Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Vendor Contracts [SB-11]
Requiring the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services to include system upgrades required to allow for automated expungement of charges and partial expungement of charges in any vendor contracts being negotiated at a certain time.
Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts [HB-58]
Establishing that certain provisions of law authorizing the use of speed monitoring systems in certain residential districts apply in Baltimore County; requiring all speed limit signs within certain segments of certain highways in Baltimore County to include certain signs; and making placement and use of a speed monitoring system under the Act contingent on a determination by the Baltimore County Police Department that the speed monitoring system is necessary and on the approval of the Baltimore County Council.
HB-58: Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts
Sponsored by: Rep. Michele Guyton
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2024
Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements [HB-111]
Authorizing a person to ride a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area unless prohibited by local ordinance; and requiring a person riding a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area or in or through a crosswalk to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian or a person using an electric personal assistive mobility device.
HB-111: Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Jones
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 02/14/2024
Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements [SB-77]
Authorizing a person to ride a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area unless prohibited by local ordinance; and requiring a person riding a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area or in or through a crosswalk to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian or a person using an electric personal assistive mobility device.
SB-77: Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Hearing 1/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/15/2024
Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Pilot Program [HB-212]
Establishing a pilot program to authorize the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Montgomery County and Prince George's County to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; requiring a county, before activating a noise abatement monitoring system, to publish notice of the locations of the systems on its website; requiring a county that authorizes a noise abatement monitoring program to report to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 1, 2025, on the implementation and costs of the program and revenues collected; etc.
HB-212: Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 624 on 05/09/2024
Anne Arundel County - Speed Limits - Establishment [HB-193]
Authorizing Anne Arundel County and municipalities in Anne Arundel County to decrease the maximum speed limit to not less than 15 miles per hour on highways after performing an engineering and traffic investigation; and prohibiting Anne Arundel County and municipalities in Anne Arundel County from implementing a new speed monitoring system to enforce speed limits on highways on which the speed limit has been reduced under the Act.
HB-193: Anne Arundel County - Speed Limits - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseline Pena-Melnyk
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 468 on 05/09/2024
Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Pilot Program [SB-155]
Establishing a pilot program to authorize the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Montgomery County and Prince George's County to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; requiring a county that authorizes a program of noise abatement monitoring systems to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2025, on the effectiveness, performance, appropriate locations, costs and revenues, and citations issued in relation to the program; etc.
SB-155: Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 625 on 05/09/2024
Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Passenger Restrictions [HB-102]
Requiring a rear passenger on a motorcycle to be able to firmly position the passenger's feet on the footrests of the motorcycle, subject to an exception for permanent physical disability.
HB-102: Motor Vehicles - Motorcycles - Passenger Restrictions
Sponsored by: Rep. April Fleming Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 637 on 05/09/2024
Task Force to Study Aggressive and Reckless Driving [HB-187]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Aggressive and Reckless Driving to study data, research, initiatives, and policies regarding aggressive and reckless driving; and requiring the Task Force to submit an interim report by December 1, 2024 and a final report by December 1, 2025 with recommendations on actions, interventions, and policies that could reduce aggressive and reckless driving and include recommended legislation to be introduced in the 2026 legislative session.
HB-187: Task Force to Study Aggressive and Reckless Driving
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/04/2024
Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Authorization [HB-43]
Authorizing counties and municipalities to designate certain highways in their respective jurisdictions on which a person may operate a golf cart; authorizing a person with a valid driver's license to operate a golf cart only on a highway with a maximum posted speed limit of not more than 30 miles per hour or 35 miles per hour in Golden Beach Patuxent Knolls, St. Mary's County, between dawn and dusk, and if the golf cart is equipped with certain lighting devices; etc.
HB-43: Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Authorization
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 492 on 05/09/2024
Transportation - Maryland Transportation Authority - Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility [HB-135]
Repealing a prohibition on pedestrians using a highway of the Maryland Transportation Authority; altering a prohibition on bicycles using an Authority highway; requiring the Authority to construct separated or buffered bicycle ways and pedestrian walkways in certain locations under certain circumstances; providing for a waiver from requirements under the Act; requiring the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to review waiver requests under the Act and provide recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation; etc.
HB-135: Transportation - Maryland Transportation Authority - Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility
Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. (environment And Transportation) on 02/01/2024
Transportation - Study on Speed Limits - Interstate 495 and Connected Highways [SB-963]
Requiring the Department of Transportation to conduct a study on the implications of requiring the speed limit to deviate by only 5 miles per hour at locations where a highway in the State connects to Interstate 495; and requiring the Department to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31, 2023.
SB-963: Transportation - Study on Speed Limits - Interstate 495 and Connected Highways
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 3/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2023
Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections [HB-1289]
Authorizing a person operating a bicycle that is approaching a stop sign at an intersection on certain highways to cautiously make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping if the person reduces the speed of the bicycle to a reasonable rate and yields the right-of-way to certain vehicles under certain circumstances.
HB-1289: Vehicle Laws - Bicycles - Operation at Intersections
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 04/10/2023
Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (MOVE GET OUT THE WAY Act) [HB-957]
Expanding to every roadway in the State the requirement that the driver of a vehicle traveling slower than the general speed of traffic drive the vehicle in the right-hand lanes if practicable as determined by the driver; and providing that, on a roadway that has three or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction with a certain posted maximum speed limit, the far left lane may be used only for overtaking and passing another vehicle in a certain manner and under certain circumstances.
HB-957: Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (MOVE GET OUT THE WAY Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/13/2023
Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts [HB-1171]
Establishing that certain provisions of law authorizing the use of speed monitoring systems in certain residential districts apply in Baltimore County; and requiring all speed limit signs within certain segments of certain highways in Baltimore County to include certain signs.
HB-1171: Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
First Reading Environment And Transportation on 02/10/2023
Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Monitoring Systems - Statewide Expansion [HB-1027]
Making statewide the authority of a local jurisdiction to use, in accordance with certain standards and procedures, a bus lane monitoring system to enforce the prohibition against driving a motor vehicle in a designated bus lane.
HB-1027: Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Monitoring Systems - Statewide Expansion
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2023
Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization, Use, and Penalties [HB-1130]
Authorizing a local government to use noise abatement monitoring systems, if authorized by local law; providing that the owner or driver of a motor vehicle recorded in violation of certain motor vehicle noise requirements is subject to a citation and a certain civil penalty under certain circumstances; establishing certain defenses to a charge of an alleged violation recorded by a noise abatement monitoring system; etc.
HB-1130: Vehicle Laws - Noise Abatement Monitoring Systems - Authorization, Use, and Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2023
Charles County - Motorized Minibikes - Regulation and Enforcement [HB-944]
Authorizing Charles County to regulate motorized minibikes in the county and to enforce the Maryland Vehicle Law, including impoundment and conditions for release from impoundment, for violations involving motorized minibikes.
HB-944: Charles County - Motorized Minibikes - Regulation and Enforcement
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2023