Electric Generation Service [SB-2330]
Requires the public utilities commission to implement a purchase of receivables program where the electric distribution company purchases the receivables of a nonregulated power producer at a discount rate.
SB-2330: Electric Generation Service
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Signed By Governor on 06/29/2018
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [SB-2326]
Requires every electric distribution company and natural gas distribution company to submit to the division of public utilities and carriers an emergency response plan for review and approval.
SB-2326: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Sen. William Conley
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/01/2018
Transportation Network Company Services [SB-2325]
Exempts the town of New Shoreham from the jurisdiction of the division of public utilities and carriers for purposes of regulating transportation network companies.
SB-2325: Transportation Network Company Services
Sponsored by: Sen. Elizabeth Crowley
Referred To House Municipal Government on 04/11/2018
Electric Generation Service [SB-2324]
Requires the public utilities commission to implement a purchase of receivables program where the electric distribution company purchases the receivables of a nonregulated power producer at a discount rate.
SB-2324: Electric Generation Service
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Meeting Postponed (03/01/2018) on 02/27/2018
Long-term Leasing Contracts For Renewable Energy [SB-2321]
Clarifies that interconnection and standby transformer costs incurred by any electric distribution co. For BI be charged in transmission rates and socialized across RI and provides for the reimbursement of BI Power Co. By National Grid for such costs.
SB-2321: Long-term Leasing Contracts For Renewable Energy
Sponsored by: Sen. Virginia Sosnowski
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/27/2018
Excavation Near Underground Utility Facilities -- Costs [SB-2172]
Requires that all costs incurred by municipal corporations associated with the temporary or permanent relocation public utility poles during public works projects within municipal rights-of-way be borne by the public utility.
SB-2172: Excavation Near Underground Utility Facilities -- Costs
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Nesselbush
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/06/2018
Water Supply [SB-2084]
Allows the town of Smithfield to charge interest on delinquent water payments at a rate of not more than twelve percent (12%) per annum.
SB-2084: Water Supply
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Archambault
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/28/2018
Public Utilities Commission [HB-8323]
Combines the individual cost recovery limits for division of public utilities and commission proceedings, and related appeal court expenses into an aggregate limit of $1,000,000.
HB-8323: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Arthur Corvese
Scheduled For Consideration (06/20/2018) on 06/20/2018
Public Transit Authority [HB-8273]
Requires RIPTA to hold public hearing at least 30 days prior any bus route change in the affected neighborhood and provide a neighborhood impact statement to local and state officials.
HB-8273: Public Transit Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Transmitted To Governor on 07/02/2018
Transportation Network Company Services [HB-8182]
Limits the maximum charge imposed by the Rhode Island airport corporation to three dollars ($3.00) per trip for transportation network company services.
HB-8182: Transportation Network Company Services
Sponsored by: Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 06/19/2018
Motor Carriers Of Property [HB-8151]
Allows tow truck operators as of January 1, 2020, to annually raise rates and charges consistent with the increase in the Consumer Price Index to a maximum of eight percent (8%).
HB-8151: Motor Carriers Of Property
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol McEntee
Introduced, Referred To House Finance on 05/02/2018
E-911 Geographic Information System [HB-8091]
GIS) AND TECHNOLOGY FUND (Requires the department of administration prepare an accounting of the funds used to operate the 911 emergency system.
HB-8091: E-911 Geographic Information System
Sponsored by: Rep. Patricia Morgan
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 05/01/2018
Duties Of Utilities And Carriers [HB-8060]
Requires the issuance of utility bill credits to customers of electrical or cable television providers when the customer's service is interrupted for a period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours within a thirty (30) day period.
HB-8060: Duties Of Utilities And Carriers
Sponsored by: Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/10/2018
Net Metering [HB-8021]
Allows a public entity, educational institution, hospital, nonprofit, or multi-municipal collaborative to participate in net metering without having to own the land on which the net metering resource is situated.
HB-8021: Net Metering
Sponsored by: Rep. William O'Brien
Introduced, Referred To House Finance on 03/29/2018
Public Utilities Commission [HB-7875]
Requires all public utilities to maintain a customer service facility within the state to perform services such as addressing customer inquiries and accepting bill payments.
HB-7875: Public Utilities Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Raymond Hull
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/27/2018