Department of Corrections; electronic notice. [HB-1772]
Department of Corrections; electronic notice. Provides that the Department of Corrections may use electronic means to provide notice to the appropriate parties prior to the release of a prisoner. Under current law, the Department may only provide such notice using first-class mail. The bill contains technical amendments.
HB-1772: Department of Corrections; electronic notice.
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Rush
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0209) on 03/12/2013
Arrest warrants; jail officer employed in regional jail or jail farm may execute. [HB-1763]
Jail officer may execute a warrant in his jail. Authorizes a jail officer employed at a regional jail or jail farm to execute upon a person being held in his jail a warrant, capias, or summons issued anywhere in the Commonwealth. Currently only a person with law-enforcement power may do so.
HB-1763: Arrest warrants; jail officer employed in regional jail or jail farm may execute.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0207) on 03/12/2013
Prisoners; prohibits those in correctional facilities from possessing or transporting weapons. [HB-1660]
Possession or transportation of weapons; prisoners in correctional facilities; penalty. Prohibits prisoners in state, local, or community correctional facilities from possessing or transporting weapons. A violation of this prohibition constitutes a Class 6 felony and may carry a minimum sentence if the violator was previously convicted of a felony. The bill also excludes such prisoners from the process whereby individuals may petition the circuit court for a permit to carry a firearm, stun weapon or explosives.
HB-1660: Prisoners; prohibits those in correctional facilities from possessing or transporting weapons.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Stolle
Stricken From Docket By Courts Of Justice By Voice Vote on 02/01/2013
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; registration verification, etc. [HB-1653]
Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; registration verification. Provides that the Department of Corrections or other supervisory personnel may cause to be physically verified the registration information on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry that is required of registrants over whom the Department or the supervisory personnel exercise control. Under current law, physical verification must be carried out by the Department or the supervisory personnel.
HB-1653: Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry; registration verification, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Riley Ingram
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/23/2013
Jail facilities, temporary; Chesapeake allowed certain waivers for current temporary structures. [HB-1635]
Temporary jail facilities; Chesapeake. Allows the City of Chesapeake to receive a waiver from the construction requirements of the "Standards for Planning, Design, Construction and Reimbursement of Local Correctional Facilities" for a jail enlargement project using a temporary structure for housing community custody inmates. The bill contains an emergency clause.
HB-1635: Jail facilities, temporary; Chesapeake allowed certain waivers for current temporary structures.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0418) on 03/16/2013
Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility. [HB-1424]
Court adoption of jails. Clarifies that when a county or city is without an adequate jail the court can adopt a regional jail until it can obtain an adequate jail. Currently the statute provides for the adoption of the jail of another county or city in such circumstances without specifying regional jails.
HB-1424: Jails; court can adopt regional jail until it can obtain adequate facility.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jeion Ward
Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 02/06/2013
Local jails; compensation for cost of incarceration. [HB-1414]
Local jails; compensation for cost of incarceration. Changes the date on which the Department of Corrections shall begin compensating local jails for the cost of incarcerating state prisoners from the sixty-first to the thirty-first day following the mailing or electronic transmission of the final sentencing order to the Director of the Department of Corrections.
HB-1414: Local jails; compensation for cost of incarceration.
Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Rush
Left In Appropriations on 02/05/2013
Inmates; eligibility for medical assistance. [HB-1407]
Inmates; eligibility for medical assistance. Provides that a person who is in the custody of a state or local correctional facility and who meets the criteria for eligibility for services under the state plan for medical assistance shall remain eligible for medical assistance while he is confined, but that no services under the state plan for medical assistance shall be furnished unless federal financial participation is available for the cost of the services provided. This bill also provides that such person shall be eligible for services under
HB-1407: Inmates; eligibility for medical assistance.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 02/05/2013
Election districts & redistricting; locality permitted to exclude from census correctional facility. [HB-1339]
Local election districts and redistricting. Permits any county, city, or town governing body to exclude from the census population used in decennial redistricting the adult inmate populations of federal, state, or regional adult correctional facilities located in the localities. Current law allows the exclusion of such inmate populations only if they exceed 12 percent of the ideal population of a local election district.
HB-1339: Election districts & redistricting; locality permitted to exclude from census correctional facility.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lee Ware
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0483) on 03/18/2013
Felonies by prisoners; penalties. [HB-1279]
Crimes by prisoners; penalties. Provides that a prisoner may be charged under the Code sections that apply to crimes by prisoners, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, and possession of a firearm by a felon.
HB-1279: Felonies by prisoners; penalties.
Sponsored by: Rep. Christopher Stolle
Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety on 11/29/2012
Driver's licenses; allows suspension of or refusal to renew of prisoners who do not pay fees. [SB-603]
Nonpayment of jail fees; suspension of driver's licenses. Allows suspension of or refusal to renew the driver's license of persons who do not pay fees that local correctional facilities or regional jails are allowed to charge to defray the cost of their keep. The bill allows the persons whose licenses are suspended to petition a district court for a one-year restricted permit. The bill also divides existing § 46.2-320 of the Code of Virginia, relating to other grounds for refusal to issue or renew a driver's license, into two sections; grounds relating
SB-603: Driver's licenses; allows suspension of or refusal to renew of prisoners who do not pay fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeffrey McWaters
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0829) on 04/18/2012
Felonies by prisoners; penalties. [SB-586]
Crimes by prisoners; penalties. Provides that a prisoner may be charged under the Code sections that apply to crimes by prisoners, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, and possession of a firearm by a felon.
SB-586: Felonies by prisoners; penalties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Northam
Senate: Continued To 2013 In Finance (13-y 2-n) on 02/09/2012
Psychiatric hospital admissions; local inmates. [SB-585]
Psychiatric hospital admissions; local inmates. Amends the criteria for psychiatric inpatient admission for inmates at local correctional facilities to add mentally ill inmates for whom there exists a substantial likelihood that they will suffer serious harm due to their lack of capacity to protect themselves from harm or to provide for their basic human needs. Under current law the standard is that the mentally ill inmate will cause serious physical harm to himself or others as evidenced by recent behavior causing, attempting, or threatening harm.
SB-585: Psychiatric hospital admissions; local inmates.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Northam
House: Left In Appropriations on 03/10/2012
Assault and battery; adds prison contractor to class of people victimized in prisons, penalty. [SB-547]
Assault and battery a felony when certain classes of people are victimized; penalty. Expands the class of people for whom, when they are victims of an assault or assault and battery, the offense is punished as a Class 6 felony. The expanded class would include a person employed as a prison contractor as defined in §53.1-261.
SB-547: Assault and battery; adds prison contractor to class of people victimized in prisons, penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Northam
Senate: Continued To 2013 In Finance (15-y 0-n) on 02/07/2012
Prisoners; harassment by use of computer, penalty. [SB-486]
Harassment by computer by prisoners; penalty. Makes it a Class 1 misdemeanor for a prisoner or a person acting on behalf of a prisoner to use a computer, computer network, or social networking site to harass, intimidate, or threaten a crime victim.
SB-486: Prisoners; harassment by use of computer, penalty.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Newman
House: Left In Courts Of Justice on 03/10/2012