Sexually violent predators; Director of DOC determines if prisoner meets definition. [SB-314]
Sexually violent predators; civil commitment. Provides for determination by the Director of the Department of Corrections for referral of certain prisoners for assessment as sexually violent predators if they appear to meet the definition of sexually violent predators and to exclude from referral those who are incapacitated by debilitating illness. The bill also provides that the Director of the Department of Corrections, in coordination with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, shall develop assessment protocols to determine
SB-314: Sexually violent predators; Director of DOC determines if prisoner meets definition.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harry Blevins
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0668) on 04/06/2012
DCJS; provides minimum training standards for juvenile correctional officers. [SB-293]
Department of Criminal Justice Services; minimum training standards; juvenile correctional officers. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services and the Criminal Justice Services Board to provide compulsory minimum entry-level training standards for juvenile correctional officers.
SB-293: DCJS; provides minimum training standards for juvenile correctional officers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0159) on 03/07/2012
Geriatric prisoners; removes petition requirement for Parole Board to consider conditional release. [SB-290]
Conditional release of geriatric prisoners. Removes the petition requirement for the Parole Board to consider a geriatric release, and requires the Parole Board to report to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services not later than December 1, 2012, on the number of individuals considered for conditional release, the number of individuals actually released, and the number of individuals conditionally released who are subsequently arrested and recommitted to the Department of Corrections.
SB-290: Geriatric prisoners; removes petition requirement for Parole Board to consider conditional release.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
House: Continued To 2013 In Militia, Police And Public Safety By Voice Vote on 02/24/2012
Child support; DCE to withhold payments from prisoners who maintain job within Department. [SB-247]
Opportunities for work and career and technical education; child support. Requires the Department to withhold child support payments out of moneys paid to prisoners who maintain a job within the Department. Child support payments owed will also be withheld from any inmate trust account established for the prisoner.
SB-247: Child support; DCE to withhold payments from prisoners who maintain job within Department.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Senate: Continued To 2013 In Rehabilitation And Social Services (15-y 0-n) on 02/10/2012
Postrelease supervision of felons; amends provisions. [SB-175]
Postrelease supervision of felons. Amends provisions regarding the imposition of an additional term of incarceration and postrelease supervision for certain felons who are sentenced to an active prison term. The bill clarifies that an additional term of incarceration is to be imposed and provides that if the court fails to impose the term, the length of the term is six months.
SB-175: Postrelease supervision of felons; amends provisions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Senate: Continued To 2013 In Courts Of Justice (14-y 0-n) on 02/01/2012
Assault and battery; adds prison contractor to class of people victimized in prisons, penalty. [HB-953]
Assault and battery a felony when certain classes of people are victimized; penalty. Expands the class of people for whom, when they are victims of an assault or assault and battery, the offense is punished as a Class 6 felony. The expanded class would include a prison contractor as defined in §53.1-261, a person directly involved in the care, treatment, or supervision of inmates in the custody of the Department of Corrections (without regard to whether he is an employee of the Department of Corrections), a contractor providing services in a juvenile
HB-953: Assault and battery; adds prison contractor to class of people victimized in prisons, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
House: Left In Appropriations on 02/20/2012
Prisoners; harassment by use of computer, penalty. [HB-916]
Harassment by computer by prisoners; penalty. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for a prisoner or a person acting on behalf of a prisoner to use a computer, computer network, or social networking site to harass, intimidate, or threaten a crime victim.
HB-916: Prisoners; harassment by use of computer, penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. J. Randall Minchew
House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/14/2012
Correctional enterprises; exemption from mandatory purchase provisions. [HB-90]
Correctional enterprises; exemption from mandatory purchase provisions. Provides that any department, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth may use competitive sealed bidding in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§2.2-4300 et seq.) for the procurement of furniture without first seeking an exemption from the provisions of §53.1-47 from the Director of the Division of Purchases and Supply.
HB-90: Correctional enterprises; exemption from mandatory purchase provisions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Bell
House: Subcommittee Recommends Incorporating (hb263-peace) By Voice Vote on 02/09/2012
Pregnant prisoners; prohibits use of restraints by any correctional facility. [HB-836]
Restraint of certain prisoners. Prohibits a state, regional, local, or juvenile correctional facility from using restraints on any prisoner who is pregnant during labor, transport to a medical facility, delivery, or postpartum recovery unless the warden, superintendent, or jailor finds there is a compelling reason to believe that the prisoner poses serious harm to herself or others, is a flight risk, or cannot be reasonably restrained by other means. Such facility shall use the least restrictive restraints necessary on any inmate in the second or
HB-836: Pregnant prisoners; prohibits use of restraints by any correctional facility.
Sponsored by: Rep. James LeMunyon
House: Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/14/2012
Courthouses and courtrooms; assessment for security. [HB-683]
Assessment for courthouse and courtroom security. Increases from $10 to $15 the maximum sum that may be assessed as part of the costs in each criminal or traffic case in district or circuit court in which the defendant is convicted of a violation of any statute or ordinance, to be used to pay for courthouse and courtroom security.
HB-683: Courthouses and courtrooms; assessment for security.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/14/2012
Juveniles; certain persons imprisoned for life eligible for parole. [HB-436]
Certain juveniles imprisoned for life eligible for parole. Provides that any person sentenced to a term of life imprisonment upon conviction of a felony offense, other than an offense set forth in Article 1 (§ 18.2-30 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 (homicide offenses), who was a juvenile at the time of the commission of the offense is eligible for parole. This bill is in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Graham v. Florida, 560 U.S. 130 S. Ct. 2011, 2034 (2010), in which the Court held that, pursuant to the 8th Amendment prohibition
HB-436: Juveniles; certain persons imprisoned for life eligible for parole.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Tata
House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/14/2012
Parole Board; exceptions to Freedom of Information Act. [HB-397]
Virginia Parole Board; exceptions to the Freedom of Information Act. Requires guidance documents of the Board to be available as public records under the Freedom of Information Act. The bill has a delayed effective date to give the Freedom of Information Advisory Council an opportunity to review the legislation and report on its implementation.
HB-397: Parole Board; exceptions to Freedom of Information Act.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
House: Tabled In General Laws By Voice Vote on 01/24/2012
Parole; eligibilty for certain inmates otherwise ineligible. [HB-392]
Parole; eligibility for certain inmates otherwise ineligible. Provides that in the case of a person who is ineligible for parole for a combination of three or more offenses involving murder, rape, or robbery, the Parole Board shall consider a petition for reconsideration of ineligibility for parole if the person (i) was convicted only of robbery, (ii) did not injure or attempt to injure any person, (iii) did not have assistance of counsel in preparing a petition for review of ineligibility previously considered on the merits under this provision,
HB-392: Parole; eligibilty for certain inmates otherwise ineligible.
Sponsored by: Rep. Algie Howell
House: Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/14/2012