HCR-38: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION relating to the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force to study the impact of artificial intelligence on operation and procurement policies of Kentucky government agencies and consumer protection needed in private and public sectors.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kim King
To Economic Development, Tourism, & Labor (s) on 01/25/2024
You have voted HCR-38: A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION relating to the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force to study the impact of artificial intelligence on operation and procurement policies of Kentucky government agencies and consumer protection needed in private and public sectors..
AN ACT relating to the KentuckyCYBER Program and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-139]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Kentucky Cybersecurity (KentuckyCYBER) Program and governing board within the Council on Postsecondary Education; establish the purpose and duties of KentuckyCYBER Governing Board; create the KentuckyCYBER fund, APPROPRIATION.
HB-139: AN ACT relating to the KentuckyCYBER Program and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Walker Thomas
Introduced In House on 01/03/2024
AN ACT relating to technology in education and declaring an emergency. [SB-52]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 156 to make legislative findings and declarations and establish the Artificial Intelligence in Kentucky's Schools project, establish requirements for the Kentucky Department of Education to implement the project, require the department to design professional development trainings related to artificial intelligence, establish professional development requirement for teachers, administrators, school council members, and school board members, require the trainings be made available to nonpublic schools, require school
SB-52: AN ACT relating to technology in education and declaring an emergency.
Sponsored by: Sen. Reginald Thomas
To Education (s) on 01/03/2024
AN ACT relating to students. [HB-51]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 160 to establish definitions for the section; state legislative findings and declarations; require a public school to obtain parent approval for their child's participation in any questionnaire or similar activities; establish parental rights relating to student data and privacy; require parental consent prior to using radio frequency identification technology to track students or collect student data; require school districts and public to adopt policies and procedures to comply with the restrictions on use of
HB-51: AN ACT relating to students.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Hart
Introduced In House on 01/02/2024
AN ACT relating to child pornography. [HB-82]
Amend KRS 531.300 to include any computer-generated image, picture, or motion picture in the definition of "matter"; make technical corrections.
HB-82: AN ACT relating to child pornography.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Introduced In House on 01/02/2024
SCR-49: Requests the Joint Committee on Technology and Cybersecurity to study the impact of artificial intelligence in operations, procurement, and policy.
Sponsored by: Sen. Barry Milligan
Sent To The Secretary Of State By The Secretary Of The Senate On 6/12/2023. on 06/08/2023
You have voted SCR-49: Requests the Joint Committee on Technology and Cybersecurity to study the impact of artificial intelligence in operations, procurement, and policy..
HR-100: A RESOLUTION recognizing the University of Louisville for its efforts to accelerate adoption of cybersecurity systems in Kentucky by combining assets of higher education, state and federal agencies, and private sector companies.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Bratcher
Introduced In House on 03/30/2023
You have voted HR-100: A RESOLUTION recognizing the University of Louisville for its efforts to accelerate adoption of cybersecurity systems in Kentucky by combining assets of higher education, state and federal agencies, and private sector companies..
SR-271: A RESOLUTION encouraging the Interim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Investment to address cybersecurity challenges and associated workforce opportunities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Nemes
Introduced In Senate on 03/30/2023
You have voted SR-271: A RESOLUTION encouraging the Interim Joint Committee on Economic Development and Workforce Investment to address cybersecurity challenges and associated workforce opportunities..