SB-1272: As introduced, prohibits a court from issuing or a law enforcement officer from serving a no knock search or arrest warrant; defines a no knock warrant as a warrant that specifically enables an officer to enter a structure without giving notice of the officer's authority or the purpose of the officer's presence. - Amends TCA Title 40.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Norris
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/13/2017
You have voted SB-1272: As introduced, prohibits a court from issuing or a law enforcement officer from serving a no knock search or arrest warrant; defines a no knock warrant as a warrant that specifically enables an officer to enter a structure without giving notice of the officer's authority or the purpose of the officer's presence. - Amends TCA Title 40..
Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn cameras. [HB-2117]
Local law-enforcement agencies; body-worn cameras. Requires localities to adopt and establish a written policy for the operation of a body-worn camera system, as defined in the bill, that conforms to the model policy established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) prior to purchasing or deploying a body-worn camera system. The bill requires the Department to establish a model policy for the operation of body-worn camera systems and the storage and maintenance of body-worn camera system records.
HB-1374: Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.
Sponsored by: Rep. Senfronia Thompson
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/25/2017
You have voted HB-1374: Relating to the authority of a court to return certain fees to a person who is the subject of an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information..
Search warrants; person subject to arrest. [HB-2084]
Search warrants; person subject to arrest. Authorizes the issuance of a search warrant to search for and seize any person for whom a warrant or process for arrest has been issued. This bill is a recommendation of the Virginia State Crime Commission. This bill is identical to SB 1260.
HB-2084: Search warrants; person subject to arrest.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0233) on 02/23/2017
SB-1298: As introduced, requires the issuance of a certificate of voting rights restoration to a person who was convicted of an infamous crime in this state and received a pardon, was discharged from custody after serving or expiration of the maximum sentence imposed for the crime, or was granted a certificate of final discharge from supervision by the board of parole or county correction authority; requires the person to have paid all restitution to any victim and all court costs prior to receiving a certificate of voting rights restoration. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 29.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Yarbro
Passed On Second Consideration, Refer To Senate Judiciary Committee on 02/13/2017
You have voted SB-1298: As introduced, requires the issuance of a certificate of voting rights restoration to a person who was convicted of an infamous crime in this state and received a pardon, was discharged from custody after serving or expiration of the maximum sentence imposed for the crime, or was granted a certificate of final discharge from supervision by the board of parole or county correction authority; requires the person to have paid all restitution to any victim and all court costs prior to receiving a certificate of voting rights restoration. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 29..
Family abuse protective order; third or subsequent violation of order. [HB-2157]
Third or subsequent violation of family abuse protective order; private security services. Authorizes courts, upon a defendant's third or subsequent violation of certain family abuse protective orders against the same victim, to modify such order to require that the defendant provide private security services for the victim.
HB-2157: Family abuse protective order; third or subsequent violation of order.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cole
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
HB-1350: As introduced, permits a petitioner for restoration of citizenship rights to provide satisfactory proof of good character through written affidavits sworn under penalty of perjury; requires the affidavit to be given the same effect as if the affiant had testified orally. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 29.
Sponsored by: Rep. Karen Camper
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee Of Criminal Justice Committee on 01/16/2018
You have voted HB-1350: As introduced, permits a petitioner for restoration of citizenship rights to provide satisfactory proof of good character through written affidavits sworn under penalty of perjury; requires the affidavit to be given the same effect as if the affiant had testified orally. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 29..
HB-1349: Relating to judicial and law enforcement authority in certain municipalities on a segment of a highway or street that abuts property located in the municipality.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lance Gooden
Read First Time on 02/27/2017
You have voted HB-1349: Relating to judicial and law enforcement authority in certain municipalities on a segment of a highway or street that abuts property located in the municipality..
Address confidentiality program; victims of sexual violence and human trafficking. [HB-2217]
Address confidentiality program; victims of sexual violence and human trafficking. Expands the types of crimes victims of which are eligible to apply for the address confidentiality program to include sexual violence. The bill provides that such programs may also include specialized services for victims of human trafficking. Current law permits victims of domestic violence and stalking to apply to this program. The bill requires that sexual or domestic violence programs be accredited by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Program Professional
HB-2217: Address confidentiality program; victims of sexual violence and human trafficking.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0498) on 03/13/2017
Writ of actual innocence; basis on nonbiological evidence, untested evidence. [HB-2086]
Writ of actual innocence based on nonbiological evidence; untested evidence. Allows a writ of actual innocence based on nonbiological evidence to be granted if scientific testing of previously untested evidence, regardless of whether such evidence was available or known at the time of conviction, proves that no trier of fact would have found proof of guilt of the person petitioning for the writ, provided that the testing procedure was not available at the time of conviction. The bill also eliminates the provision that limits a petitioner to only
HB-2086: Writ of actual innocence; basis on nonbiological evidence, untested evidence.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
SB-1245: As enacted, reduces from $350 to $180 the expunction fee for criminal convictions; revises allocation of fee proceeds. - Amends TCA Section 8-21-401 and Title 40.
Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Gardenhire
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 456 on 06/01/2017
You have voted SB-1245: As enacted, reduces from $350 to $180 the expunction fee for criminal convictions; revises allocation of fee proceeds. - Amends TCA Section 8-21-401 and Title 40..
HB-1322: Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication offenses.
Sponsored by: Rep. Dewayne Burns
Placed On General State Calendar on 05/11/2017
You have voted HB-1322: Relating to the authority of a justice of the peace to issue a search warrant to collect a blood specimen from a person arrested for certain intoxication offenses..