Telecommunications And Information Technology

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Procurement - Major Information Technology Development Projects [SB-487]
Requiring the Secretary of Information Technology to conduct a certain risk assessment of certain major information technology development projects under certain circumstances; authorizing the Secretary to recommend an increase in a certain limitation of liability amount under certain circumstances; requiring the Chief Procurement Officer to review a certain recommendation; authorizing the Chief Procurement Officer to approve a certain change to a certain limitation of liability; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings Hearing Canceled on 01/30/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Institutions of Higher Education - Mandatory Disclosures for New and Prospective Students (Informed Enrollment Act) [HB-611]
Requiring each institution of higher education in the State that admits first-time undergraduate students, by July 1, 2026, to prominently display on its publicly accessible prospective student website a link to the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard website; and requiring the Maryland Higher Education Commission to make certain data available to institutions of higher education in the State under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jeff Ghrist Hearing 2/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Real Estate Development and Highway Rights-of-Way - Installation of Broadband Micro Conduits and Microducts [HB-626]
Requiring the installation of micro conduits in any utility easement and building power or telecommunication rooms during the new construction or major improvement of certain commercial and residential premises; requiring that buried fiber optic cable installed in a highway right-of-way include conduit containing at least seven microducts; requiring the Department of Transportation or a unit of local government to ensure a broadband service provider has access to the conduit on a neutral and nondiscriminatory basis; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Phillips Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/17/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Excellence in Maryland Public Schools Act [SB-429]
Altering the definitions of target per pupil foundation amount, collaborative time per pupil amount, and special education per pupil amount for certain fiscal years; altering the source of funds for the Blueprint for Maryland's Future Fund to include the interest earnings of the Academic Excellence Fund; freezing certain increases in the Concentration of Poverty School Grant Program for certain fiscal years; establishing the Collaborative Time Innovation Demonstration Grant and the Academic Excellence Program and Fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Hearing Canceled (budget And Taxation) And Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Energy, And The Environment) on 02/11/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Procurement Reform Act of 2025 [HB-500]
Authorizing the Secretary of General Services to delegate certain powers and duties to the Chief Procurement Officer; altering the authority of the Department of General Services to engage in or control procurement of certain equipment and services; altering the authority of the Department of Transportation and the Maryland Transportation Authority to engage in procurement for certain supplies and services for transportation related activities; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein First Reading Health And Government Operations on 01/22/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Education - Remote Learning Accommodations - Established (College Disability Education Act) [HB-531]
Requiring all public institutions of higher education to establish remote learning accommodations for students with disabilities that impede regular, in-person attendance beginning in the 2026-2027 academic year; authorizing the Maryland Higher Education Commission to issue waivers from the requirement under certain circumstances; establishing a grant program to assist institutions to meet the remote learning accommodations requirement; and providing for certain review procedures and penalties for noncompliance.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andre Johnson Hearing 2/18 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Economic Development - Delivering Economic Competitiveness and Advancing Development Efforts (DECADE) Act [HB-498]
Requiring the Department of Commerce to evaluate the potential employment and economic growth of the State's industry sectors and establish a certain list of industry sectors and activities to be considered for additional support; repealing the Maryland Economic Development Commission and Commerce Subcabinet; altering the designation, administration, and purposes of and eligibility for certain economic development programs; altering eligibility for and the calculation of certain economic development incentives; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Hearing Canceled (ways And Means) on 02/07/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Economic Development - Delivering Economic Competitiveness and Advancing Development Efforts (DECADE) Act [SB-427]
Requiring the Department of Commerce to evaluate the potential employment and economic growth of the State's industry sectors and establish a certain list of industry sectors and activities to be considered for additional support; repealing the Maryland Economic Development Commission and Commerce Subcabinet; altering the designation, administration, and purposes of and eligibility for certain economic development programs; altering eligibility for and the calculation of certain economic development incentives; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Hearing Canceled (budget And Taxation) on 02/07/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Excellence in Maryland Public Schools Act [HB-504]
Altering the source of funds for the Blueprint for Maryland's Future Fund to include the interest earnings of the Academic Excellence Fund; authorizing the Department to establish a national teacher recruitment campaign; establishing the Academic Excellence Program in the Department to address critical academic needs in public schools; requiring the Department to consult with a certain entity to evaluate the Concentration of Poverty School Grant Program and establish requirements for community school implementation plans; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Hornberger Referred Budget And Taxation Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/12/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Procurement Reform Act of 2025 [SB-426]
Authorizing the Secretary of General Services to delegate certain powers and duties to the Chief Procurement Officer; altering the authority of the Department of General Services to engage in or control procurement of certain equipment and services; altering the authority of the Department of Transportation and the Maryland Transportation Authority to engage in procurement for certain supplies and services for transportation related activities; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Hearing Canceled on 01/30/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Education - Antidiscrimination Policies - Policy and Notice Requirements [HB-495]
Requiring certain schools that have an antidiscrimination policy to ensure that the policy includes certain information and is available to certain individuals in a certain manner; requiring a school to provide a certain training regarding antidiscrimination policies to students and employees in a certain manner; and requiring, if sufficient resources are not available to provide training, a school to coordinate with a community organization with certain expertise to provide the training to students and employees at no cost.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. (ways And Means) on 01/29/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Public Schools - Discipline-Related Data - Collection and Publication [HB-488]
Requiring the State Department of Education to disaggregate certain discipline-related data in an electronic spreadsheet format for the Department's website, make the data available to the public, and report certain discipline-related information each year; and requiring the Department to maintain a certain risk ratio and State comparison threshold used to identify a school's disproportional disciplinary practices and report disproportionality data for high-suspending schools.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseline Pena-Melnyk Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/29/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Elections - Ranked-Choice Voting in Contests for Presidential Nomination and Certification of Election-Supporting Technology [SB-383]
Authorizing the State Board of Elections, beginning with the 2028 statewide primary election, to use ranked-choice voting to conduct a contest for the nomination by a political party of a candidate for the office of President of the United States; requiring the State Board to adopt regulations for the review, certification, and decertification of election-supporting technology and to periodically review and evaluate election-supporting technology; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/30/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2025 [SB-372]
Repealing the limitation on the period during which the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations are required to provide reimbursement for certain health care services provided through telehealth on a certain basis and at a certain rate; and requiring the Maryland Health Care Commission every 4 years, beginning in 2026, to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on advances or developments in the area of telehealth; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Referred Health And Government Operations on 02/21/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Baltimore City - Raffles - Organizations Affiliated With a Professional Major League Baseball Team [SB-341]
Authorizing certain organizations that are affiliated with a professional major league baseball team that plays its home games in Baltimore City to conduct certain raffles; requiring the organization to obtain a permit to conduct raffles from an agency designated by the Baltimore City government; providing that a permit to hold certain raffles expires at the end of the calendar year in which the permit was issued; authorizing a raffle ticket to be sold and received on an electronic device located within Baltimore City; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray Referred Ways And Means on 03/13/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

