Mandatory minimum sentences; terms of confinement or imprisonment to be served consecutively. [SB-832]
Mandatory minimum sentences to be served consecutively; penalty. Provides that for certain crimes where a mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment must be imposed on the guilty party, such sentence shall be served consecutively with any other sentence imposed on such party. The crimes included in the bill are §§ 16.1-253.2 (violation of protective orders), 18.2-46.3:3 (street gang activity in gang-free zones), 18.2-60.4 (violation of protective orders), 18.2-61 (rape), 18.2-67.1 (forcible sodomy), 18.2-67.2 (object sexual penetration), 18.2-154
SB-832: Mandatory minimum sentences; terms of confinement or imprisonment to be served consecutively.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0774) on 04/03/2013
Workers' compensation; disease presumption, corrections officers. [SB-774]
Workers' compensation; disease presumption; correctional officers. Adds correctional officers to the list of public safety employees who are entitled to a presumption that hypertension and heart disease and certain infectious diseases are occupational diseases compensable under the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act.
Jail facilities, temporary; Chesapeake allowed certain waivers for current temporary structures. [SB-729]
Temporary jail facilities; Chesapeake. Allows the City of Chesapeake to receive a waiver from the construction requirements of the "Standards for Planning, Design, Construction and Reimbursement of Local Correctional Facilities" for a jail enlargement project using a temporary structure for housing community custody inmates. The bill contains an emergency clause.
SB-729: Jail facilities, temporary; Chesapeake allowed certain waivers for current temporary structures.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harry Blevins
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0453) on 03/16/2013
Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility. [SB-728]
Court adoption of jails. Clarifies that when a county or city is without an adequate jail the court can adopt a regional jail until it can obtain an adequate jail. Currently the statute provides for the adoption of the jail of another county or city in such circumstances without specifying regional jails.
SB-728: Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harry Blevins
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Rehabilitation And Social Services By Voice Vote on 01/18/2013
Workers' compensation; disease presumption, corrections officers. [SB-704]
Workers' compensation; disease presumption; corrections officers. Adds correctional officers to the list of public safety employees who are entitled to a presumption that hypertension and heart disease and certain infectious diseases are occupational diseases compensable under the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act.
Felonies by prisoners; penalties. [SB-586]
Crimes by prisoners; penalties. Provides that a prisoner may be charged under the Code sections that apply to crimes by prisoners, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, and possession of a firearm by a felon.
SB-586: Felonies by prisoners; penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Northam
Left In Finance on 11/30/2012
Assault and battery; adds prison contractor to class of people victimized in prisons, penalty. [SB-547]
Assault and battery a felony when certain classes of people are victimized; penalty. Expands the class of people for whom, when they are victims of an assault or assault and battery, the offense is punished as a Class 6 felony. The expanded class would include a person employed as a prison contractor as defined in §53.1-261.
SB-547: Assault and battery; adds prison contractor to class of people victimized in prisons, penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Northam
Left In Finance on 11/30/2012
Geriatric prisoners; removes petition requirement for Parole Board to consider conditional release. [SB-290]
Conditional release of geriatric prisoners. Removes the petition requirement for the Parole Board to consider a geriatric release, and requires the Parole Board to report to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services not later than December 1, 2012, on the number of individuals considered for conditional release, the number of individuals actually released, and the number of individuals conditionally released who are subsequently arrested and recommitted to the Department of Corrections.
SB-290: Geriatric prisoners; removes petition requirement for Parole Board to consider conditional release.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 11/29/2012
Child support; DCE to withhold payments from prisoners who maintain job within Department. [SB-247]
Opportunities for work and career and technical education; child support. Requires the Department to withhold child support payments out of moneys paid to prisoners who maintain a job within the Department. Child support payments owed will also be withheld from any inmate trust account established for the prisoner.
