Ratepayer Reduction for Renewable Energy Act [HB-967]
Requiring an electric company to contract for certain renewable energy credits and electricity generated from certain Tier 1 renewable sources to meet a certain portion of the renewable energy portfolio standard for electricity that the electric company provides to certain customers beginning in 2020; requiring an electric company to solicit bids for a certain contract from certain renewable energy facilities; requiring an electric company to submit a certain contract to the Public Service Commission for review and approval; etc.
HB-967: Ratepayer Reduction for Renewable Energy Act
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing 3/05 At 2:00 P.m. on 03/05/2018
Telephone Companies - Unpublished Telephone Number - One-Time Charge [HB-943]
Limiting to one time for each telephone number the number of times a telephone company may assess a fee to a customer for keeping certain telephone numbers unpublished; and authorizing a telephone company to assess the fee each time a customer changes the customer's telephone number.
HB-943: Telephone Companies - Unpublished Telephone Number - One-Time Charge
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Hearing 3/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/28/2018
Regional Carbon Cost Collection Initiative [HB-939]
Establishing a Regional Carbon Cost Collection Initiative in the Department of the Environment for certain purposes; requiring the Secretary of the Environment to administer certain schedules of greenhouse gas pollution charges; requiring the Secretary to delegate certain collection and rebate functions to the Comptroller; requiring the Comptroller to carry out certain functions; requiring the collection of a certain greenhouse gas pollution charge on certain fuels and certain greenhouse gas-emitting priorities; etc.
Public Utilities - Electric Generating Systems - Net Metering and Community Solar Energy [HB-934]
Increasing the generating capacity limit for an electric generating system used by an eligible customer-generator for net metering and a community solar energy generating system under certain circumstances; requiring an electric generating system used by an eligible customer-generator for net metering and a community solar energy generating system to comply with local land use and planning laws; etc.
HB-934: Public Utilities - Electric Generating Systems - Net Metering and Community Solar Energy
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018
Task Force on Electric Power Grid Security [HB-912]
Establishing the Task Force on Electric Power Grid Security; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving certain compensation, but authorizing the reimbursement of certain expenses; requiring the Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding certain matters; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2019; terminating the Act; etc.
HB-912: Task Force on Electric Power Grid Security
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/07/2018
Public Utilities - Renewable Energy - Electric and Gas Bills (100% Clean Renewable Energy Equity Act of 2018) [HB-878]
Making permanent the Community Solar Energy Generating System Program; altering the definition of "qualified energy resources" as it relates to the clean energy production income tax credit; establishing the Maryland Megawatt Block Program in the Public Service Commission; establishing the Office of Offshore Wind Procurement in the Department of Natural Resources; repealing various provisions of law regarding the renewable energy portfolio standard; establishing a new renewable energy portfolio standard; etc.
HB-878: Public Utilities - Renewable Energy - Electric and Gas Bills (100% Clean Renewable Energy Equity Act of 2018)
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Turner
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/15/2018
Construction of Transmission Lines – Landowners – Notification [HB-869]
Requiring a public service company or an applicant to provide certain notice to owners of land and each owner of adjacent land over, on, or under which the applicant proposes to construct transmission lines under certain circumstances; and applying the Act prospectively.
HB-869: Construction of Transmission Lines – Landowners – Notification
Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Glass
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 282 on 04/24/2018
Maryland Energy Administration - Study on Location of Solar Photovoltaic Technologies [HB-866]
Requiring the Maryland Energy Administration to study the effect that an increase in the State's renewable energy portfolio standard, to include the increase in the percentage of energy required to be from solar energy, will have on the State's reliance on energy from solar photovoltaic technologies; establishing certain requirements for the study; requiring the Administration to solicit input from certain persons; and requiring the Administration to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31, 2019.
HB-866: Maryland Energy Administration - Study on Location of Solar Photovoltaic Technologies
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018
Electric Facilities - Condemnation - Conserved Land [HB-812]
Establishing certain restrictions on the acquisition of certain property by condemnation in connection with a certificate of public convenience and necessity for certain facilities used in the transmission of electricity; providing that a property or right may not be taken by eminent domain for certain transmission or lead lines unless certain conditions are met; and requiring certain compensation to be paid based on a certain valuation and to reimburse certain entities.
