Relating To The University Of Hawaii. [HB-844]
Appropriates funds for the University of Hawaii Maui college's office of international and regional partnerships for students to study abroad and for study abroad programs. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
HB-844: Relating To The University Of Hawaii.
Sponsored by: Rep. Della au Belatti
The Committee(s) On Fin Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/27/2023
Education matters. [HB-1638]
Education matters. Requires the department of education (department) to report to the legislative council findings and recommendations for reducing the amount of redundant data that schools are required to submit to state agencies. Provides that a student presently enrolled in a public high school may retake a virtual course that was previously completed by the student at the same public high school under certain conditions. Provides that if a student elects to retake a virtual course, the retaken course must meet certain criteria. Provides that
HB-1638: Education matters.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Crane
Public Law 250 on 05/04/2023
Innovation development districts. [SB-397]
Innovation development districts. Provides that before the state purchases more than 100 acres of land for economic development purposes, the state must give notice to the executive of each local unit in which the land is located. Provides that a school corporation that receives a portion of the aggregate percentage of incremental property tax revenue transferred may use those funds with no restrictions or specified uses.
SB-397: Innovation development districts.
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Buchanan
Authored By Senator Buchanan on 01/19/2023
Relating To The University Of Hawaii. [SB-155]
Appropriates funds for the University of Hawaii Maui college's office of international and regional partnerships for students to participate in study abroad programs. Requires reports to the Legislature. Effective 6/30/3000. (HD1)
SB-155: Relating To The University Of Hawaii.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynn Decoite
Received Notice Of Appointment Of House Conferees (hse. Com. No. 868). on 04/25/2023
Assessment of wind power devices. [HB-1401]
Assessment of wind power devices. Requires a public utility company that owns or operates a wind power device after a change in ownership of the wind power device to report, when filing its first statement of value and description of property with the department of local government finance (department), the valuation of the device at the same valuation amount that the previous owner reported on the previous owner's last annual report before the change in ownership if the valuation amount that the acquiring public utility company would otherwise
HB-1401: Assessment of wind power devices.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eric Koch
Public Law 144 on 05/01/2023
Department of child services matters. [HB-1340]
Department of child services matters. Defines "Indian child" for purposes of family and juvenile law. Provides that certain records relating to foster care children may be maintained in an electronic format. Provides that certain individuals may request a child's Social Security number for income tax purposes. Requires the department of child services (department) to: (1) develop a form an individual may submit to request a child's Social Security number; and (2) approve or deny a request for a child's Social Security number not later than 10 business
HB-1340: Department of child services matters.
Sponsored by: Sen. Greg Walker
Public Law 77 on 04/20/2023
Various election law matters. [HB-1336]
Various election law matters. Adds the U.S. Space Force to the definition of "uniformed services" in election law. Provides that electronic signatures may be used for the reporting of campaign contributions and expenditures. Provides that election form approval procedures do not apply to a form incorporated only into the statewide voter registration system. Makes other technical changes relating to approval of election forms. Provides that a statute prohibiting the use of the circuit court clerk's name on a ballot if the clerk is a candidate for
HB-1336: Various election law matters.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jon Ford
Public Law 227 on 05/04/2023
Public health matters. [HB-1457]
Public health matters. Establishes licensing standards for rural emergency hospitals. Provides that certain personal information is confidential if a complaint is filed with the Indiana department of health (department). Allows the department to analyze information submitted by entities regulated by the department for quality improvement purposes. Adds rural emergency hospitals to the statute specifying that the licensure of a rural emergency hospital does not affect the statute pertaining to the placement and adoption of children. Repeals the provision
HB-1457: Public health matters.
Sponsored by: Sen. Vaneta Becker
Public Law 147 on 05/01/2023
Publication of local government notices. [HB-1438]
Publication of local government notices. Provides that a towing service is subject to the same public notice advertising rates as a government agency if the service: (1) acts as an agent of a government agency; and (2) provides the notice required to dispose of abandoned vehicles or parts. Provides for the creation of a public notice task force (task force) to study notice publication statutes for the purpose of streamlining the process and maximizing value to Indiana citizens. Provides the following: (1) The task force must publish a report with
HB-1438: Publication of local government notices.
Sponsored by: Sen. James Buck
Public Law 84 on 04/20/2023
Computer aided emergency dispatch systems. [SB-316]
Computer aided emergency dispatch systems. Provides that the statewide 911 board (board) may conduct a feasibility study on potential ways in which the computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems used by public safety answering points (PSAPs) in Indiana could be made interoperable to facilitate the standard dispatch of EMS resources based on using the EMS resource that represents the closest and most appropriate EMS resource to respond to an emergency. Provides that the board may submit a report on the study to the following not later than July 1, 2024:
Certified technology parks. [SB-271]
Certified technology parks. Specifies additional information that a certified technology park (park) is required to provide to the Indiana economic development corporation (corporation) in the course of a review. Provides that if a park has reached the limit on deposits and maintains its certification, the park shall become a Level 2 park. Increases, from $100,000 to $250,000, the annual additional incremental income tax deposit amount that a park captures once it has reached its limit on deposits. Clarifies the calculation of the additional incremental
SB-271: Certified technology parks.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lonnie Randolph
Public Law 105 on 05/01/2023
Live streaming and archiving meetings. [HB-1167]
Live streaming and archiving meetings. Requires governing bodies of state and local agencies (excluding a state supported college or university) to provide, on a publicly accessible platform: (1) live transmissions of public meetings; and (2) an archive of copies of the live transmissions with links to any meeting agendas, minutes, or memoranda. Provides that if a governing body does not have Internet capability for live transmission of public meetings, the governing body shall record the meeting. Provides that transmissions and recordings of public
HB-1167: Live streaming and archiving meetings.
Sponsored by: Sen. James Buck
Public Law 127 on 05/01/2023
Data security. [HB-1038]
Data security. Removes the remedies from chapter 3 of the data security breach statute and adds a reference to relief available under chapter 4 of that statute. (Under current law, the maximum civil penalty in chapter 3 is $5,000 per deceptive act.) Changes the civil penalty under chapter 4 of the data security breach statute to $500,000 per deceptive act. (Under current law, the maximum civil penalty in chapter 4 is $150,000 per deceptive act.) Adds the following to the permissible remedies available for the attorney general to seek for a deceptive
HB-1038: Data security.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eric Koch
First Reading: Referred To Committee On Judiciary on 02/23/2023