SB-247: Child support; DCE to withhold payments from prisoners who maintain job within Department.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Left In Rehabilitation And Social Services on 11/30/2012
Postrelease supervision of felons; amends provisions. [SB-175]
Postrelease supervision of felons. Amends provisions regarding the imposition of an additional term of incarceration and postrelease supervision for certain felons who are sentenced to an active prison term. The bill clarifies that an additional term of incarceration is to be imposed and provides that if the court fails to impose the term, the length of the term is six months.
SB-175: Postrelease supervision of felons; amends provisions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Left In Courts Of Justice on 11/30/2012
Nonconsecutive jail times; court to sentence defendant to weekend days, etc. [SB-1266]
Nonconsecutive jail time. Authorizes a court to sentence defendants convicted of a criminal offense, not just those convicted of a misdemeanor, who are sentenced to confinement in jail, to weekend days or nonconsecutive days to permit the defendant to retain gainful employment.
SB-1266: Nonconsecutive jail times; court to sentence defendant to weekend days, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Norment
Tabled In Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote on 02/18/2013
Juveniles; placement in secure local facility. [SB-1234]
Placement in secure local facility. Clarifies that a juvenile 14 years of age or older who is eligible for commitment to the Department of Juvenile Justice may be confined in a detention home or other secure local facility for more than 30 days provided that the court orders the juvenile committed to the Department but suspends such commitment.
SB-1234: Juveniles; placement in secure local facility.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0651) on 03/20/2013
Corrections, Department of; exchange of medical and mental health records, etc. [SB-1217]
Department of Corrections; exchange of medical records. Authorizes the Department of Corrections to exchange medical and mental health information and records of any person committed to the Department with the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, the Department of Social Services, and any local department of social services in the Commonwealth for the purposes of reentry planning and post-incarceration placement and services.
SB-1217: Corrections, Department of; exchange of medical and mental health records, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Newman
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0164) on 03/12/2013
Department of Corrections; electronic notice. [SB-1208]
Department of Corrections; electronic notice. Provides that the Department of Corrections may use electronic means to provide notice to the appropriate parties prior to the release of a prisoner. Under current law, the Department may only provide such notice using first-class mail. The bill contains technical amendments.
SB-1208: Department of Corrections; electronic notice.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0162) on 03/12/2013
Juvenile and adult facilities; punishment for certain offenses committed within facilities, etc. [SB-1033]
Correctional centers; adult and juvenile; penalties. For selected offenses, imposes the same penalties for offenses committed by persons confined in a juvenile correctional center as currently exist for adult prisoners. Persons who deliver certain items to committed juveniles or allow their escape will face penalties comparable to the same conduct involving adult prisoners. The bill makes it a Class 6 felony, with a six-month mandatory minimum term of confinement, to assault persons directly involved in the care, treatment, or supervision of persons
SB-1033: Juvenile and adult facilities; punishment for certain offenses committed within facilities, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0782) on 04/03/2013
Constitutional amendment; restoration of voting rights. [HJR-721]
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); restoration of voting rights. Provides for the automatic restoration of voting rights to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies (excepting felony drug and election fraud crimes) upon completion of sentence, including any term of probation or parole. The bill further provides that persons convicted of violent felonies, felony drug crimes, or election fraud crimes may have their voting rights restored by the Governor upon completion of sentence, including any term of probation or parole, and authorizes
HJR-721: Constitutional amendment; restoration of voting rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Algie Howell
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/05/2013
Correctional officers; Workers' Compensation Commission to study occupational disease presumptions. [HJR-683]
Study; Workers' Compensation Commission to study expanding occupational disease presumptions to include correctional officers; report. Requests the Workers' Compensation Commission to study the impact of providing correctional officers the benefits of the rebuttable presumptions that currently provide that hypertension, heart disease, and certain infectious diseases causing the death of, or a health condition or impairment that results in the total or partial disability of, certain public safety employees are occupational diseases suffered in the
HJR-683: Correctional officers; Workers' Compensation Commission to study occupational disease presumptions.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Morefield
Left In Rules on 02/05/2013