You have voted HB-4972: Allowing West Virginia State Police officers to bank sick leave and use it towards their years of service or to fund their health insurance.
Physician assistants; definitions, requisite training and education achievements. [HB-1545]
Requisite training and education achievements of physician assistants. Permits the Board of Medicine to grant provisional licensure as a physician assistant to applicants pending the results of an examination, as defined in the bill. Such provisional license is valid for six months or until an applicant obtains full licensure, whichever is shorter. The bill directs the Board to revoke the provisional licensure of an applicant who fails an examination but provides that an applicant may reapply for provisional licensure if such applicant has failed
HB-1545: Physician assistants; definitions, requisite training and education achievements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams
Defeated By Senate (17-y 22-n) on 03/05/2024
Public schools; opioid antagonist administration, etc. [SB-726]
Public schools; opioid antagonist procurement, possession, and administration; school board employee training and certification; opioid overdose prevention and reversal instruction; guidelines and requirements. Requires each local school board to develop, in accordance with the guidelines developed by the Department of Health in collaboration with the Department of Education, plans, policies, and procedures for (i) providing at each public secondary school that includes grades nine through 12 a program of instruction on opioid overdose prevention
SB-726: Public schools; opioid antagonist administration, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Pillion
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0519) on 04/04/2024
Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc. [SB-716]
Board of Medicine; unprofessional conduct. Prohibits the Board of Medicine from taking disciplinary action against a doctor based on the alleged provision or receipt of abortion care that is not prohibited under the laws of the Commonwealth, regardless of where such abortion care was provided or received. The bill also specifies that grounds for refusal to issue a certificate or license to any applicant or to take disciplinary action for procuring or performing an abortion apply to such action only as it is prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth.
SB-716: Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Carroll Foy
Passed By For The Day on 04/17/2024
Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority; powers and duties, definition. [HB-1499]
Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority; Virginia Health Care Career and Technical Training and Education Fund created; psychological practitioner defined; educational requirements for nursing faculty. Modifies the enabling legislation for the Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority by adding four additional ex officio members to the Authority's Board of Directors, adding setting priorities for and managing graduate medical education programs to the duties of the Authority, specifying additional recipients of the Board's biennial
HB-1499: Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority; powers and duties, definition.
Sponsored by: Rep. M. Keith Hodges
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0754) on 04/08/2024
Behavioral health technicians and trainees; registration requirements for Board of Counseling. [HB-1500]
Board of Counseling; registration of behavioral health technicians and behavioral health technician trainees. Establishes requirements for the Board of Counseling to register individuals as behavioral health technicians or behavioral health technician trainees. The bill authorizes the Board to promulgate regulations for such registration, including necessary qualifications, education, and experience. The bill removes references to qualified mental health professionals with a delayed effective date of July 1, 2026.
HB-1500: Behavioral health technicians and trainees; registration requirements for Board of Counseling.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Willett
Left In Health And Human Services on 02/13/2024
Health professions; universal licensure, requirements. [HB-1479]
Health professions; universal licensure; requirements. Requires health regulatory boards within the Department of Health Professions to recognize licenses or certifications issued by other United States jurisdictions, as defined in the bill, as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill also requires such health regulatory boards to recognize work experience as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill does not apply to licensure
HB-1479: Health professions; universal licensure, requirements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Marcia Price
Continued To 2025 In Health And Human Services By Voice Vote on 02/08/2024
Health professions; universal licensure, requirements. [SB-682]
Health professions; universal licensure; requirements. Requires health regulatory boards within the Department of Health Professions to recognize licenses or certifications issued by other United States jurisdictions, as defined in the bill, as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill also requires such health regulatory boards to recognize work experience as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill does not apply to licensure
SB-682: Health professions; universal licensure, requirements.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Suetterlein
Continued To 2025 In Rules (8-y 6-n 1-a) on 02/09/2024
Drug Control Act; adds certain chemicals to Schedules I, II, IV, and V of Act. [HB-1450]
Drug Control Act; Schedule I; Schedule II; Schedule IV; Schedule V. Adds certain chemicals to Schedules I, II, IV, and V of the Drug Control Act. The Board of Pharmacy has added these substances in an expedited regulatory process. A substance added via this process is removed from the schedule after 18 months unless a general law is enacted adding the substance to the schedule.
HB-1450: Drug Control Act; adds certain chemicals to Schedules I, II, IV, and V of Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Thomas
Incorporated By Health And Human Services on 01/30/2024
Relating to use of criminal records as disqualification from authorization to practice particular profession [SB-493]
The purpose of this bill is to amend §1-1-6 and §30-1-24 relating generally to the use of criminal records as disqualification, from authorization to practice a profession or occupation, by a board, authority, or other agency authorized to issue licenses, certifications, registrations, or other authorizations to engage in a particular profession or occupation.
SB-493: Relating to use of criminal records as disqualification from authorization to practice particular profession
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Woelfel
To House Government Organization on 02/26/2024
HB-4884: Allowing healthcare workers to refuse to perform procedures related to sex reassignment or gender identity transitioning for religious or conscientious objection
Sponsored by: Rep. Jonathan Pinson
Filed For Introduction on 01/18/2024
You have voted HB-4884: Allowing healthcare workers to refuse to perform procedures related to sex reassignment or gender identity transitioning for religious or conscientious objection.
To reduce the certification period for certain emergency medical personnel from 4 years to 2 years [HB-4868]
The purpose of this bill is to reduce the certification periods for EMS personnel from 4 years to 2 years to align certification periods with those of the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, to reduce the certification renewal fees to correspond with the shorter certification period and to require the Office of Emergency Medical Services to publish disciplinary actions taken against certified EMS personnel on its website.
HB-4868: To reduce the certification period for certain emergency medical personnel from 4 years to 2 years
Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Butler
With Amendment, Do Pass, But First To Judiciary on 02/02/2024
Relating to regulation of pawnbrokers [SB-481]
The purpose of this bill is to regulate pawnbrokers. The bill removes an exception for certain transactions from the report required of all pawnbrokers. The bill requires all pawnbrokers to be equipped with certain surveillance equipment and signage effective January 1, 2024. The bill prohibits pawnbrokers from doing business with certain persons. The bill prohibits pawnbrokers from purchasing certain items or transacting with certain items from anyone. The bill creates misdemeanor offenses for certain violations. Finally, the bill increases the
SB-481: Relating to regulation of pawnbrokers
Sponsored by: Sen. Glenn Jeffries
Filed For Introduction on 01/17/2024
Practice of athletic training; amends definition. [HB-1389]
Practice of athletic training; definition. Amends the definition of "practice of athletic training" to allow the practice of athletic training to be conducted in an inpatient or outpatient setting.
HB-1389: Practice of athletic training; amends definition.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michelle Lopes-Maldonado
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0222) on 03/28/2024
Veterinary medicine; exceptions for care of animals injured in line of duty. [HB-1387]
Department of Health Professions; veterinary medicine; exceptions for care of animals injured in line of duty. Provides an exception to the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine for any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel who provides emergency treatment to any animal in his care that is injured in the line of duty.
HB-1387: Veterinary medicine; exceptions for care of animals injured in line of duty.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich
Continued To 2025 In Health And Human Services By Voice Vote on 02/01/2024