Veterinary medicine; exceptions for care of animals injured in line of duty. [HB-1387]
Department of Health Professions; veterinary medicine; exceptions for care of animals injured in line of duty. Provides an exception to the unauthorized practice of veterinary medicine for any law-enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services personnel who provides emergency treatment to any animal in his care that is injured in the line of duty.
HB-1387: Veterinary medicine; exceptions for care of animals injured in line of duty.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich
Left In Health And Human Services on 11/18/2024
Health professions; universal licensure, requirements. [HB-1479]
Health professions; universal licensure; requirements. Requires health regulatory boards within the Department of Health Professions to recognize licenses or certifications issued by other United States jurisdictions, as defined in the bill, as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill also requires such health regulatory boards to recognize work experience as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill does not apply to licensure
HB-1479: Health professions; universal licensure, requirements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Marcia Price
Left In Health And Human Services on 11/18/2024
Unaccompanied homeless youth; consent to surgical or medical care. [HB-1239]
Unaccompanied homeless youth; consent to surgical or medical care. Provides that except for the purposes of sexual sterilization or abortion, a minor who is 14 years of age or older and who is an unaccompanied homeless youth shall be deemed an adult for the purpose of consenting to surgical or medical examination or treatment, including dental examination and treatment, for himself or his minor child. The bill describes evidence sufficient to determine that a minor is an unaccompanied homeless youth and provides that no health care provider shall
HB-1239: Unaccompanied homeless youth; consent to surgical or medical care.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Willett
Left In Health And Human Services on 11/18/2024
Parental access to minor's medical records; consent by certain minors to treatment. [HB-813]
Parental access to minor's medical records; consent by certain minors to treatment of mental or emotional disorder. Adds an exception to the right of parental access to a minor child's health records if the furnishing to or review by the requesting parent of such health records would be reasonably likely to deter the minor from seeking care. Under the bill, a minor 16 years of age or older who is determined by a health care provider to be mature and capable of giving informed consent shall be deemed an adult for the purpose of giving consent to
HB-813: Parental access to minor's medical records; consent by certain minors to treatment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Tran
Left In Health And Human Services on 11/18/2024
Health professions; universal licensure, requirements. [SB-682]
Health professions; universal licensure; requirements. Requires health regulatory boards within the Department of Health Professions to recognize licenses or certifications issued by other United States jurisdictions, as defined in the bill, as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill also requires such health regulatory boards to recognize work experience as fulfillment for licensure or certification in the Commonwealth if certain conditions are met. The bill does not apply to licensure
SB-682: Health professions; universal licensure, requirements.
Sponsored by: Sen. David Suetterlein
Left In Rules on 11/19/2024
Prescription Monitoring Program; overdose information. [HB-1185]
Board of Health; Department of Health Professions; Prescription Monitoring Program; overdose information. Directs the Board of Health to report Admit, Transfer, and Discharge data elements on patients who overdose on opioids to the Department of Health Professions for use in the Prescription Monitoring Program. The bill requires practitioners to obtain such data when prescribing opioids.
Advanced practice registered nurses and licensed certified midwives; joint licensing. [SB-351]
Board of Medicine; Board of Nursing; joint licensing of advanced practice registered nurses and licensed certified midwives. Moves the professions of advanced practice registered nurses and licensed certified midwives from being licensed jointly by the Board of Medicine and the Board of Nursing to being licensed by the Board of Nursing only.
SB-351: Advanced practice registered nurses and licensed certified midwives; joint licensing.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Left In Education And Health on 11/19/2024
Relating to massage therapy establishments [SB-786]
The purpose of this bill is to modify the date for implementing massage establishment licensure, and to provide authority for the board to issue an emergency order halting establishment operation until the establishment is in compliance with §30-37-1 et seq. of this code.
SB-786: Relating to massage therapy establishments
Sponsored by: Sen. Patricia Rucker
Chapter 198, Acts, Regular Session, 2024 on 04/23/2024
You have voted HB-5608: Relating to the use of legal cannabis sales profits to offset employee contributions to the Public Employees Insurance program..
HB-5635: Relating to allowing patients to direct prescribers to list the illness or condition for which a prescription is being issued on the label of the prescription
Sponsored by: Rep. Amy Summers
To Health And Human Resources on 02/22/2024
You have voted HB-5635: Relating to allowing patients to direct prescribers to list the illness or condition for which a prescription is being issued on the label of the prescription.
You have voted HB-5569: Requiring an appraiser to pay for a background check required by the AMC as a condition of being added to the AMCs panel of appraisers..
Creating Physician Assistant Compact [SB-667]
The purpose of this bill relates to the creation of the Physicians Licensure Compact. The bill provides for a purpose. The bill creates definitions. The bill provides for state participation in the compact. The bill creates the compact privilege. The bill provides for the designation of the state from which licensee is applying for a compact privilege. The bill defines adverse actions. The bill provides for the establishment of the PA Licensure Compact Commission. The bill defines the data system. The bill provides for rulemaking. The bill provides
SB-667: Creating Physician Assistant Compact
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Plymale
Chapter 197, Acts, Regular Session, 2024 on 04/23/2024