Regulatory Powers Of Administration [SB-877]
Amends laws regarding the aggregation of electrical loads by a municipality, and requires at least one public hearing be held, for review by its residents, prior to adopting any plan, to be approved by the public utilities commission.
SB-877: Regulatory Powers Of Administration
Sponsored by: Sen. Hanna Gallo
Committee Recommends Passage Of Sub A on 06/28/2017
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-6190]
Requires pub. utilities/electric distribution co. to provide prompt/adequate service to ratepayers for new service/ upgrades w/penalty of up to $1,000 with electric distribution co. to provide written estimates/itemized bill for work in excess of $500.
HB-6190: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. Jean Barros
Scheduled For Hearing And/or Consideration (06/29/2017) on 06/29/2017
Public Utilities Commission [HB-6184]
Precludes electric distribution companies from including their gas transmission contracts or cost of facilities in the rate base for electricity customers.
HB-6184: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Johnston
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/16/2017
Electric Generation Service [HB-6171]
Requires the public utilities commission to implement a purchase of receivables program where the electric distribution company purchases the receivables of a nonregulated power producer at a discount rate.
HB-6171: Electric Generation Service
Sponsored by: Rep. Deborah Fellela
Scheduled For Hearing And/or Consideration (06/29/2017) on 06/29/2017
Public Utilities Commission [SB-781]
Amends and add several sections relative to gas and electric utility carriers, customer service provided thereby, and customer service levels and billing practices required by the carriers to the customers.
SB-781: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Introduced, Referred To Senate Commerce on 04/25/2017
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [SB-728]
Provides that those persons taking part in the home and community care services to the elderly program (chapter 66.3 of title 42) would be eligible for lifeline telephone service.
SB-728: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Sen. Harold Metts
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/25/2017
The Towing Storage Act [HB-6079]
Require towers and towing storage facilities have accessible personnel and phone numbers to assist vehicle owners with the vehicle retrieval, and also requires that a towing storage facility be free of all obstacles and debris.
HB-6079: The Towing Storage Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Jean Barros
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/25/2017
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [SB-701]
Extends the co-operation requirement public utilities have by law with contractors involved in state construction projects to municipal political subdivisions and other quasi-governmental agencies.
SB-701: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Sen. Walter Felag
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/11/2017
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority [HB-6049]
Restores no-fare rides to the elderly and disabled who satisfy the means test criteria during peak and non-peak hours and one-half (1/2) fare rides for the elderly and disabled who do not satisfy the means test criteria.
HB-6049: Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. William O'Brien
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/09/2017
Public Utilities Commission [SB-632]
Requires verifiable least cost energy procurements and requires standards for annual verification of energy efficiency.
SB-632: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Marc Cote
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/04/2017
HB-1098: Revise certain provisions regarding the notice requirements of county commissions in authorizing installation of utility lines along and across highways.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Stalzer
Signed By The Governor On March 6, 2017 H.j. 682 on 03/07/2017
You have voted HB-1098: Revise certain provisions regarding the notice requirements of county commissions in authorizing installation of utility lines along and across highways..