Wrongful incarceration; compensation. [HB-640]
Wrongful incarceration; compensation. Provides that any person who is convicted of a felony by a county or city circuit court of the Commonwealth and is wrongfully incarcerated for such felony shall receive, in addition to the compensation for wrongful incarceration specified under current law, not less than $30,000 for each year or fraction thereof (i) of imprisonment after being sentenced to death or (ii) that such person was required to register with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry. The bill further requires that the amount
HB-640: Wrongful incarceration; compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Sullivan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0396) on 04/04/2024
Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; landlord remedies, noncompliance with rental agreement. [HB-598]
Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord remedies; noncompliance with rental agreement. Increases from five days to 14 days the mandatory waiting period after a landlord serves written notice on a tenant notifying the tenant of his nonpayment of rent and of the landlord's intention to terminate the rental agreement if rent is not paid before the landlord may pursue remedies for termination of the rental agreement. Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord remedies; noncompliance with rental agreement. Increases from five
HB-598: Virginia Residential Landlord & Tenant Act; landlord remedies, noncompliance with rental agreement.
Sponsored by: Rep. Marcia Price
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Forced labor or service; civil action for trafficking, penalties. [HB-633]
Forced labor or service; penalties. Expands the offense of abduction to penalize any person who, by force, intimidation or deception, and without legal justification or excuse, obtains the labor or services of another, or seizes, takes, transports, detains or secretes another person or threatens to do so. The bill also expands the offense of receiving money for procuring a person to penalize any person who causes another to engage in forced labor or services or provides or obtains labor or services by any act as described in the offense of abduction.
HB-633: Forced labor or service; civil action for trafficking, penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph McNamara
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0368) on 04/03/2024
Commercial entity offering social media accounts; restricted hours for minors, civil liability. [HB-562]
Commercial entity offering social media accounts; restricted hours for minors; civil liability. Provides that no commercial entity that offers social media accounts, as defined in the bill, shall knowingly or intentionally allow a minor to access his social media account during the hours of 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. unless the minor's parent, guardian, or legal custodian has provided permission for the minor to use such social media account during these hours. The bill provides that any commercial entity that violates these provisions shall be subject
HB-562: Commercial entity offering social media accounts; restricted hours for minors, civil liability.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ellen Campbell
Left In Communications, Technology And Innovation on 02/13/2024
FOIA; removal of Virginia residency requirement for access to certain criminal investigation files. [SB-215]
Virginia Freedom of Information Act; removal of Virginia residency requirement for access to certain criminal investigation files. Removes the requirement that persons to whom non-ongoing criminal investigation files shall otherwise be disclosed be citizens of the Commonwealth. Current law limits disclosure of public records to individuals who are citizens of the Commonwealth unless a clear exception applies.
SB-215: FOIA; removal of Virginia residency requirement for access to certain criminal investigation files.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0582) on 04/05/2024
Adoption; award of damages, death by wrongful act. [SB-209]
Adoption; award of damages; death by wrongful act. Provides that, in a case for death by wrongful act, the child of a decedent who has been adopted after the death of such decedent shall be included in the class of beneficiaries entitled to an award of damages resulting from such case, provided that a court had not previously terminated the parental rights of such decedent.
SB-209: Adoption; award of damages, death by wrongful act.
Sponsored by: Sen. Russet Perry
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0070) on 03/14/2024
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements. [SB-157]
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications; requirements. Provides that, where any ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement is required by law to be published in a newspaper, such ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement instead may be published in an online-only news publication subject to certain requirements specified in the bill. The bill sets out a process by which an online-only news publication shall petition the circuit court of the appropriate jurisdiction to publish such ordinances, resolutions, notices,
SB-157: Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0341) on 04/02/2024
Corporation, limited liability company, etc.; service of garnishment summons. [SB-214]
Service of garnishment summons upon corporation, limited liability company, etc.; garnishment designee. Requires a summons for garnishment against a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, financial institution, or other entity authorized to do business in the Commonwealth to be served on the garnishment designee, as that term is defined in the bill, of such corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, financial institution, or other entity, unless such garnishment designee is also the judgment debtor. The bill
SB-214: Corporation, limited liability company, etc.; service of garnishment summons.
Sponsored by: Sen. Glen Sturtevant
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0500) on 04/04/2024
Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action. [HB-487]
Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action. Creates a civil cause of action for an individual injured by a person who coerces, intimidates, or harasses such individual by computer or other electronic means, regardless of whether such person has been charged with or convicted of a corresponding criminal violation. The bill provides that such injured individual may recover for damages caused by such coercion, intimidation, or harassment and reasonable attorney fees and costs.
HB-487: Harassment by computer or other electronic means; civil action.
Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Garrett
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/13/2024
Permissible venue; personal injury and wrongful death actions, appointment of administrator. [SB-138]
Permissible venue; personal injury and wrongful death actions; appointment of administrator on behalf of estate of decedent. Provides that in a personal injury or wrongful death action in which an administrator is appointed on behalf of the estate of a decedent, permissible venue shall lie only in a county or city in which venue would have been properly laid if the person for whom such appointment is made had survived.
