Telephone Number Portability [HB-6355]
Allows users of telecommunications services to retain, within the same area code, existing phone numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from one telecommunications service provider to another.
HB-6355: Telephone Number Portability
Sponsored by: Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 06/27/2017
Solar Energy Permitting [SB-943]
Promotes the development and utilization of solar energy systems by reducing local burdens on the development process thereto.
SB-943: Solar Energy Permitting
Sponsored by: Sen. Joshua Miller
Introduced, Referred To Senate Environment And Agriculture on 06/08/2017
The Towing Storage Act [HB-5991]
Requires that motor vehicles lawfully seized by police officers for investigation or for lack of registration not be released to their owners until the towing charges are paid and valid registration certificates are produced.
HB-5991: The Towing Storage Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol McEntee
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/04/2017
Railroad Preservation [HB-5978]
Suspends any payments due to MBTA or its operating subcontractor for so long as either is in default on the South County operating agreement.
HB-5978: Railroad Preservation
Sponsored by: Rep. Jean Barros
Committee Postponed At Request Of Sponsor (06/08/2017) on 06/08/2017
Public Utilities Commission [SB-551]
Expands use of public utilities reserve fund to state court appeals to and regulatory matters before federal agencies and increase amount chargeable to public utility to $750,000 but not more than $250,000 for administrator’s representation of state.
SB-551: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Signed By Governor on 06/29/2017
Public Utilities Commission [SB-553]
Extends to March 1, 2028, the electric distribution company requirement to file their supply procurement plan with the public utility commission and removes the restrictions on time of use rates for residential customers.
SB-553: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Marc Cote
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/21/2017
Public Utilities Commission [HB-5869]
Amends and add several sections relative to gas and electric utility carriers, customer service provided thereby, and customer service levels and billing practices required by the carriers to the customers.
HB-5869: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Casimiro
Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request on 03/24/2017
Public Utility Commission [HB-5871]
Exempts from definition of public utility public entities that sell water outside their territorial limits to no more than 5 outside customers, 2% or less of total sales and charge outside customers a price no greater than inside customers.
HB-5871: Public Utility Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Newberry
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/15/2017
The Towing Storage Act [SB-380]
Prohibits property owners from towing cars that have been parked less than one hour unless the cars are otherwise illegally parked on the property. The property owner would be required to pay two times the cost of towing and storage.
SB-380: The Towing Storage Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Ciccone
Introduced, Referred To Senate Judiciary on 03/02/2017
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-5838]
Provides that those persons taking part in the home and community care services to the elderly program (chapter 66.3 of title 42) would be eligible for lifeline telephone service.
HB-5838: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Ajello
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/17/2017