in any case in which a locality is the owner of, or operator through medium of a driver of, or otherwise is the insured under the policy upon a vehicle involved in an accident, or is self-insured, the defense of governmental immunity shall not be a bar to action or recovery of damages arising from such accident against such locality.
HB-704: Localities; liability for owning or operating vehicle.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Synthetic media; use in furtherance of crimes involving fraud, etc., report. [HB-697]
Synthetic media; penalty. Expands the applicability of provisions related to defamation, slander, and libel to include synthetic media, defined in the bill. The bill makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person to use any synthetic media for the purpose of committing any criminal offense involving fraud, constituting a separate and distinct offense with punishment separate and apart from any punishment received for the commission of the primary criminal offense. The bill also authorizes the individual depicted in the synthetic media to bring a
HB-697: Synthetic media; use in furtherance of crimes involving fraud, etc., report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadarius Clark
Continued To 2025 In Courts Of Justice (11-y 2-n) on 02/19/2024
Motor vehicle insurance; remedies for bad faith for refusal of claims. [SB-256]
Motor vehicle insurance claims; bad faith. Provides that if an insurance company licensed in the Commonwealth to write motor vehicle insurance (i) denies, refuses, fails to pay, or fails to make a timely and reasonable settlement offer to its insured under the provisions of any uninsured or underinsured motorist benefits coverage in a policy of motor vehicle insurance applicable to the insured after the insured has become legally entitled to recover or (ii) after all applicable liability policy limits and underlying uninsured and underinsured motorists
SB-256: Motor vehicle insurance; remedies for bad faith for refusal of claims.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0781) on 04/17/2024
Health care; decision-making, definitions, medical aid in dying, penalties. [SB-280]
Health care; decision-making; end of life; penalties. Allows an adult diagnosed with a terminal disease to request and an attending health care provider to prescribe a self-administered controlled substance for the purpose of ending the patient's life. The bill requires that a patient's request for a self-administered controlled substance to end his life must be given orally on two occasions and in writing, signed by the patient and one witness, and that the patient be given an express opportunity to rescind his request at any time. The bill makes
SB-280: Health care; decision-making, definitions, medical aid in dying, penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Continued To 2025 With Substitute In Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote on 03/04/2024
Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons; types of class actions. [SB-259]
Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons; class actions. Provides that one or more members of a class may, as representative parties on behalf of all members, bring a civil action or may be proceeded against in a civil action, provided that (i) the class is so numerous that joinder of all members or proceeding with such actions on an individual basis is impracticable or contrary to judicial economy; (ii) there are questions of law or fact common to the class; (iii) the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of the
SB-259: Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons; types of class actions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lamont Bagby
Senate Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Optometrists; expert witness testimony. [SB-254]
Optometrists; expert witness testimony. Allows an optometrist to testify as an expert witness in a court of law on certain matters within the scope of his practice.
SB-254: Optometrists; expert witness testimony.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0764) on 04/08/2024
Virginia Abortion Care & Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act; established, civil penalties. [SB-278]
Virginia Abortion Care and Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act; reproductive and gender-affirming health care services; prohibitions on extradition for certain crimes; civil penalties. Establishes the Virginia Abortion Care and Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act. The bill provides that it is the policy of the Commonwealth that all persons are entitled to provide, receive, and help others provide or receive abortion care and gender-affirming health care services not prohibited under the laws of the Commonwealth, and that such provision,
SB-278: Virginia Abortion Care & Gender-Affirming Health Care Protection Act; established, civil penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Continued To 2025 In Courts Of Justice (15-y 0-n) on 01/31/2024
Relief; Kingrea, David Wayne, compensation for wrongful inclusion on sex offender registry. [HB-641]
Claims; David Wayne Kingrea; compensation for wrongful inclusion on sex offender registry. Grants relief in an amount to be appropriated to David Wayne Kingrea, who was wrongly convicted of taking indecent liberties with a minor and, as a result of such wrongful conviction, was required to register on the sex offender registry. Claims; David Wayne Kingrea; compensation for wrongful inclusion on sex offender registry. Grants relief in an amount to be appropriated to David Wayne Kingrea, who was wrongly convicted of taking indecent liberties with
HB-641: Relief; Kingrea, David Wayne, compensation for wrongful inclusion on sex offender registry.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Sullivan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0143) on 03/26/2024