Public Transit - Bus Passes [SB-115]
Requires that five million dollars ($5,000,000) be appropriated to the Rhode Island public transit authority between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2019.
SB-115: Public Transit - Bus Passes
Sponsored by: Sen. Maryellen Goodwin
Placed On The House Consent Calendar (06/30/2017) on 06/30/2017
Renewable Energy Growth Program [HB-5274]
Expands the renewable energy growth program for an additional ten (10) years after the fifth program year, with an annual target of forty (40) nameplate megawatts for each year of the ten (10) year period.
HB-5274: Renewable Energy Growth Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Aaron Regunberg
Signed By Governor on 06/27/2017
Public Transit-- Bus Passes [HB-5241]
Requires that five million dollars ($5,000,000) be appropriated to the Rhode Island public transit authority between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2019.
HB-5241: Public Transit-- Bus Passes
Sponsored by: Rep. Lauren Carson
Signed By Governor on 07/05/2017
Small Cell Siting Act [HB-5224]
Establishes the "Small Cell Siting Act", which specifies how local authorities may regulate the collocation of small wireless facilities and small wireless facility networks.
HB-5224: Small Cell Siting Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel McKiernan
Senate Passed Sub A In Concurrence on 06/30/2017
Property Assessed Clean Energy Program [HB-5199]
Allows recovery for the past due balance of any PACE assessment on a transfer of commercial property ownership at a tax sale by a PACE lien against the transferee.
HB-5199: Property Assessed Clean Energy Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Abney
Signed By Governor on 07/18/2017
Taxicab's Financial Responsibilities [HB-5132]
Cuts in half the amount of property and personal injury motor vehicle mandatory insurance coverage that taxicab companies are required to maintain on their vehicles.
HB-5132: Taxicab's Financial Responsibilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Grace Diaz
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 01/31/2017
Regulatory Powers Of Administration [HB-5031]
Provides that any rate increase with respect to electric distribution companies would be no greater than the increase in the Consumer Price Index or five and one-half percent (5.5%), whichever is greater.
HB-5031: Regulatory Powers Of Administration
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 01/24/2017
Public Transit Authority [HB-5027]
Enables the Rhode Island public transit authority (RIPTA) to work with the Massachusetts Bay transit authority (MBTA) to allow commuter rail passes to be used as dual passes for both RIPTA and MBTA.
HB-5027: Public Transit Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/09/2017
Public Utilities Commission [SB-879]
Amends and add several sections relative to gas and electric utility carriers, customer service provided thereby, and customer service levels and billing practices required by the carriers to the customers.
SB-879: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Maryellen Goodwin
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/18/2017
Electric Generation Service [SB-874]
Requires the public utilities commission to implement a purchase of receivables program where the electric distribution company purchases the receivables of a nonregulated power producer at a discount rate.
SB-874: Electric Generation Service
Sponsored by: Sen. Ana Quezada
Placed On The House Consent Calendar (06/30/2017) on 06/30/2017
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [SB-886]
Requires pub. utilities/electric distribution co. to provide prompt/adequate service to ratepayers for new service/ upgrades w/penalty of up to $1,000 with electric distribution co. to provide written estimates/itemized bill for work in excess of $500.
SB-886: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Picard
Referred To House Corporations on 06/30/2017