Child day programs; certain programs exempted from licensure. [HB-2259]
Child day programs; exemptions from licensure. Removes certain programs from the list of child day programs exempt from licensure and clarifies that such programs are not considered child day programs and therefore are not subject to licensure. The bill also modifies the terms of child day programs that remain listed as exempt from licensure and requires that such programs (i) file with the Commissioner of Social Services (the Commissioner), prior to beginning operation of a child day program and annually thereafter, a statement indicating the intent
HB-2259: Child day programs; certain programs exempted from licensure.
Sponsored by: Rep. Eileen Filler-Corn
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 02/07/2017
Petition for writ of actual innocence. [HB-2085]
Petition for writ of actual innocence. Provides that a person may petition for a writ of actual innocence based on biological evidence regardless of the type of plea he entered at trial. Under current law, a person may petition for a writ based on biological evidence if he (i) entered a plea of not guilty, (ii) is convicted of murder, or (iii) is convicted of a felony for which the maximum punishment is imprisonment for life. The bill also provides that the Supreme Court of Virginia shall grant the writ upon finding that the petitioner has proven
HB-2085: Petition for writ of actual innocence.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
Sentencing guidelines; written explanation. [HB-2087]
Sentencing guidelines; written explanation. Requires the written explanation that the court shall file with the record of a case when departing from the sentencing guidelines to adequately explain the sentence imposed to promote fair sentencing.
HB-2087: Sentencing guidelines; written explanation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
SB-761: Relating to the punishment for certain intoxication offenses and the eligibility for deferred adjudication community supervision of defendants who committed certain intoxication offenses.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jose Menendez
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 05/09/2017
You have voted SB-761: Relating to the punishment for certain intoxication offenses and the eligibility for deferred adjudication community supervision of defendants who committed certain intoxication offenses..
HB-1601: Relating to the release on bail of a person arrested under a warrant issued by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Board of Pardons and Paroles.
Sponsored by: Rep. J. M. Lozano
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 04/03/2017
You have voted HB-1601: Relating to the release on bail of a person arrested under a warrant issued by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Board of Pardons and Paroles..
Public employment; inquiries by state agencies and localities regarding criminal convictions. [SB-1171]
Public employment; inquiries by state agencies and Public employment; inquiries by state agencies and localities regarding criminal convictions, charges, and arrests. Prohibits state agencies from including on any employment application a question inquiring whether the prospective employee has ever been arrested or charged with, or convicted of, any crime, subject to certain exceptions. A prospective employee may not be asked if he has ever been convicted of any crime unless the inquiry takes place after the prospective employee has received a conditional
SB-1171: Public employment; inquiries by state agencies and localities regarding criminal convictions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Left In General Laws on 02/21/2017
Victims of crime; right to nondisclosure of certain information. [HB-2240]
Crime victim's right to nondisclosure of certain information; murder. Requires that written consent provided by the victim's next of kin to law enforcement is necessary, if the victim is a minor, before a law-enforcement agency may disclose any information that identifies the victim of a crime that resulted in the victim's death.
HB-2240: Victims of crime; right to nondisclosure of certain information.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jackson Miller
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0500) on 03/13/2017
HB-1551: Relating to the creation of a commission to review certain penal laws of this state and certain recommendations regarding those laws, to criminal offenses previously compiled in statutes outside the Penal Code, to repealing certain of those offenses, and to conforming punishments for certain of those offenses to the penalty structure provided in the Penal Code; increasing the punishment for sabotage and sedition; imposing a civil penalty.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Workman
Committee Report Distributed on 04/21/2017
You have voted HB-1551: Relating to the creation of a commission to review certain penal laws of this state and certain recommendations regarding those laws, to criminal offenses previously compiled in statutes outside the Penal Code, to repealing certain of those offenses, and to conforming punishments for certain of those offenses to the penalty structure provided in the Penal Code; increasing the punishment for sabotage and sedition; imposing a civil penalty..
HIV or hepatitis B or C virus; testing for infection, order of magistrate. [HB-2097]
Testing for infection with human immunodeficiency virus or hepatitis B or C virus; order of magistrate. Allows a magistrate to issue an order requiring a person to provide a blood specimen for testing for human immunodeficiency virus or the hepatitis B or C virus when exposure to bodily fluids occurs between a person and a health care provider, person employed by or under the direction and control of a health care provider, law-enforcement officer or other person employed by a law-enforcement agency, firefighter, emergency medical services personnel,
HB-2097: HIV or hepatitis B or C virus; testing for infection, order of magistrate.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 02/07/2017
Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn cameras. [HB-2134]
Local law-enforcement agencies; body-worn cameras. Requires localities to adopt and establish a written policy for the operation of a body-worn camera system, as defined in the bill, that conforms to the model policy established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (the Department) prior to purchasing or deploying a body-worn camera system. The bill requires the Department to establish a model policy for the operation of body-worn camera systems and the storage and maintenance of body-worn camera system records.
Restitution; modification of terms and conditions of payment plan. [HB-2083]
Restitution; modification of terms and conditions of payment plan. Permits the court to modify the terms and conditions of a restitution payment plan or amend the total amount of restitution due for good cause shown and only after a hearing of which the defendant, attorney for the Commonwealth, and victim have been notified. This bill is a recommendation of the Virginia State Crime Commission.
HB-2083: Restitution; modification of terms and conditions of payment plan.
Sponsored by: Rep. Charniele Herring
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2017
Inmates; inpatient psychiatric hospital admission. [HB-2184]
Evaluation of inmate; inpatient psychiatric hospital admission. Requires that if the person having custody of an inmate of a local correctional facility files a petition for inpatient psychiatric hospital admission of the inmate, the person having custody shall ensure that the appropriate community services board or behavioral health authority is advised of the need for a preadmission screening. The bill further requires the person having custody of the inmate to contact the director or other senior management at the community services board or