Institutions of Higher Education - Mandatory Disclosures for New and Prospective Students (Informed Enrollment Act) [SB-713]
Requiring each institution of higher education in the State that admits first-time undergraduate students, by July 1, 2026, to prominently display on its publicly accessible website a link to the U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard website; and requiring the Maryland Higher Education Commission to make certain data available to institutions of higher education in the State under certain circumstances.
SB-713: Institutions of Higher Education - Mandatory Disclosures for New and Prospective Students (Informed Enrollment Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2025
State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools [HB-981]
Requiring the State Department of Education to conduct an evaluation on the use and potential use of artificial intelligence in public schools; requiring that the evaluation consist of a survey of local school systems and a review of available systems that use artificial intelligence to assist with student learning; requiring the Department of Information Technology to assist the State Department of Education in performing its review; and requiring the Department to issue a final report on the results of the evaluation by December 15, 2026.
HB-981: State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Ebersole
Hearing Canceled on 02/07/2025
You have voted HB-981: State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools.
Environment - Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program - Establishment (Electronics Recycling Health and Safety Modernization Act) [HB-931]
Establishing the Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program in the Department of the Environment; altering the contents and use of the State Recycling Trust Fund; establishing a separate covered electronic device recycling account and a separate covered electronic device manufacturer registration fee account within the Fund; altering certain provisions of law relating to registration fees for certain manufacturers of covered electronic devices; etc.
HB-931: Environment - Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program - Establishment (Electronics Recycling Health and Safety Modernization Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2025
You have voted HB-931: Environment - Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program - Establishment (Electronics Recycling Health and Safety Modernization Act).
Public Schools - Discipline-Related Data - Collection and Publication [SB-714]
Requiring the State Department of Education to disaggregate certain discipline-related data in an electronic spreadsheet format for the Department's website, make the data available to the public, and report certain discipline-related information each year; and requiring the Department to maintain a certain risk ratio and State comparison threshold used to identify a school's disproportional disciplinary practices and report disproportionality data for high-suspending schools.
SB-714: Public Schools - Discipline-Related Data - Collection and Publication
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks
Hearing Canceled on 02/19/2025
Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment [HB-966]
Establishing an Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program within the Administrative Office of the Courts to provide expertise in artificial intelligence to the circuit courts and the District Court in the form of expert testimony on the authenticity of electronic evidence that a court determines may have been created or altered using artificial intelligence; and authorizing the Governor, for fiscal years 2027 and 2028, to include an appropriation of $250,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program.
HB-966: Courts - Artificial Intelligence Evidence Clinic Pilot Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2025
Harford County – Alcoholic Beverages – Hearing Notice [SB-744]
Altering certain notice requirements before the Board of License Commissioners for Harford County may hold public hearings on proposed regulatory changes or license applications; and providing that the Board may publish a decision on certain license applications either in certain newspapers or on its website.
SB-744: Harford County – Alcoholic Beverages – Hearing Notice
Sponsored by: Sen.
Referred Economic Matters on 03/07/2025
Garrett County - Hotel Rental Tax - Alterations [SB-763]
Altering the definition of "hotel" for purposes of the hotel rental tax in Garrett County to include a transient vacation rental unit; requiring certain short-term rental platforms and managers to perform certain duties and be subject to certain penalties related to the collection and remittance of the hotel rental tax; altering the rate of interest on unpaid county hotel rental tax; etc.
SB-763: Garrett County - Hotel Rental Tax - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2025
State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools [SB-704]
Requiring the State Department of Education to conduct an evaluation on the use and potential use of artificial intelligence in public schools; requiring that the evaluation consist of a survey of local school systems and a review of available systems that use artificial intelligence to assist with student learning; requiring the Department of Information Technology to assist the State Department of Education in performing its review; and requiring the Department to issue a final report on the results of the evaluation by December 15, 2026.
SB-704: State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled on 02/19/2025
You have voted SB-704: State Department of Education and Department of Information Technology - Evaluation on Artificial Intelligence in Public Schools.
Department of Information Technology - Reporting Guidelines [SB-705]
Altering the content of certain reports by the Department of Information Technology relating to the Information Technology Investment Fund; and requiring the reports to be written, as practicable, in a manner that is clear and avoids technical jargon, structured to include an executive summary of key information, and made publicly available on the Department's website.
