Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments [HB-1062]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to coordinate, in coordination with the Department of Information Technology and the Maryland Department of Emergency Management, cybersecurity efforts within community water systems and community sewerage systems; establishing the roles and responsibilities of various State agencies with respect to regulating, assessing, and promoting cybersecurity efforts within the water and wastewater sector; etc.
HB-1062: Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments
Sponsored by: Rep. Andrea Harrison
First Reading Environment And Transportation And Health And Government Operations on 02/05/2025
Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations [HB-1105]
Requiring child care centers and youth-serving organizations to require applicants for positions involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information; requiring county boards of education, nonpublic schools, and contracting agencies to require applicants for positions involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information relating to certain boundary-violating behavior; requiring child care centers and youth-serving organizations to follow certain procedures when hiring certain applicants; etc.
HB-1105: Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Hearing Canceled on 02/07/2025
You have voted HB-1105: Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations.
You have voted HB-1146: Maryland Behavioral Health Crisis Response System – Integration of 9–8–8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Network and Outcome Evaluations.
Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025) [HB-1089]
Establishing the Privacy Protection and Enforcement Unit within the Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General; establishing a data broker registry; requiring certain data brokers to register each year with the Comptroller; imposing a tax on the gross income of certain data brokers for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2026; requiring the revenue from the data broker tax be used by Maryland Public Television to provide digital literacy support to students in kindergarten through 12th grade; etc.
HB-1089: Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Rep. Jared Solomon
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. (economic Matters) on 02/06/2025
Substitute Child Care Provider Pool Pilot Program - Established [SB-868]
Establishing the Substitute Child Care Provider Pool Pilot Program in the State Department of Education; providing the purpose of the Program is to facilitate the continuous operation of child care facilities in the State by ensuring that qualified substitute child care providers are available to fill short-term staffing needs of child care facilities on a temporary basis; requiring the Department for fiscal years 2027 through 2030, to award a grant of $350,000 to the nonprofit organization selected to administer the Program; etc.
SB-868: Substitute Child Care Provider Pool Pilot Program - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2025
Public Schools - Open Enrollment - Policies and Funding [SB-819]
Authorizing a county board of education to adopt an open enrollment policy to authorize certain students to attend, free of charge, a public school in a county other than the county where the student is domiciled with the student's parent or guardian, subject to certain requirements; requiring county boards to include certain students in full-time equivalent enrollment counts; and directing certain funding to the county in which certain students are enrolled in a public school under an open enrollment policy.
SB-819: Public Schools - Open Enrollment - Policies and Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Dalya Attar
Hearing Canceled (education, Energy, And The Environment) on 03/04/2025
Cybersecurity - Standards, Compliance, and Audits - Alterations [SB-907]
Repealing the requirement that county boards of education prioritize the purchase of digital devices with certain funds; requiring each local school system to comply with, and certify compliance with, the State minimum cybersecurity standards and to conduct a cybersecurity maturity assessment every 2 years; requiring the Office of Security Management within the Department of Information Technology to annually update the State minimum cybersecurity standards; etc.
SB-907: Cybersecurity - Standards, Compliance, and Audits - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2025
Data Centers - Fast Track Pass for Co-Location and Sales and Use Tax [SB-903]
Establishing an expedited certificate of public convenience and necessity review process for certain co-located energy generation projects that have received a fast track pass; establishing a Data Center Fast Track Advisory Committee in the Public Service Commission to facilitate the application for and review and awarding of fast track passes; altering the requirements for qualified data center personal property to be eligible to be exempt from the sales and use tax; etc.
SB-903: Data Centers - Fast Track Pass for Co-Location and Sales and Use Tax
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled (education, Energy, And The Environment) on 03/04/2025
Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Use of Telematics Systems [SB-984]
Requiring an insurer that issues, sells, or delivers private passenger motor vehicle insurance policies in the State to disclose the use of certain telematics systems and to establish an appeals process by which a policyholder may challenge data the policy holder believes to be erroneous; prohibiting an insurer that issues, sells, or delivers private passenger motor vehicle insurance policies in the State from using data obtained through telematics systems to establish certain premiums or to take certain actions with respect to a policy; etc.
SB-984: Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance - Use of Telematics Systems
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2025
Business Regulation - Cellular Phone Carriers - Authorized Users [SB-846]
Requiring a cellular phone carrier to include an option in the service contract that allows more than one individual who is a customer of record to the service contract to alter, modify, or cancel the service contract without the agreement of the other customers of record if all of the customers of record agree in writing to the option on execution of the service contract.
