Public Safety - Lights On for Maryland Program - Establishment [HB-1029]
Establishing the Lights On for Maryland Program to authorize law enforcement agencies to provide vouchers to drivers detained at traffic stops to cover the costs of vehicle equipment repairs such as a headlight, taillight, brake light, or turn signal at certain auto repair shops; requiring the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services to administer the Program; establishing the Lights On for Maryland Program Fund to finance the Program; and requiring the participation of Department of State Police.
HB-1029: Public Safety - Lights On for Maryland Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. David Fraser-hidalgo
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. (environment And Transportation) on 02/13/2023
Motor Vehicle Registration – Exception for Golf Carts – Town of Charlestown [HB-835]
Creating an exception to motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts in the Town of Charlestown, Cecil County, subject to requirements and conditions on the equipment and operation of the golf cart; and authorizing the Town Commissioners of the Town of Charlestown to designate highways on which a person may operate a golf cart in the Town of Charlestown.
HB-835: Motor Vehicle Registration – Exception for Golf Carts – Town of Charlestown
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/20/2023
Montgomery County - Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) - Speed Limit Enforcement MC 8-23 [HB-820]
Requiring the placement and use of four devices that display a real-time posting of the speed at which a driver is traveling along each roadway on Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) in Montgomery County; requiring the Maryland Transportation Authority to increase speed limit enforcement efforts and to collect data on speeding violations on Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) in Montgomery County; and requiring the Maryland Transportation Authority to report by December 31, 2024, on enforcement efforts and the data collected.
HB-820: Montgomery County - Maryland Route 200 (Intercounty Connector) - Speed Limit Enforcement MC 8-23
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2023
Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program and Fund - Establishment [SB-874]
Establishing the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program in the Department of Housing and Community Development; establishing the Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to provide financial assistance in the form of grants under the provisions of the Program for certain eligible projects; and requiring interest earnings of the Fund to be credited to the Fund.
SB-874: Community Health and Safety Works Grant Program and Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Washington
Referred Environment And Transportation on 03/21/2023
Baltimore City - Assault of Special Enforcement Officers - Penalties [SB-764]
Increasing penalties for a person causing physical injury to a Baltimore City special enforcement officer, a special parking enforcement officer, or a special traffic enforcement officer while the officer is engaged in the performance of the officer's official duties; and providing that a person who violates the Act is guilty of the felony of assault in the second degree and is subject to imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to $5,000 or both.
SB-764: Baltimore City - Assault of Special Enforcement Officers - Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Carter
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2023
Talbot County – Speed Monitoring Systems – Intersection of Maryland Route 333 (Oxford Road) and Bonfield Avenue [HB-700]
Authorizing the placement and use of a speed monitoring system at the intersection of Maryland Route 333 (Oxford Road) and Bonfield Avenue in Talbot County, subject to placement and signage requirements; requiring the fines collected by the Town of Oxford as a result of the speed monitoring system to be used to assist in covering the cost of roadway and pedestrian safety improvements in and around the intersection; etc.
HB-700: Talbot County – Speed Monitoring Systems – Intersection of Maryland Route 333 (Oxford Road) and Bonfield Avenue
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 610 on 05/08/2023
Baltimore City – Assault of Special Enforcement Officers – Penalties [HB-613]
Increasing penalties for a person causing physical injury to a Baltimore City special enforcement officer, a special parking enforcement officer, or a special traffic enforcement officer while the officer is engaged in the performance of the officer's official duties; and providing that a person who violates the Act is guilty of the felony of assault in the second degree and is subject to imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to $5,000 or both.
HB-613: Baltimore City – Assault of Special Enforcement Officers – Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Smith
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2023
Vehicle Laws - Reduction of Speed Limits by Local Authorities [SB-484]
Authorizing local authorities statewide to decrease the maximum speed limit to not less than 15 miles per hour after performing a certain investigation; and establishing certain restrictions on the use of speed monitoring systems along highways for which the speed limit has been decreased.
SB-484: Vehicle Laws - Reduction of Speed Limits by Local Authorities
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/27/2023
Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements [HB-519]
Authorizing a person to ride a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area unless prohibited by local ordinance; and requiring a person riding a bicycle, play vehicle, or unicycle on a sidewalk or sidewalk area or in or through a crosswalk to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian or a person using an electric personal assistive mobility device.
HB-519: Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Authorizations and Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2023
Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems on Interstate 83 - Use of Revenue [HB-512]
Establishing that 10% of certain revenue from fines collected as a result of violations enforced by speed monitoring systems on Interstate 83 in Baltimore City may be used for roadway improvements to entrance and exit ramps along Interstate 83 in Baltimore City and at the nearest intersection with a traffic signal to each ramp and to enhance pedestrian safety at these intersections.
HB-512: Baltimore City - Speed Monitoring Systems on Interstate 83 - Use of Revenue
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/07/2023
Charles County - Motorized Minibikes - Regulation and Enforcement [SB-373]
Authorizing Charles County to regulate motorized minibikes in the county and to enforce the Maryland Vehicle Law, including impoundment and conditions for release from impoundment, for violations involving motorized minibikes.
SB-373: Charles County - Motorized Minibikes - Regulation and Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen.
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 02/01/2023
Prince George's County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 210 (Indian Head Highway) PG 304-23 [HB-435]
Increasing the maximum number of speed monitoring systems that may be placed and used on Maryland Route 210 (Indian Head Highway) in Prince George's County from three to six; requiring the State Highway Administration in conjunction with a certain entity to report annually its recommendations for solutions to address accidents, injuries, and fatalities on the highway; extending the termination date for a provision of law granting the authority to place speed monitoring systems on Maryland Route 210 in Prince George's County; etc.
HB-435: Prince George's County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 210 (Indian Head Highway) PG 304-23
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 606 on 05/08/2023
Talbot County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Intersection of Maryland Route 333 (Oxford Road) and Bonfield Avenue [SB-303]
Authorizing the placement and use of a speed monitoring system at the intersection of Maryland Route 333 (Oxford Road) and Bonfield Avenue in Talbot County, subject to placement and signage requirements; requiring the fines collected by the Town of Oxford as a result of violations enforced by a speed monitoring system to be used to assist in covering the cost of roadway and pedestrian safety improvements in the Town of Oxford; etc.
SB-303: Talbot County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Intersection of Maryland Route 333 (Oxford Road) and Bonfield Avenue
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Mautz
Third Reading Passed (107-29) on 04/10/2023