SB-705: Department of Information Technology - Reporting Guidelines
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2025
Consumer Protection - Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence Implementation [HB-956]
Establishing the Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence Implementation; requiring the Workgroup to monitor and make recommendations related to the regulation of artificial intelligence, consumer protection, current private sector use of artificial intelligence, and enforcement authority for the Office of the Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection; and requiring the Workgroup to make its recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by July 1, 2026.
HB-956: Consumer Protection - Workgroup on Artificial Intelligence Implementation
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Referred Finance on 03/12/2025
Calvert County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Qualified Data Centers [HB-949]
Authorizing the governing body of Calvert County to enter into a payment in lieu of county property taxes agreement with the owner of a qualified data center; and requiring the county supervisor of assessments to assess certain property of a qualified data center that is subject to a payment in lieu of taxes agreement on the request of the governing body of Calvert County.
HB-949: Calvert County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Qualified Data Centers
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hearing 2/18 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact [HB-959]
Entering into the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact for the purpose of authorizing licensed school psychologists who hold multistate licenses to provide school psychological services in member states; establishing requirements for multistate licensure; establishing the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact Commission; providing for the withdrawal from the Compact; and providing the Act is contingent on the enactment of substantially similar legislation in seven other states.
HB-959: School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact
Sponsored by: Rep. Bernice Mireku-North
Hearing Canceled on 02/07/2025
Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations [SB-770]
Requiring child care centers and youth-serving organizations to require applicants for positions involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information; requiring county boards of education, nonpublic schools, and contracting agencies to require applicants for positions involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information relating to certain boundary-violating behavior; requiring child care centers and youth-serving organizations to follow certain procedures when hiring certain applicants; etc.
SB-770: Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Gile
Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/14/2025
You have voted SB-770: Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations.
Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2025 [HB-869]
Repealing the limitation on the period during which the Maryland Medical Assistance Program and certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations are required to provide reimbursement for certain health care services provided through telehealth on a certain basis and at a certain rate; repealing the prohibition on health care practitioners prescribing certain controlled dangerous substances for the treatment of pain through telehealth; etc.
HB-869: Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2025
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Referred Finance on 02/28/2025
Public Safety - Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund - Alterations [SB-669]
Altering the purpose and use of the Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund; expanding the duties of the Executive Director of the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy relating to the Fund; and prohibiting the use of the Fund for the Sexual Assault Evidence Kit Tracking System.
SB-669: Public Safety - Rape Kit Testing Grant Fund - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
Correctional Services - Assessment of State Correctional System [SB-694]
Requiring the Office of the Correctional Ombudsman to engage an independent consultant to perform a comprehensive assessment of the State's correctional system beginning on or before October 1, 2026; altering the items required to be included in a certain annual report of the Office; and requiring the consultant to complete the assessment and provide the Office with a written report of its findings and recommendations by October 1, 2028.
SB-694: Correctional Services - Assessment of State Correctional System
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
Electricity - Data Centers - Rate Schedule and Requirements [HB-900]
Requiring each electric company in the State to submit to the Public Service Commission for approval a specific rate schedule for certain data center customers with certain required provisions, including minimum durations, financial responsibilities, and fees.
HB-900: Electricity - Data Centers - Rate Schedule and Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
Commission on History, Culture, and Civics in Education [HB-875]
Establishing the Commission on History, Culture, and Civics in Education to make recommendations to the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education to further the discovery, interpretation, and learning of the history, culture, and civics of the United States and Maryland and provide equitable learning outcomes consistent with certain provisions of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future; etc.
HB-875: Commission on History, Culture, and Civics in Education
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing Canceled on 02/07/2025
Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established [SB-673]
Establishing the Maryland STEM Program in the State Department of Education to provide additional compensation to educators who teach STEM classes at nonpublic schools beginning in the 2025-2026 school year; authorizing nonpublic schools to apply for the Program; requiring local school systems to inform current teachers about the Program; requiring participating nonpublic schools to report certain information to the Department each year; requiring the Governor to include a $250,000 appropriation in the annual budget bill; etc.
SB-673: Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Energy, And The Environment) on 02/05/2025