Search Warrants [HB-5516]
Requires the sealing of an application for a search warrant unless the court issuing the warrant issues an order granting relief from the seal.
HB-5516: Search Warrants
Sponsored by: Rep. Blake Filippi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/28/2017
Immigration Detainees [HB-5515]
Creates standards for responding to immigration detainees for the law enforcement officials' transportation of inmates, who are the subject of immigration detainers or administrative warrants.
HB-5515: Immigration Detainees
Sponsored by: Rep. Jean Barros
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/22/2017
Criminal Injuries Compensation [HB-5452]
Allows for compensation for a minor who witnesses a homicide or incident of domestic violence from the crime victims compensation program.
HB-5452: Criminal Injuries Compensation
Sponsored by: Rep. K. Joseph Shekarchi
Signed By Governor on 06/30/2017
Identification And Apprehension Of Criminals [HB-5394]
Requires division of sheriffs verify the immigration status incarcerated persons presented to the court; notify ICE of said status; cooperate with deportation proceedings.
HB-5394: Identification And Apprehension Of Criminals
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Nardolillo
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/22/2017
Pen Registers And Trap And Trace Devices [HB-5393]
Prohibits the use of a stingray cell-site simulator device by any law enforcement agency except upon application for its use and the granting of its order by the presiding justice of the superior court.
HB-5393: Pen Registers And Trap And Trace Devices
Sponsored by: Rep. Blake Filippi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/28/2017
Domestic Violence Prevention Act [HB-5383]
Authorizes the court to permit residents of Block Island to complete a court-approved counseling program in domestic violence cases with a provider on Block Island, if such a program is available on the island.
HB-5383: Domestic Violence Prevention Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Blake Filippi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 04/27/2017
Bail Hearings [SB-180]
Entitles criminal defendants charged with enumerated serious criminal offenses to a bail hearing within four (4) calendar days of initial court appearance.
SB-180: Bail Hearings
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/28/2017
Arrest--voting Rights [HB-5310]
Affords arrestees who are held on an election day the opportunity to vote by provisional ballot in accordance with state law.
HB-5310: Arrest--voting Rights
Sponsored by: Rep. Shelby Maldonado
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 03/21/2017
Sentence And Execution [SB-173]
Removes the requirement that the attorney general consent to a deferment of sentencing in a written deferral agreement and grant the superior court traditional discretion in sentencing matters.
SB-173: Sentence And Execution
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Lombardi
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/28/2017
Sentence And Execution [HB-5260]
Adds police, firefighters and emergency medical technicians to the class of protected people included in the hate crimes sentencing act.
HB-5260: Sentence And Execution
Sponsored by: Rep. Cale Keable
Committee Recommended Measure Be Held For Further Study on 02/14/2017
Expungement Of Criminal Records [HB-5205]
Enables persons with limited exceptions misdemeanor convictions to obtain an expungement of the records of those convictions, as long as the person has not been convicted of any felony.
HB-5205: Expungement Of Criminal Records
Sponsored by: Rep. Grace Diaz
Signed By Governor on 07/18/2017
Identification And Apprehension Of Criminals [HB-5188]
Requires the division of sheriffs to verify the immigration status of each incarcerated person presented to the court for any hearing, to notify ICE as to any such person lacking legal immigration status, and cooperate with ICE on deportation proceedings.
HB-5188: Identification And Apprehension Of Criminals
Sponsored by: Rep. Dennis Canario
Withdrawn At Sponsor's Request on 02/02/2017