Companion animals; surgical sterilization program. [SB-18]
Companion animal surgical sterilization program; fund; penalty. Establishes a fund to reimburse participating veterinarians for the surgical sterilizations they perform on eligible cats or dogs. The bill provides that a surcharge of $5 per ton of pet food distributed in the Commonwealth be deposited in the fund and such pet food be exempted from the existing litter tax. An animal will be eligible for sterilization under the program if it is a feral or free-roaming cat or is owned by a low-income individual or a releasing agency such as an animal
License tax, local; staffing firm deductions. [HB-545]
Local license tax; staffing firms. Provides that a staffing firm may deduct from otherwise taxable gross receipts salaries, wages, and other benefits it pays to independent contractors hired to provide professional employer organization services or temporary help services on behalf of or for the benefit of the staffing firm's clients.
Occupational safety and health; employer's liability for violation by contractor. [SB-483]
Occupational safety and health; employer's liability for violation by contractor. Prohibits the Commissioner of Labor and Industry from issuing a citation or assessing a civil penalty against an employer for a violation of occupational safety and health law if the violation is imputed to the employer vicariously as the result of the failure of the employer's contractor or subcontractor to obtain a contractor's license or maintain a copy of the contractor's license on site. The exemption from liability applies only if the employer did not have actual
SB-483: Occupational safety and health; employer's liability for violation by contractor.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bill DeSteph
Left In Commerce And Labor on 12/02/2016
Hate crimes; acts against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and EMS personnel. [HB-1398]
Hate crimes; acts against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and EMS personnel. Expands the definition of hate crime for the purpose of reporting hate crimes within the Department of State Police to include acts against persons employed as law-enforcement officers, firefighters, or emergency medical services personnel.
HB-1398: Hate crimes; acts against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and EMS personnel.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
Associate physicians; requirements for licensure, practice agreements. [HB-900]
Licensure and practice of associate physicians. Authorizes the Board of Medicine to issue a two-year license to practice as an associate physician to an applicant who is 18 years of age or older, is of good moral character, has successfully graduated from an accredited medical school, has successfully completed Step 1 and Step 2 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination, and has not been engaged in a postgraduate medical internship or residency training program. The bill requires all associate physicians to practice in accordance with a
HB-900: Associate physicians; requirements for licensure, practice agreements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Stolle
Left In Education And Health on 12/02/2016
Firefighters employed by localities; entitlement to continued compensation. [HB-1104]
Firefighters employed by localities; entitlement to continued compensation during period of quarantine or isolation. Provides that a firefighter who is the subject of an order of quarantine or an order of isolation as a result of potential exposure that occurred in the line of duty is entitled to the continued payment of compensation from his local employer during the period of such quarantine or isolation.
HB-1104: Firefighters employed by localities; entitlement to continued compensation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 12/01/2016
Laser hair removal technicians; licensure by Board of Medicine. [HB-957]
Board of Medicine; licensure of laser hair removal technicians. Requires individuals who practice laser hair removal to be licensed by the Board of Medicine. The bill defines "laser hair removal" and establishes the Advisory Board on Laser Hair Removal to advise the Board of Medicine on this discipline. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2017.
HB-957: Laser hair removal technicians; licensure by Board of Medicine.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Keam
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/01/2016
HB-2108: Requiring school bus aides, who are trained in preventing bullying and providing a safe environment for students while being transported on a school bus, to be present on school buses
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Eldridge
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017
You have voted HB-2108: Requiring school bus aides, who are trained in preventing bullying and providing a safe environment for students while being transported on a school bus, to be present on school buses.
Crimes against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and other emergency personnel; penalty. [SB-790]
Crimes against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and other emergency personnel; penalty. Eliminates, for the crime of capital murder of a law-enforcement officer or fire marshal, the element that the killing must be committed for the purpose of interfering with the performance of the victim's official duties for the defendant to be guilty of the crime. For the crimes of (i) malicious or unlawful wounding of a law-enforcement officer, firefighter, search and rescue personnel, or emergency medical services personnel and (ii) assault or assault
SB-790: Crimes against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and other emergency personnel; penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Cosgrove
Passed By Indefinitely In Finance (16-y 0-n) on 01/31/2017
Onsite sewage systems; designs for treatment works from professional engineers. [HB-1080]
Onsite sewage systems. Clarifies that designs for treatment works from individuals licensed as professional engineers shall comply with horizontal setback requirements applicable to public and private drinking water sources, lakes and other impounded waters, streams and rivers, shellfish waters, and karst-related surface features necessary to protect public health and the environment. The bill also provides that effluent and ground water sampling requirements of the Board of Health shall not apply to alternative onsite sewage systems sized at 1,000
HB-1080: Onsite sewage systems; designs for treatment works from professional engineers.
Sponsored by: Rep. M. Keith Hodges
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/01/2016
Chiropractic, practice of; expands definition. [HB-1098]
Practice of chiropractic; scope. Expands the scope of the practice of chiropractic to include performing the physical examinations required of applicants for a new commercial driver's license or commercial learner's permit or a renewal of such license or permit.
HB-1098: Chiropractic, practice of; expands definition.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Hugo
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 12/01/2016
Nurse practitioners; eliminates requirement that they practice as part of patient care team. [SB-620]
Nurse practitioners. Eliminates the requirement that a nurse practitioner practice as part of a patient care team with a practice agreement with a patient care physician. The bill also eliminates a Board of Health pilot program authorizing certain nurse practitioners to practice without a practice agreement as the bill makes such pilot obsolete. The bill requires regulations to be promulgated within 280 days of enactment.
SB-620: Nurse practitioners; eliminates requirement that they practice as part of patient care team.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Left In Education And Health on 12/02/2016
Private animal shelters; reporting euthanasia. [SB-6]
Private animal shelters; reporting; euthanasia. Requires any private animal shelter that euthanizes animals to submit to the State Veterinarian an annual report listing each animal euthanized; the dates of initial confinement, holding, and euthanasia; the shelter's efforts, if any, to dispose of the animal by nonlethal means; and the basis for the decision to euthanize the animal.
Professions, occupations, and trades; applicant's criminal history. [HB-838]
Regulation of professions, occupations, and trades; criminal history. Provides that questions related to an applicant's criminal history on any application for licensure, certification, registration, or authority shall be limited to those crimes that constitute a barrier to licensure, certification, registration, or authority by the applicable regulatory board or to employment in the profession, trade, or occupation for which a license, certification, registration, or authority is sought.
HB-838: Professions, occupations, and trades; applicant's criminal history.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Left In Commerce And Labor on 12/01/2016