Utility Regulation

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Prince George’s County – Utility Services – Master Meters and Task Force PG 429–18 [HB-218]
Prohibiting certain entities from authorizing the use of a master meter for certain services in certain residential multiple occupancy buildings in Prince George's County; establishing the Task Force on the Use of Master Meters for Utility Services in Prince George's County to study certain issues, including the amount of money owed by unit owners related to the use of water meters, and to report its findings to the Governor and Prince George's County Delegation of the General Assembly by December 31, 2018; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 128 on 04/10/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Solar Energy Grant Program - Minimum Grant Amounts [HB-19]
Establishing certain minimum grant amounts under the Solar Energy Grant Program for solar energy property installed at a certain homeowner's principal residence of at least $2,000 for photovoltaic property and at least $1,000 for solar water heating property with a collecting area of 10 to 100 square feet.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/09/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Railroad Company - Movement of Freight - Required Crew [HB-180]
Prohibiting a train or light engine used in connection with the movement of freight from being operated in the State unless it has at least two crew members; establishing certain penalties; providing a railroad company is solely responsible for the actions of its agents or employees in certain violations; prohibiting a county or municipal corporation from enacting and enforcing more stringent measures; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to provide certain notice to the Department of Legislative Services; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/25/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Wireless Facilities – Permitting and Siting [HB-1767]
Prohibiting a local government from entering into certain types of exclusive agreements under certain circumstances; authorizing a local government to impose certain rates and fees for certain purposes under certain circumstances; authorizing a wireless provider to collocate certain wireless facilities and poles in certain places under certain circumstances; providing that certain uses of land are permitted uses and not subject to local zoning review or approval; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/23/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Railroad Companies - Magnetic Levitation (MAGLEV) Projects - County Approval [HB-1742]
Prohibiting a railroad company from constructing, building, or locating any railroad facility for a railroad powered by a magnetic levitation propulsion system in any county without the consent of the county governing body.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey Hearing 3/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Land Use - Solar Electric Generating Facility Siting - Prohibition on Contiguous Parcels of Agricultural Land [HB-1692]
Prohibiting the siting of a solar electric generating facility on contiguous parcels of productive agricultural land that have different owners; and applying the prohibition to charter counties and Baltimore City.


Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Public Utilities - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Exclusion From Exemption [HB-1688]
Excluding a person from the exemption to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity if the person is constructing a generating station that has the capacity to produce, when combined with a certain generating station, at least 2 megawatts of electricity from a solar photovoltaic system and is located on certain agricultural land.


Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Gas and Electric Companies - Deposit Charges [HB-1667]
Prohibiting a gas company or an electric company from imposing a deposit requirement exceeding 1 month's estimated service charge on customers who are at least 70 years old, have lived at the service address for at least 10 years, and have an annual income at or below 300% of the federal poverty level; prohibiting a gas company or an electric company from terminating certain service under certain circumstances; and providing for the application of the Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Jalisi Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/19/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Solar Electric Generating Facility Decommissioning and Restoration - Security - Fund [HB-1653]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a surcharge on certain solar electric generating facilities for a certain purpose on the basis of certain factors; requiring the Comptroller to collect the revenue from the surcharge and deposit it into the Maryland Solar Electric Generating Facility Decommissioning and Restoration Fund; requiring the Commission to review the amount of the surcharge at certain intervals; authorizing the Commission to adjust the surcharge on review; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Aumann Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Public Service Commission – Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity – Rapid Health Impact Assessment Requirement [HB-1632]
Requiring an applicant for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for certain construction to conduct a rapid health impact assessment (HIA) on the project and report on its findings; requiring a rapid HIA report to be completed within 3 weeks after the applicant submits its application to the Commission; requiring an applicant to complete the rapid HIA in a certain manner; requiring the rapid HIA report to be considered part of a certain application; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Commercial Solar Facilities - Vicinity Tariff [HB-1631]
Requiring an electric company to make available to certain retail electric customers a 30% discount on a certain rate based on the location of a customer meter within one-half mile of a commercial solar facility; requiring the discount to be included in a certain tariff; requiring the discount to be offered on an opt-in basis; requiring the electric company to provide notice of the discount to certain customers each year in a certain manner; and providing for the application of the Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission – Minority Business Enterprises – Subcontracting PG/MC 115-18 [HB-1616]
Altering certain requirements for certain bids or proposals for certain procurement contracts, and certain contracts for goods and services, to be awarded by the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission having an expected degree of minority business enterprise participation; requiring the adoption of regulations requiring that certain bids or proposals include certain information on subcontract opportunities in certain subcontracts; requiring certain reporting on the number of certain enterprises employed in certain contracts; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Solar Facilities - Siting Standards [HB-1591]
Providing that a solar facility may be allowed only by special exception in certain zones of a local jurisdiction; establishing certain requirements for the application, siting, and operation of a solar facility in certain zones; establishing certain limitations on the siting of a solar facility in certain zones; requiring certain approval to be obtained from certain persons before approval of a certain solar facility in certain zones; prohibiting a solar facility from being located in certain districts or areas; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/17/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Zoning Amendments – Energy Generating Systems [HB-1588]
Prohibiting a local legislative body from granting an amendment to change a certain zoning classification on a certain parcel of land based on a certain finding if the primary reason for the proposed amendment is the existence of a certain energy generating system; applying the Act to certain home rule counties and Baltimore City; and defining a certain term.


Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard Approved By The Governor - Chapter 286 on 04/24/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Solar Electric Generating Facility – Notice of Sale or Transfer [HB-1573]
Requiring that an owner of a certain solar electric generating facility provide certain notice of the sale or transfer of the facility to certain entities no later than 30 days after selling or otherwise transferring ownership; and requiring the notice of the sale or transfer to include the name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the new owner.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz Approved By The Governor - Chapter 245 on 04/24/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Public Service Companies – Facility Equipment – Removal [HB-1568]
Requiring certain public service companies to remove certain facility equipment within a certain period of time; requiring the Public Service Commission to take certain corrective action after a certain consideration; authorizing the Commission to impose a certain civil penalty in addition to certain other penalties; requiring the Commission to determine the amount of any civil penalty after consideration of certain factors; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Public Utilities - Water and Sewage Disposal Companies - Acquisition [HB-1566]
Establishing a certain process for valuing a water company or a sewage disposal company that is the subject of a certain acquisition; prohibiting a person from acquiring a controlling interest in certain water services or sewage disposal providers without prior approval of the Public Service Commission; providing the Commission may authorize a certain acquisition if the Commission finds that it is consistent with the public convenience and necessity; establishing a process to determine the fair market value of the selling utility; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson Approved By The Governor - Chapter 219 on 04/24/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Electric Universal Service Program - Funds - Arrearage Prevention [HB-1528]
Authorizing the Department of Human Services to use certain unexpended funds to establish a certain arrearage prevention program; providing the purpose and intent of the program is a one-time grant of money to establish ongoing arrearage prevention activities in the State; providing for the Department to select certain program recipients for certain purposes; requiring the Department, for fiscal year 2019, to dedicate $750,000 of unexpended funds in the Electric Universal Service Program to the arrearage prevention program; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger Approved By The Governor - Chapter 696 on 05/15/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Public Service Commission – Repeal of Master Metering Authorization and Study on Energy Allocation Systems and Submetering [HB-1491]
Repealing certain provisions of law authorizing the Public Service Commission to authorize the use of a master meter in a residential multiple occupancy building for certain purposes under certain circumstances; requiring the Commission to conduct a certain study on the feasibility of transitioning master meters installed and used for gas or electric to energy allocation systems or submeters in apartment buildings or complexes, condominiums, and housing cooperatives; providing for the required elements of the study; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington Approved By The Governor - Chapter 532 on 05/08/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Local Government - Overhead Transmission Lines - Property Maintenance [HB-1490]
Authorizing a county or municipality to enact a law that establishes certain standards and requirements for a certain electric company to follow to maintain a certain property on which an overhead transmission line is located; specifying that certain standards and requirements may relate to certain maintenance and securement on certain property; and authorizing a county or municipality to impose a civil penalty of up to $500 for a first offense and up to $1,000 for each subsequent violation.


Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/07/2018

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