HB-812: Electric Facilities - Condemnation - Conserved Land
Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Glass
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018
Public Service Commission - Construction of Overhead Transmission Lines - Location [HB-794]
Prohibiting the Public Service Commission from issuing a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the construction of an overhead transmission line that is designed to carry a voltage in excess of 69,000 volts unless the overhead transmission line will be located on certain sites or on property subject to an existing easement; authorizing the Commission to issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the construction of an overhead transmission line at a location other than certain locations; etc.
HB-794: Public Service Commission - Construction of Overhead Transmission Lines - Location
Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Glass
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018
Electric Facilities – Construction of Overhead Transmission Lines – Additional Notice Requirements [HB-784]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to provide certain notice of an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity on its website and social media platforms; requiring a certain applicant to identify whether a certain overhead transmission line is located on certain sites or on land subject to a certain easement under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-784: Electric Facilities – Construction of Overhead Transmission Lines – Additional Notice Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Reilly
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 773 on 05/15/2018
Public Service Commission - Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Public Notice and Hearing [HB-715]
Requiring a certain notice made by the Public Service Commission or an applicant for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to be specific; requiring the Commission or a certain applicant to provide certain notice immediately to certain residents in a certain manner; requiring the Commission, at a certain time, to provide certain notice immediately of a certain application on certain Commission social media accounts, on the Commission's website in a certain manner, and through text alerts to certain interested persons; etc.
HB-715: Public Service Commission - Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - Public Notice and Hearing
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/14/2018
Baltimore City – Department of Public Works – Frozen–Pipe Prevention Rebate Program [HB-665]
Authorizing the Baltimore City Department of Public Works to establish a rebate program to assist customers with charges for increased water usage due to certain activities undertaken to prevent pipes from freezing on designated Code Blue days; and requiring, if the Department establishes a certain rebate program, that participation be at the option of the customer and rebates be provided on a per diem basis.
HB-665: Baltimore City – Department of Public Works – Frozen–Pipe Prevention Rebate Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2018
Privately Owned Transportation Projects - Construction and Authorization to Use State-Owned Rights-of-Way and Property - Requirements [HB-548]
Providing that a privately owned transportation project in the State that includes the construction of one or more tunnels with a diameter of 6 feet or greater that will be primarily used by a common carrier may not be constructed and the State may not authorize the use of or access to a State-owned right-of-way or State property for the privately owned transportation project, under certain circumstances; and providing for the construction of the Act.
HB-548: Privately Owned Transportation Projects - Construction and Authorization to Use State-Owned Rights-of-Way and Property - Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/25/2018
You have voted HB-548: Privately Owned Transportation Projects - Construction and Authorization to Use State-Owned Rights-of-Way and Property - Requirements.
Public Utilities – Water or Sewage Disposal Systems – Rates [HB-528]
Allowing the Public Service Commission, after notice to customers and holding a public hearing and an evidentiary hearing, to authorize a certain rate consolidation of two or more water or sewage disposal systems if the systems have common ownership and the rate consolidation is in the public interest.
HB-528: Public Utilities – Water or Sewage Disposal Systems – Rates
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 190 on 04/24/2018
Montgomery and Prince George's Counties - Public Utilities - Property Management PG/MC 109-18 [HB-415]
Requiring, in Montgomery and Prince George's counties, each public utility that provides electricity, gas, or water and sewer services to establish a certain policy and process for administering the public services in conjunction with a property manager for certain managed property; authorizing a property manager to act on behalf of the owner to perform certain activities in relation to utility services; requiring a property manager to provide certain notice to a public utility; etc.
HB-415: Montgomery and Prince George's Counties - Public Utilities - Property Management PG/MC 109-18
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 02/06/2018
You have voted HB-241: Prince George’s County – Telecommunications Transmission Facility on Public School Grounds – Public Hearing and Notification PG 513–18.