Utility Regulation

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Baltimore City - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Ineligible Tier 1 Sources [HB-973]
Altering the eligibility of certain sources of energy in Baltimore City for the creation of credits under the renewable energy portfolio standard; providing that existing obligations or contract rights may not be impaired by the Act; and applying the Act to all renewable energy portfolio standard compliance years beginning after December 31, 2019.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/04/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Public Utilities - Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard - Tier 1 Sources [HB-961]
Altering the eligibility of certain sources of energy for the creation of credits under the renewable energy portfolio standard; removing certain sources from the definition of a "Tier 1 renewable source"; providing that existing obligations or contract rights may not be impaired by the Act; and providing that a presently existing obligation or contract right may not be impaired in any way by this Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby First Reading Economic Matters on 02/08/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Ratepayer Reduction for Renewable Energy Act [HB-879]
Requiring a certain electric company to contract for certain renewable energy credits and electricity generated from certain Tier 1 renewable sources to meet a certain portion of the renewable energy portfolio standard for electricity that the electric company provides to certain customers beginning in 2020; requiring an electric company to solicit bids for a certain contract from certain renewable energy facilities; requiring an electric company to submit a certain contract to the Public Service Commission; applying the Act prospectively; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Construction of Commercial Solar Photovoltaic Systems - Clear-Cutting - Prohibition [HB-851]
Defining the term "clear-cut" to mean the uniform felling of trees in a given area; and prohibiting a person from clear-cutting an area equal to or larger than one-half acre to make room for a commercial solar photovoltaic system.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein First Reading Economic Matters on 02/08/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Electric Industry - Community Choice Aggregation [HB-730]
Repealing a provision that prohibits a county or municipal corporation from acting as an aggregator under certain circumstances; establishing a process by which a county or municipal corporation or group of counties and municipal corporations may become a community choice aggregator; authorizing a community choice aggregator to own a certain electric generating facility for a certain purpose; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Luedtke Referred To Interim Study By Economic Matters on 04/03/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Electricity - Standard Offer Service - Cost Allocation [HB-692]
Prohibiting an electric company from including certain costs associated with providing standard offer service in a certain base rate proceeding; requiring the Public Service Commission to require an electric company that files a certain base rate case to conduct a certain cost of service study for certain purposes; specifying costs that must be addressed in the study; requiring an electric company that provides standard offer service to identify certain costs and to segregate those costs in a certain manner; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/11/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Public Utilities – Electricity and Natural Gas Suppliers – Information [HB-689]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish customer choice shopping websites for electric and natural gas customers; requiring the Commission to use information from electric and natural gas suppliers to maintain the information on the websites; requiring the Commission to include a customer choice education section on its website; requiring each electricity or natural gas supplier that is actively seeking customers in a service territory to maintain at least one open offer on the Commission's website; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/24/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Electricity - Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program - Extension [HB-683]
Prohibiting the imposition of a maximum number of subscribers to a community solar energy generating system under the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program; providing for an increase in the generating capacity and capacity limits to be included in the pilot program; altering the termination date of the pilot program to be no sooner than December 31, 2024; and extending to July 1, 2022, the submission date of a certain report on the pilot program to certain committees of the General Assembly.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Approved By The Governor - Chapter 461 on 05/13/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Environment - Water Quality Certifications (Pipeline and Water Protection Act of 2019) [HB-669]
Requiring a person seeking to construct a natural gas pipeline to apply for a certain water quality certification and pay a nonrefundable fee; requiring the Department of the Environment to establish a certain fee for the submission and review of a water quality certification application; specifying how the Department will determine the amount of the fee; requiring that the fee be deposited, credited, and appropriated in a certain manner; providing certain criteria for the Department's review of certain applications; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/05/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Railroad Company - Movement of Freight - Required Crew [HB-66]
Prohibiting a train or light engine used in the movement of freight in the same rail corridor as a high-speed passenger or commuter train from being operated in the State unless it has at least two crew members; establishing certain penalties; providing that a railroad company is solely responsible for certain actions of its agents or employees; prohibiting a county or municipal corporation from enacting and enforcing more stringent measures; requiring certain notice be made to the Department of Legislative Services; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/24/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Wireless Facilities - Installation and Regulation [HB-654]
Establishing procedures and requirements for the deployment, installation, and regulation of certain wireless telecommunications facilities in the State; prohibiting an authority from entering into an exclusive agreement for the use of certain rights-of-way for certain purposes; authorizing an authority to impose certain rates and fees for use of certain rights-of-way in a certain manner and subject to certain limitations; authorizing a wireless provider to collocate certain facilities and use certain rights-of-way; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis Referred To Interim Study By Economic Matters on 03/11/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Electric Companies and Gas Companies - Rate Regulation - Alternative Rate Plans [HB-653]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to allow an electric company or a gas company to apply for an alternative rate plan simultaneously with an application for new base rates; requiring the Commission to allow an electric company or a gas company to utilize an alternative rate plan covering its full cost of service to establish new base rates if the Commission finds that the plan results in a just and reasonable rate; declaring the intent of the General Assembly; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch Hearing 3/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Energy Storage Pilot Project Act [HB-650]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish an energy storage pilot program; providing that the cumulative size of the projects under the program shall be between 5 and 10 megawatts, with a minimum of 15 megawatt-hours; requiring the Commission to require each investor-owned electric company to solicit offers to develop energy storage projects for various commercial and regulatory models; requiring each investor-owned electric company to submit applications for projects from at least two models; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/24/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission - Water Leakage - Billing MC/PG 113-19 [HB-647]
Requiring the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission to notify an account holder within 7 days after determining a 200% increase in water usage during the immediately preceding billing period; requiring that the notification required under the Act contain certain information, including information regarding a free inspection under certain circumstances; requiring an account holder to repair a water leak outside or inside the account holder's home within 30 days; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. First Reading Environment And Transportation on 02/06/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Alterations [HB-601]
Altering the renewable energy portfolio standard for 2019 to 2021 and later; and applying the Act retroactively to all renewable portfolio standard compliance years that begin on or after January 1, 2019.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis Favorable With Amendments Report By Finance on 04/08/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Study on the Future of Nuclear Energy in Maryland [HB-600]
Requiring the Power Plant Research Program to study and make recommendations regarding nuclear energy and its role as a renewable energy resource in the State; and requiring the Program to report to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 2020, its recommendations regarding initiatives for the State and the General Assembly to responsibly and efficiently grow the nuclear industry in the State, support for emerging nuclear energy technologies, and utilization of nuclear energy to combat climate change.


Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard Hearing 4/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/02/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Public Safety – Solar Photovoltaic Systems – Lockout Tag Requirement and Study [HB-586]
Requiring a company that installs solar photovoltaic systems to install a certain lockout tag containing a safety warning under certain circumstances; and requiring the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation to make a certain report to the House Economic Matters Committee and the Senate Finance Committee by December 1, 2019.


Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson Approved By The Governor - Chapter 279 on 04/30/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Railroad Companies - Condemnation Authority - Application [HB-559]
Establishing that certain authority of railroad companies to acquire property by condemnation does not apply to an entity that owns or operates a railroad powered by a magnetic levitation propulsion system, or passenger or freight transportation for which pressurized capsules or pods travel at high speed in reduced-pressure tubes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Joint Use of Utility and Telecommunications Infrastructure [HB-474]
Authorizing the initiation of a proceeding at the Public Service Commission regarding the joint use of utility and telecommunications infrastructure; authorizing the Commission to order a joint use entity to allow joint use and reasonable compensation for joint use of certain infrastructure; clarifying the jurisdiction of the Commission over certain entities; and requiring the Commission to adopt certain regulations.


Sponsored by: Rep. Carol Krimm Referred To Interim Study By Economic Matters on 03/14/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Public Safety - 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System (Carl Henn's Law) [HB-397]
Requiring the Emergency Number Systems Board to establish certain minimum standards for records retention guidelines for 9-1-1 audio, video, text messages, and data; requiring the Board to establish minimum standards for certain 9-1-1 systems that ensure access for individuals with disabilities; altering the purposes of the 9-1-1 Trust Fund beginning on January 1, 2020; authorizing the use of money collected from a certain 9-1-1 fee to pay costs associated with maintenance, operations, and programs approved by the Board; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Approved By The Governor - Chapter 301 on 04/30/2019

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