State's Attorneys - Reconstitution of Task Force and Establishment of Case Management System Grant Fund [SB-343]
Establishing the State's Attorney Case Management System Grant Fund; reconstituting the Task Force to Study Transparency Standards for State's Attorneys; and requiring the Task Force to develop processes by which prosecutors can collect information and determine what information should be made public and what information may be kept private, and examine existing policies of State's Attorneys' offices across the State relating to transparency of data, the charging of crimes, and sentencing.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Sydnor Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/14/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

State Correctional Facilities - Incarcerated Individuals - Costs of Telephone Communications [HB-401]
Establishing certain requirements relating to the use of telephone equipment and telephone services by incarcerated individuals in State correctional facilities; prohibiting a State correctional facility and telephone service provider from charging an incarcerated individual for the indivdual's use of telephone equipment and services while in the facility; and establishing the Costs of Telephone Communications Advisory Committee to review prison and jail phone call programs and report to the Governor and General Assembly by December 31, 2025.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins Hearing 2/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/17/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Prince George's County Public Schools - Office of Integrity and Compliance - Alterations PG 504-25 [HB-370]
Specifying the purpose of the Office of Integrity and Compliance in the Prince George's County public school system; requiring the County Executive of Prince George's County, rather than the County Council, to select and appoint an Integrity and Compliance Officer; requiring the Officer to serve as an independent employee within the county government, rather than the local school system, with certain review and oversight; specifying and altering certain duties of the Officer; etc.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Hearing 2/05 At 2:00 P.m. on 01/22/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Public Safety - 9-1-1 Trust Fund - 9-8-8 Suicide Prevention Hotline [HB-421]
Authorizing the use of the 9-1-1 Trust Fund for certain expenditures that support the 9-8-8 suicide prevention hotline; and altering a certain restriction on the use of the 9-1-1 Trust Fund to prohibit funds from being used for expenses solely related to the 9-8-8 suicide prevention hotline, instead of preventing the use of funds for any costs associated with the 9-8-8 suicide prevention hotline.


Sponsored by: Rep. Susan McComas Referred Budget And Taxation on 02/28/2025

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2025 Regular Session

Baltimore City - Raffles - Organizations Affiliated With a Professional Major League Baseball Team [HB-399]
Authorizing certain organizations that are affiliated with a professional major league baseball team that plays its home games in Baltimore City to conduct certain raffles; requiring the organization to obtain a permit to conduct raffles from an agency designated by the Baltimore City government; providing that a permit to hold certain raffles expires at the end of the calendar year in which the permit was issued; authorizing a raffle ticket to be sold and received on an electronic device located within Baltimore City; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Edelson Favorable With Amendments Report By Ways And Means on 03/14/2025

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