Cable Billing [HB-7874]
Requires cable television companies to give their customers the option to purchase, at its fair market value, a device which decodes digital cable signals for their cable signal reception.
HB-7874: Cable Billing
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/03/2018
Public Utilities Commission [HB-7847]
Repeals the monthly surcharge and prepaid wireless E-911 charge and replaces them with a budget appropriation by the general assembly to fund the E-911 system.
HB-7847: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Phillips
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/01/2018
Railroad Preservation [HB-7814]
Suspends payments to the MBTA or its operating subcontractor as long as either is in default of the South County operating agreement.
HB-7814: Railroad Preservation
Sponsored by: Rep. Jean Barros
Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request on 05/02/2018
Least Cost Procurement [HB-7808]
Caps the system benefit charge at the annual published Consumer Price Index or two and one-half percent (2.5%), whichever is greater.
HB-7808: Least Cost Procurement
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Kennedy
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/01/2018
Public Utilities Commission [HB-7807]
Requires the office of energy resources to conduct a study to verify the energy savings measures from the state energy efficiency programs.
HB-7807: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Brian Kennedy
Signed By Governor on 06/28/2018
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-7784]
Requires electric transmission and electric distribution companies to conduct periodic equipment inspections. Such companies are required to submit a periodic report to the public utilities division regarding the status of such inspections.
HB-7784: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/27/2018
Public Transit Authority [HB-7781]
Limits damages to $100,000 in any tort action against the public transit authority, except by a special act, authorized by the general assembly.
HB-7781: Public Transit Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/27/2018
Public Utilities Commission [HB-7774]
Requires an electric utility to bury power lines in the event of a residential power outage lasting ninety-six (96) consecutive hours or more, unless the outage was caused by the resident.
HB-7774: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Solomon
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/06/2018
Distributed Generation Interconnection [HB-7677]
Creates stringent requirements on electric distribution companies to respond to an application for a renewable distributed generation interconnection.
HB-7677: Distributed Generation Interconnection
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Solomon
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/20/2018
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-7661]
Requires the public utilities commission to periodically review the advertising expense, passed through in utility rates, to determine whether the expense should be deemed allowable or should be excluded from the utility's rates.
HB-7661: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/24/2018
Long-term Leasing Contracts For Renewable Energy [HB-7660]
Clarifies that interconnection and standby transformer costs incurred by any electric distribution co. For BI be charged in transmission rates and socialized across RI and provides for the reimbursement of BI Power Co. By National Grid for such costs.
HB-7660: Long-term Leasing Contracts For Renewable Energy
Sponsored by: Rep. Blake Filippi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/27/2018
Net Metering [HB-7654]
Defines "private entities" and would add private entities to those entities as institutions that are considered eligible net-metering resources.
HB-7654: Net Metering
Sponsored by: Rep. John Edwards
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/24/2018
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-7628]
Requires all public utilities regulated by the PUC to file a rate request for a decrease in their base rates to reflect any federal tax savings as a result of the enactment of federal tax legislation commencing May 1, 2019, and every May 1 thereafter.
HB-7628: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. Patricia Morgan
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/24/2018
Public Utilities Commission [HB-7548]
Reassesses any utility rate increase after January 1, 2017, and evaluate whether the increase in rate results in excessive profits to the utility company.
HB-7548: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. John Edwards
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/24/2018
Excavation Near Underground Utility Facilities [HB-7480]
Requires any public utility or its contractor to reimburse an excavator for lost time expense incurred, including manpower and equipment from the utilities incorrect marking of underground utilities.
HB-7480: Excavation Near Underground Utility Facilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/06/2018