Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [SB-2448]
Require telephone service providers to inform its customers of any additional fees or surcharges resulting from international telephone calls and also the availability of reduced rates for international telephone service.
SB-2448: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael McCaffrey
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/18/2014
Contracting Standard For Renewable Energy [SB-2440]
Allow the public utilities commission ninety (90) days to approve or reject long-term renewable energy contracts. The act would eliminate the forty-five (45) day hearing deadline.
SB-2440: Contracting Standard For Renewable Energy
Sponsored by: Sen. William Walaska
Signed By Governor on 05/29/2014
Distributed Generation Standard Contracts [SB-2435]
Add to the purpose of distributed generation standard contracts so that it would encourage the reuse and redevelopment of contaminated property as defined in this act.
SB-2435: Distributed Generation Standard Contracts
Sponsored by: Sen. Joshua Miller
Scheduled For Consideration on 05/02/2014
Rhode Island Public Transit Authority [SB-2103]
Require any person seeking employment as a bus driver to apply to the FBI Investigation for a criminal records check in addition to the bureau of criminal identification for a statewide criminal records check
SB-2103: Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Sponsored by: Sen. Leonidas Raptakis
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/25/2014
Excavation Near Underground Utility Facilities -- Costs [SB-2054]
Require public utilities to incur all costs incurred by municipal corporations associated with the temporary or permanent relocation of utility infrastructure such as public utility poles during public works projects within municipal rights-of-way
SB-2054: Excavation Near Underground Utility Facilities -- Costs
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Fogarty
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/27/2014
Public Transit Authority [HB-8121]
Mandate the Rhode Island public transit authority provide basic public transit services to all cities and towns except for the town of New Shoreham.
HB-8121: Public Transit Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Chippendale
Committee Postponed At Request Of Sponsor on 05/08/2014
Mobile Device Theft Deterrence Act [HB-8115]
Require that any mobile device communication sold in Rhode Island include a technological solution that will render inoperable the essential features of the device, when the device is not in the possession of the rightful owner.
HB-8115: Mobile Device Theft Deterrence Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Patricia Serpa
Committee Postponed At Request Of Sponsor on 05/06/2014
Net Metering [HB-8010]
Defines "public entities" for purposes of net metering. Net metering is a process whereby certain electric consumers are permitted to generate electricity and offset their own electric consumption.
HB-8010: Net Metering
Sponsored by: Rep. William O'Brien
Signed By Governor on 07/08/2014
Public Motor Vehicles [HB-7990]
Eliminates the minimum allowable charge for public vehicles when service is prearranged and for when rate is disclosed to passengers in advance.
HB-7990: Public Motor Vehicles
Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Tanzi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/09/2014
Taxicabs And Limited Public Motor Vehicles [HB-7932]
Permit certified taxicab drivers to register charges for transportation services provided to state departments without the use of a taximeter provided the alternate method is approved by the division.
HB-7932: Taxicabs And Limited Public Motor Vehicles
Sponsored by: Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi
Signed By Governor on 07/01/2014
Regulatory Powers Of Administration [HB-7878]
Limit public utility company rate increases to five percent (5%) annually. This act would also require the approval of the public utilities commission prior to any rate increase in excess of that limitation.
HB-7878: Regulatory Powers Of Administration
Sponsored by: Rep. William O'Brien
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/02/2014
Long-term Contracting Standard For Renewable Energy [HB-7791]
Requires that the public utilities commission biannually review power purchase contracts calling for the local construction or installation of generation infrastructure and further require a cost benefit analysis of said contracts.
HB-7791: Long-term Contracting Standard For Renewable Energy
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Newberry
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/09/2014
Contracting Standard For Renewable Energy [HB-7786]
Allow the public utilities commission ninety (90) days to approve or reject long-term renewable energy contracts. The act would eliminate the forty-five (45) day hearing deadline.
HB-7786: Contracting Standard For Renewable Energy
Sponsored by: Rep. Arthur Handy
Signed By Governor on 05/29/2014
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-7712]
Requires utility companies to restore and maintain service to delinquent customers either by an agreed payment plan or the payment of $175, from October 15th until May 1st each year.
HB-7712: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Slater
Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request on 03/11/2014