Correctional facilities; use of isolated confinement. [SB-1301]
Correctional facilities; use of isolated confinement. Prohibits the use of isolated confinement in state correctional facilities and juvenile correctional centers, subject to certain exceptions. Isolated confinement is defined in the bill as confinement of a prisoner or juvenile to a cell, alone or with another prisoner or juvenile, for 20 hours or more per day for an adult or for 17 hours or more per day for a juvenile, other than for the purpose of providing medical or mental health treatment. The bill has a delayed effective date of July 1, 2022.
SB-1301: Correctional facilities; use of isolated confinement.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Left In Appropriations on 03/01/2021
Parole; hearing for nonviolent offenders whose crime was committed on or after January 1, 1995. [SB-661]
Parole; nonviolent felons. Allows a parole hearing for nonviolent offenders whose crime was committed on or after January 1, 1995, and who have served 50% of their sentence. If the incarceration is the offender's second felony incarceration in Virginia or another state, the offender must serve 75% of the sentence before becoming eligible for a parole hearing.
SB-661: Parole; hearing for nonviolent offenders whose crime was committed on or after January 1, 1995.
Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Puckett
Stricken At Request Of Patron In Rehabilitation And Social Services (13-y 0-n) on 01/31/2014
Correctional facilities, certain; communication of results of immigration alien query. [SB-641]
Exemption from reporting citizenship status of prisoners for certain correctional facilities. Provides that a sheriff or other officer in charge of a jail shall communicate the results of any immigration alien query that confirm that a person committed to the jail is illegally present in the United States to the Local Inmate Data System. Currently, the sheriff or other officer must communicate the results of such queries regardless of whether the results confirm that such person is illegally present in the United States.
SB-641: Correctional facilities, certain; communication of results of immigration alien query.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan McDougle
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0641) on 04/04/2014
Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, persons subject to protective order, ineligible. [SB-561]
Conditional release of geriatric prisoners; persons subject to protective orders ineligible. Provides that a prisoner who was convicted of a felony act of violence and who was subject to a protective order at the time of the offense is ineligible for conditional release from prison due to age if the victim of the felony offense was the protected person under the protective order.
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; notification of laws. [SB-553]
Sex Offender Registry; notification of laws. Requires the Attorney General to annually prepare a pamphlet listing and summarizing laws containing requirements and prohibitions relevant to persons required to register as sex offenders and communicate the pamphlet to the State Police and the Department of Corrections. The bill requires the State Police to (i) publish the pamphlet on its website and (ii) annually distribute the pamphlet to persons required to register as sex offenders unless the person is under the control of the Department of Corrections
SB-553: Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; notification of laws.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Continued To 2015 In Courts Of Justice (15-y 0-n) on 01/22/2014
Dead bodies; disposition. [SB-403]
Dead bodies, disposition. Authorizes the Department of Corrections to accept and dispose of an unclaimed dead body of a person who has been received into the state corrections system and died prior to his release and whose body the Commissioner of Health refuses to accept. The bill also provides liability protection for such acceptance and disposition.
SB-403: Dead bodies; disposition.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kenneth Alexander
Incorporated By Education And Health on 01/16/2014
Jail construction; state reimbursement for cost of renovating, etc., to provide mental health beds. [SB-301]
Jail construction; state reimbursement; mental health beds. Provides that the Commonwealth will reimburse 50% of the cost of constructing, enlarging, or renovating a jail or regional jail to provide mental health beds and 100% of the cost of treating personnel. The jails must go through an application and approval process. The bill limits the current 50% reimbursement for construction, enlargement, or renovation of regional jails to projects approved by the Governor prior to July 1, 2014.
SB-301: Jail construction; state reimbursement for cost of renovating, etc., to provide mental health beds.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan McDougle
Rereferred From Rehabilitation And Social Services (12-y 0-n) on 01/17/2014
Temporary detention order; facility of detention. [SB-200]
Temporary detention order; facility of detention. Provides that in cases in which a facility for temporary detention has not been identified prior to the running of the time for emergency custody, the magistrate shall issue the temporary detention order if the person meets the criteria for temporary detention and the community services board certifies that it will continue to make good faith efforts to identify the facility of temporary detention until such time as a facility is identified or the temporary detention order expires for lack of execution.
SB-200: Temporary detention order; facility of detention.
Sponsored by: Sen. Janet Howell
Incorporated By Education And Health on 01/30/2014
Felons; weekend jail time. [SB-167]
Weekend jail time. Allows the court to sentence a felon to nonconsecutive days or weekend jail time upon a showing of good cause if the felony was not an "act of violence" as defined in § 19.2-297.1 and the active portion of the sentence remaining to be served is 120 days or less. The bill also eliminates the provision limiting nonconsecutive days or weekend jail time to the purpose of allowing the defendant to retain gainful employment. As introduced, this bill was a recommendation of the Virginia Criminal Justice Conference.
SB-167: Felons; weekend jail time.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Failed To Pass In Senate on 03/08/2014
Felony sentence; suspension or modification. [SB-146]
Sentence modification; felony. Amends provision that allows felony sentence modification prior to transfer to the Department of Corrections to allow sentence modification after transfer to the Department of Corrections pursuant to a motion for a sentence modification hearing agreed to by the attorney for the Commonwealth and the defendant.
SB-146: Felony sentence; suspension or modification.
Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley
Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/04/2014
Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council; report on FOIA. [HJR-86]
Study; Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council; report. Directs the Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council (Council) to study whether the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), specifically §2.2-3703 of the Code of Virginia as it relates to the Virginia Parole Board, should be amended to eliminate the exemption for the Virginia Parole Board from FOIA.
HJR-86: Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council; report on FOIA.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Left In Rules on 02/12/2014
Constitutional amendment; restoration of voting rights. [HJR-48]
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); restoration of voting rights. Provides for the automatic restoration of voting rights to persons convicted of nonviolent felonies except felony drug and election fraud crimes upon completion of sentence, including any term of probation or parole. The resolution further provides that persons convicted of violent felonies, felony drug crimes, or election fraud crimes may have their voting rights restored by the Governor upon completion of sentence, including any term of probation or parole, and authorizes
HJR-48: Constitutional amendment; restoration of voting rights.
Sponsored by: Rep. Algie Howell
Left In Privileges And Elections on 02/12/2014
Parole board; parole review, required release. [HB-951]
Parole board; parole review; required release. Requires the Parole Board to release any person eligible for parole whose time served, including earned sentence credits and good conduct credits, exceeds the midpoint of the most recent discretionary sentencing guidelines for the same or similar offense unless the Board feels there is a substantial risk that such person will not conform to the conditions of parole and issues a reasoned decision explaining the basis for such decision.
HB-951: Parole board; parole review, required release.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory
Continued To 2015 In Militia, Police And Public Safety By Voice Vote on 01/17/2014