SB-138: Permissible venue; personal injury and wrongful death actions, appointment of administrator.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Carroll Foy
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0340) on 04/02/2024
Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons; types of class actions. [HB-418]
Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons; class actions. Provides that one or more members of a class may, as representative parties on behalf of all members, bring a civil action or may be proceeded against in a civil action, provided that (i) the class is so numerous that joinder of all members or proceeding with such actions on an individual basis is impracticable or contrary to judicial economy; (ii) there are questions of law or fact common to the class; (iii) the claims or defenses of the representative parties are typical of the
HB-418: Civil actions filed on behalf of multiple persons; types of class actions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Marcus Simon
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Jurors; availability of copy of jury panel to counsel. [HB-432]
Making copy of jury panel available to counsel. Increases from three to five full business days before a trial the timeframe within which the clerk or sheriff or other officer responsible for notifying jurors to appear in court for the trial of a case must make available to all counsel of record a copy of the jury panel to be used for the trial of such case. Making copy of jury panel available to counsel. Increases from three to five full business days before a trial the timeframe within which the clerk or sheriff or other officer responsible for
HB-432: Jurors; availability of copy of jury panel to counsel.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Arnold
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0040) on 03/08/2024
Sexual misconduct policies; SCHEV to convene task force on combating violence, civil penalty. [HB-369]
Institutions of higher education; sexual misconduct policies; civil penalty. Requires the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia to appoint and convene a task force on combating sexual violence for the purpose of developing a base sexual misconduct campus climate survey to be distributed to institutions of higher education no less than annually. The bill defines "institution of higher education" as any public institution of higher education or any private institution of higher education. The bill permits each institution of higher education
HB-369: Sexual misconduct policies; SCHEV to convene task force on combating violence, civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Helmer
Continued To 2025 In Rules By Voice Vote on 02/01/2024
Candidates for office; disqualification, affidavit of eligibility. [HB-363]
Disqualification from office under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution; affidavit of eligibility for candidates for elective office; removal from office for current officeholders. Provides that any person who is found to have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or to have given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof shall be disqualified from holding any office of the Commonwealth or of its governmental units in accordance with Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
HB-363: Candidates for office; disqualification, affidavit of eligibility.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Reid
Continued To 2025 In Privileges And Elections By Voice Vote on 02/09/2024
Medical Assistance Services, Department of; lien for claim of personal injuries. [HB-315]
Department of Medical Assistance Services; lien for claim of personal injuries. Creates a process by which a lien in favor of the Department of Medical Assistance Services on a claim for personal injuries may be satisfied upon the request of the injured person who received medical care or services to treat such personal injury. The bill provides that the Department is required within 60 days of receipt of the request of the injured person to provide such injured person or his personal representative with an itemized statement detailing all health
HB-315: Medical Assistance Services, Department of; lien for claim of personal injuries.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text Reprinted (chap0807) on 04/17/2024
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements. [HB-264]
Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications; requirements. Provides that, where any ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement is required by law to be published in a newspaper, such ordinance, resolution, notice, or advertisement instead may be published in an online-only news publication subject to certain requirements specified in the bill. The bill sets out a process by which an online-only news publication shall petition the circuit court of the appropriate jurisdiction to publish such ordinances, resolutions, notices,
HB-264: Legal notices and publications; online-only news publications, requirements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0277) on 04/02/2024
Optometrists; expert witness testimony. [HB-202]
Optometrists; expert witness testimony. Allows an optometrist to testify as an expert witness in a court of law on certain matters within the scope of his practice.
HB-202: Optometrists; expert witness testimony.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0718) on 04/08/2024
Evidence; spoliation. [SB-86]
Spoliation of evidence. Clarifies that, where evidence that should have been preserved in anticipation of litigation is lost, disposed of, altered, concealed, destroyed, or not preserved, and cannot be restored or replaced, no finding of intent that a party lost or destroyed evidence to prevent its use in litigation shall be required for the court to order remedial measures as provided by law.
SB-86: Evidence; spoliation.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Peake
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Courts Of Justice (15-y 0-n) on 02/12/2024
Breach of a contract; award of attorney fees, factors. [HB-182]
Breach of a contract; attorney fees; factors. Provides that, for any contract entered into on or after July 1, 2024, if such contract contains a provision allowing the award of attorney fees to a party when the other party to such contract breaches such contract, the court may also allow reasonable attorney fees to be awarded to the party that prevails in any action, whether as plaintiff or defendant, with respect to such contract. The bill requires the court to take into account certain factors in determining such reasonable attorney fees.
HB-182: Breach of a contract; award of attorney fees, factors.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Stricken From Docket By Courts Of Justice (22-y 0-n) on 01/15/2024
Signing of pleadings, motions, and other papers; electronic signatures. [HB-171]
Signing of pleadings, motions, and other papers; electronic signatures. Clarifies that an electronic signature or a digital image of a signature shall satisfy the requirement in current law that every pleading, motion, or other paper of a party be signed by at least one attorney of record. This bill is a recommendation of the Boyd-Graves Conference.
HB-171: Signing of pleadings, motions, and other papers; electronic signatures.
Sponsored by: Rep. Irene Shin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0020) on 03/08/2024