Behavioral health technicians, etc.; scope of practice, supervision, and qualifications. [SB-403]
Behavioral health technicians; behavioral health technician assistants; qualified mental health professionals; qualified mental health professional-trainees; scope of practice, supervision, and qualifications. Adds behavioral health technicians and behavioral health technician assistants to the professions governed by the Board of Counseling. The bill also establishes qualification, scope of practice, and supervision requirements for qualified mental health professionals and qualified mental health professional-trainees. The bill directs the Board
SB-403: Behavioral health technicians, etc.; scope of practice, supervision, and qualifications.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0595) on 04/05/2024
To create the Occupational Licensing Legal Fund in the State Treasury [HB-4603]
The purpose of this bill is to establish a special revenue fund out of existing receipts to pay legal fees and court costs to the West Virginia Attorney General, or other counsel, incurred within the operation of the occupational licensing boards.
HB-4603: To create the Occupational Licensing Legal Fund in the State Treasury
Sponsored by: Rep. Geoff Foster
Filed For Introduction on 01/11/2024
Auricular acupuncture; use of the five needle protocol. [HB-1278]
Auricular acupuncture; use of the five needle protocol. Allows any person to engage in the five needle auricular acupuncture protocol (5NP), a standardized protocol wherein up to five needles are inserted into the external human ear to provide relief from the effects of behavioral health conditions, provided that such person (i) has appropriate training in the 5NP, including training established by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association or equivalent certifying body; (ii) does not use any letters, words, or insignia indicating or implying
HB-1278: Auricular acupuncture; use of the five needle protocol.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0548) on 04/05/2024
Unaccompanied homeless youth; consent to surgical or medical care. [HB-1239]
Unaccompanied homeless youth; consent to surgical or medical care. Provides that except for the purposes of sexual sterilization or abortion, a minor who is 14 years of age or older and who is an unaccompanied homeless youth shall be deemed an adult for the purpose of consenting to surgical or medical examination or treatment, including dental examination and treatment, for himself or his minor child. The bill describes evidence sufficient to determine that a minor is an unaccompanied homeless youth and provides that no health care provider shall
HB-1239: Unaccompanied homeless youth; consent to surgical or medical care.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Willett
Continued To 2025 In Health And Human Services By Voice Vote on 02/06/2024
Psychological practitioners; establishes a licensing procedure. [HB-1294]
Board of Psychology; psychological practitioners; licensure. Establishes a licensing procedure by the Board of Psychology for a psychological practitioner as defined in the bill. The bill directs the Board to adopt emergency regulations to implement the provisions of the bill.
HB-1294: Psychological practitioners; establishes a licensing procedure.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Willett
Left In Health And Human Services on 02/13/2024
Medicine, Board of; temporary licensure of physicians licensed in a foreign country. [HB-995]
Board of Medicine; temporary licensure of physicians licensed in a foreign country. Permits the Board of Medicine to issue a provisional license to a physician licensed in a foreign country for no more than two years, then a subsequent renewable two-year license if the physician practices in a medically underserved area. After two years of practice under the renewable license in a medically underserved area, a physician licensed in a foreign country is eligible to apply for a full, unrestricted license to practice medicine. The bill specifies that
HB-995: Medicine, Board of; temporary licensure of physicians licensed in a foreign country.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Tran
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0464) on 04/04/2024
Nurse practitioners; patient care team provider, autonomous practice. [HB-971]
Nurse practitioners; autonomous practice. Lowers from five years to three years the amount of full-time clinical experience required before an advanced practice registered nurse may practice without a practice agreement and permits qualified nurse practitioners to attest that a nurse practitioner may be qualified to practice without a practice agreement. The bill permits advanced practice registered nurses to practice without a practice agreement when a patient care team physician is no longer able to serve if such advanced practice registered nurse
HB-971: Nurse practitioners; patient care team provider, autonomous practice.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Sullivan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0404) on 04/04/2024
Contractors, Board for; offering exams, language counterparts. [HB-1190]
Board for Contractors; offering or approving exams; language counterparts. Provides that any exam offered by the Board for Contractors that averaged over 50 administrations per year over the preceding four-year period shall be made available in any language that meets the threshold for having election materials printed in that language pursuant to the federal Voting Rights Act. Board for Contractors; offering or approving exams; language counterparts. Provides that any exam offered by the Board for Contractors that averaged over 50 administrations
HB-1190: Contractors, Board for; offering exams, language counterparts.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Thomas
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Creating First Responder Financial Assistance Act [SB-181]
The purpose of this bill is to establish the First Responder Financial Assistance Act. The bill creates a surcharge for the purpose of vanity license plate purchases to be deposited into the First Responder Financial Assistance Fund. The bill provides for a tuition waiver for first responders. The bill provides for definitions. The bill establishes the Act and provides certain benefits for first responders. Finally, the bill establishes a fund for the Act.
SB-181: Creating First Responder Financial Assistance Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Woodrum
Filed For Introduction on 01/10/2024
Veterinary medicine; traineeships. [HB-848]
Veterinary medicine; traineeships. Allows any veterinary medicine licensure applicant enrolled in a traineeship program to engage in the limited practice of veterinary medicine, as that term is defined by the Board of Veterinary Medicine, under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. The bill directs the Board to adopt emergency regulations to implement the provisions of the bill.
HB-848: Veterinary medicine; traineeships.
Sponsored by: Rep. Israel O'Quinn
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0307) on 04/02/2024