SB-846: Business Regulation - Cellular Phone Carriers - Authorized Users
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Favorable With Amendments Report By Finance on 03/13/2025
Primary and Secondary Education - Student Technology and Social Media Resource Guide [SB-897]
Requiring the National Center for School Mental Health at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, in consultation with the State Department of Education, to develop and distribute a student technology and social media resource guide beginning in the 2027-2028 school year with additional information included in successive years; requiring the Governor to include an appropriation of $100,000 for fiscal year 2027 and $125,000 for fiscal years 2028 and 2029 in the annual budget bill; etc.
SB-897: Primary and Secondary Education - Student Technology and Social Media Resource Guide
Sponsored by: Sen. Sara Love
Hearing Canceled on 03/04/2025
Education - Artificial Intelligence - Guidelines, Professional Development, and Task Force [SB-906]
Requiring the State Department of Education, in consultation with the State Board of Education and the Task Force on Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education, to develop or update guidance on artificial intelligence for county boards of education; requiring the Department, in consultation with the Department of Information Technology, to develop and update annually a list of approved artificial intelligence tools; requiring each county board to conduct an annual inventory of systems that employ artificial intelligence; etc.
SB-906: Education - Artificial Intelligence - Guidelines, Professional Development, and Task Force
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled on 03/04/2025
You have voted SB-900: Maryland Behavioral Health Crisis Response System - Integration of 9-8-8 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Network and Outcome Evaluations.
Mold - Landlord Requirements and Regulations (Maryland Tenant Mold Protection Act) [SB-856]
Requiring the Department of the Environment, the Maryland Department of Health, the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Maryland Department of Labor, and the Department of General Services to develop a certain pamphlet and website; requiring a landlord to provide a tenant with certain information at certain times and in a certain manner; requiring a landlord to perform a mold assessment and mold remediation within 45 days after receipt of a written notice regarding the detection of mold; etc.
Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025) [SB-904]
Establishing the Privacy Protection and Enforcement Unit within the Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General; establishing a data broker registry; requiring certain data brokers to register each year with the Comptroller; and imposing a tax on the gross income of certain data brokers for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2026.
SB-904: Data Brokers - Registry and Gross Income Tax (Building Information Guardrails Data Act of 2025)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. (budget And Taxation) on 02/05/2025
Consumer Protection - High-Risk Artificial Intelligence - Developer and Deployer Requirements [SB-936]
Requiring a certain developer of, and a certain deployer who uses, a certain high-risk artificial intelligence system to use reasonable care to protect consumers from known and reasonably foreseeable risks of certain algorithmic discrimination in a certain high-risk artificial intelligence system; regulating the use of high-risk artificial intelligence systems by establishing certain requirements for disclosures, impact assessments, and other consumer protection provisions; authorizing the Attorney General to enforce the Act; etc.
Cyber Maryland Program - Revisions [SB-867]
Transferring the Cyber Maryland Program from the Maryland Technology Development Corporation to the Maryland Department of Labor; altering the duties of the Program; requiring the Program to issue certain competitive grants and contracts beginning in fiscal year 2026; altering the purposes for which the Cyber Maryland Fund may be used; altering certain funding requirements related to the Program; requiring that certain unused balances from certain programs and funds be transferred to the Program at the close of the fiscal year; etc.
SB-867: Cyber Maryland Program - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/13/2025
Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments [SB-871]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to coordinate, in coordination with the Department of Information Technology and the Maryland Department of Emergency Management, cybersecurity efforts within community water systems and community sewerage systems; establishing the roles and responsibilities of various State agencies with respect to regulating, assessing, and promoting cybersecurity efforts within the water and wastewater sector; etc.
SB-871: Department of the Environment - Community Water and Sewerage Systems - Cybersecurity Planning and Assessments
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/14/2025
Howard Community College - Board of Trustees, Meetings, and Contracts - Alterations Ho. Co. 1-25 [SB-813]
Adding two members to the Board of Community College Trustees for Howard County; requiring each meeting of the Board to allow for public comment; requiring the Board to make a video or audio recording of its meetings which are to be made available on the Board's website; requiring Board members to undergo certain training every 2 years; requiring the Board to submit a report to the General Assembly by January 1, 2026, and each 6 months thereafter until July 1, 2028, on the status of the faculty union contract; etc.
SB-813: Howard Community College - Board of Trustees, Meetings, and Contracts - Alterations Ho. Co. 1-25
Sponsored by: Sen.
Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/13/2025