Warrantless arrest for misdemeanor; transportation to crisis stabilization unit. [HB-1997]
Warrantless arrest for misdemeanor; transportation to crisis stabilization unit. Authorizes a law-enforcement officer who makes a warrantless arrest of a person for a misdemeanor offense who the officer believes has a mental illness to transport such person to a crisis stabilization unit or similar facility in lieu of taking him before a magistrate, provided that the use of such unit or facility has been approved by the chief judge of the circuit court serving the jurisdiction where the arrest occurred. Any person transported to such unit or facility
HB-1997: Warrantless arrest for misdemeanor; transportation to crisis stabilization unit.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
HB-1257: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of criminal mischief involving property used for flood control purposes or a dam.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Birdwell
Effective On 9/1/17 on 05/26/2017
You have voted HB-1257: Relating to the prosecution of and punishment for the offense of criminal mischief involving property used for flood control purposes or a dam..
HB-1333: As introduced, increases from 10 to 15 the number of days prior to a sentencing hearing that a presentence report shall be filed. - Amends TCA Title 40.
Sponsored by: Rep. JoAnne Favors
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Criminal Justice Subcommittee Of Criminal Justice Committee on 03/28/2017
You have voted HB-1333: As introduced, increases from 10 to 15 the number of days prior to a sentencing hearing that a presentence report shall be filed. - Amends TCA Title 40..
Incompetent defendants; psychiatric treatment. [HB-1996]
Incompetent defendants; psychiatric treatment. Requires that a defendant who is found incompetent to stand trial for a crime and who is ordered to receive treatment to restore his competency at an inpatient hospital be transferred to and accepted by the hospital as soon as practicable, but no later than 10 days, from the receipt of the court order for restoration treatment.
SB-1254: As introduced, reduces the fee for expunction to $205, reduces the time after which sentences have been completed before a person can apply for expunction to one year, and allows a person to obtain expunction for an assault conviction. - Amends TCA Section 40-32-101.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Norris
Failed In Senate Judiciary Committee on 04/03/2018
You have voted SB-1254: As introduced, reduces the fee for expunction to $205, reduces the time after which sentences have been completed before a person can apply for expunction to one year, and allows a person to obtain expunction for an assault conviction. - Amends TCA Section 40-32-101..
DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. [HB-1894]
DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. Expands the responsibilities of the Department of Criminal Justice Services regarding community policing by requiring the compulsory training standards for basic training and recertification of law-enforcement officers to include fair and impartial policing, verbal de-escalation, and needs of special populations. The bill changes the term "community policing" to "community engaged policing."
HB-1894: DCJS training standards; community engaged policing.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Left In Appropriations on 02/08/2017
Police-worn Body Cameras [HB-5926]
Mandates protocols for the use of police-worn body cameras by those law enforcement agencies which choose to require their use.
HB-5926: Police-worn Body Cameras
Sponsored by: Rep. Shelby Maldonado
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/05/2017
Criminal Injuries Compensation [SB-566]
Allows for compensation for a minor who witnesses a homicide or incident of domestic violence from the crime victims compensation program.
SB-566: Criminal Injuries Compensation
Sponsored by: Sen. Gayle Goldin
Signed By Governor on 06/30/2017
Special Police For Private Institutions [SB-378]
Clarifies the jurisdiction of special police officers upon the land and buildings of educational institutions, and on roads adjacent to the educational institutions to instances where the officer notices that a person is in danger of bodily harm.
SB-378: Special Police For Private Institutions
Sponsored by: Sen. Gayle Goldin
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/07/2017
Expungement Of Criminal Records [SB-426]
Makes persons with 6 or less misdemeanors eligible for expungement by filing motion 10 years from completion date of last sentence unless convicted for felony involving domestic violence, DUI, or chemical test refusal.
SB-426: Expungement Of Criminal Records
Sponsored by: Sen. Harold Metts
Committee Recommends Passage Of Sub A on 06/29/2017
Expungement Of Criminal Records [HB-5736]
Makes persons with up to six misdemeanor or six felony convictions eligible for expungement, provided they had no violent felony, domestic violence or DUI convictions. Eligibility 10 – 20 years respectively from completion of last sentence.
HB-5736: Expungement Of Criminal Records
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Slater
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/05/2017
Identification And Apprehension Of Criminals [HB-5549]
Makes persons with misdemeanor or felony convictions eligible for expungement of convictions, provided they had no violent felony, or multiple domestic violence convictions. Eligibility 10 – 20 years respectively from completion of last sentence.
HB-5549: Identification And Apprehension Of Criminals
Sponsored by: Rep. Grace Diaz
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/28/2017
Cell Phone Tracking [HB-5518]
Allows for the issuance of a court order to secure cell phone location information and changes the notice requirements needed to be provided for that type if court orders.
HB-5518: Cell Phone Tracking
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Craven
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/28/2017