Baltimore City - Civilian Review Board - Police Accountability Board [SB-309]
Providing that the Civilian Review Board of Baltimore City is established to provide a permanent, statutory agency in Baltimore City to fulfill the functions of a certain police accountability board; providing that the provisions of Title 3, Subtitle 1 of the Public Safety Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland govern all matters relating to police accountability and discipline in Baltimore City and supersede any inconsistent laws; etc.
Election Law - Campaign Finance - Enforcement [SB-15]
Altering, from 3 to 4 years after an offense was committed, the statute of limitations for certain prosecutions related to violations of State election laws; imposing certain restrictions related to candidacies, political committee positions, and elected offices if a certain civil penalty has not been paid; altering enforcement mechanisms related to violations of State campaign finance laws, including the amount of certain civil penalties, and the manner for imposing certain penalties; etc.
SB-15: Election Law - Campaign Finance - Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 642 on 05/29/2022
Action to Collect a Private Education Loan - Required Documents [HB-111]
Prohibiting private education lenders and private education loan collectors from initiating a certain action unless the private education lenders or private education loan collectors possess certain documents; requiring a private education lender or private education loan collector to introduce certain information in a private education loan collection action; and requiring a private education loan collector to provide certain information to a student loan borrower in a certain communication and on request of the student loan borrower.
HB-111: Action to Collect a Private Education Loan - Required Documents
Sponsored by: Rep. Lesley Lopez
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/11/2022
Courts – COVID–19 – Statutory Deadlines [HB-1354]
Tolling or suspending, as applicable, all statutory deadlines related to the initiation of matters required to be filed in a State trial or appellate court, including statutes of limitations, for a certain number of days due to the COVID-19 emergency; specifying that a party is not required to prove an inability to comply with an applicable statutory deadline if the expiration of the deadline occurred during the COVID-19 emergency; and applying the Act retroactively.
HB-1354: Courts – COVID–19 – Statutory Deadlines
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/18/2021
Taxes - Whistleblower Reward Program and Statute of Limitations for Tax Collections [SB-916]
Establishing a certain whistleblower reward program within the Office of the Comptroller; providing that a certain whistleblower who voluntarily provides certain information to the Comptroller shall be entitled to receive a certain monetary award under certain circumstances; providing for the determination and allocation of the amount of an award if two or more whistleblowers are eligible for the award; providing that the determination of the amount of the award shall be solely in the discretion of the Comptroller; etc.
SB-916: Taxes - Whistleblower Reward Program and Statute of Limitations for Tax Collections
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
Favorable Report By Ways And Means on 04/12/2021
Unlawful Employment Practice - Statute of Limitations and Remedies [SB-911]
Increasing the limitations on the amount of compensatory damages and punitive damages that may be awarded to a complainant in a certain unlawful employment case; increasing the period of time, from 2 years to 3 years, for which a claimant may recover back pay in a certain unlawful employment case; and increasing the period of time, from 2 years to 3 years, during which a complainant may file a civil action that alleges an unlawful employment practice that does not allege harassment.
SB-911: Unlawful Employment Practice - Statute of Limitations and Remedies
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Favorable With Amendments Report By Economic Matters on 04/12/2021
Human Relations - Public Accommodation Discrimination - Enforcement and Remedies [HB-1216]
Authorizing complainants, respondents, and the Commission on Civil Rights to elect to have claims of public accommodation discrimination determined in a civil action brought by the Commission under certain circumstances and subject to certain requirements; requiring the remedy for public accommodation discrimination to include the greater of certain damages; authorizing the remedy for public accommodation discrimination to include certain remedies; etc.
HB-1216: Human Relations - Public Accommodation Discrimination - Enforcement and Remedies
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/23/2021
Taxes – Whistleblower Reward Program and Statute of Limitations for Tax Collections [HB-804]
Establishing a certain whistleblower reward program within the Office of the Comptroller; providing that a certain whistleblower who voluntarily provides certain information to the Comptroller shall be entitled to receive a certain monetary award under certain circumstances; providing for the determination and allocation of the amount of an award if two or more whistleblowers are eligible for the award; providing that the determination of the amount of the award shall be solely in the discretion of the Comptroller; etc.
HB-804: Taxes – Whistleblower Reward Program and Statute of Limitations for Tax Collections
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 515 on 05/30/2021
Family Law - Preventing or Interfering With Report of Suspected Sexual Abuse of a Child - Statute of Limitations [SB-145]
Altering the statute of limitations for a violation of the prohibition on preventing or interfering with the making of a certain report of suspected sexual abuse of a child; and providing that a person who violates the prohibition on preventing or interfering with the making of a certain report of suspected sexual abuse of a child may reserve a point or question for in banc review.
SB-145: Family Law - Preventing or Interfering With Report of Suspected Sexual Abuse of a Child - Statute of Limitations
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Hough
Hearing 1/19 At 11:00 A.m. on 12/28/2021
Civil Actions - Violation of Rights - Governmental Liability [HB-353]
Establishing the civil liability of a law enforcement officer who deprives or allows another to deprive an individual of certain rights under the Maryland Declaration of Rights and the Maryland Constitution; requiring a court to award attorney's fees and costs to a plaintiff under certain circumstances; authorizing a court to award attorney's fees and costs to a defendant under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-353: Civil Actions - Violation of Rights - Governmental Liability
Sponsored by: Rep. Julian Ivey
Hearing 2/10 At 1:30 P.m. on 01/31/2021
Civil Actions - Financial Exploitation of Susceptible Adults and Older Adults (Maryland SAFE Act) [SB-327]
Authorizing the Division of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General to bring certain actions on behalf of certain susceptible adults and older adults; authorizing the Securities Commissioner of the Division of Securities of the Office of the Attorney General to bring a civil action on behalf of certain susceptible adults and older adults; specifying that the Act does not apply to certain financial institutions; authorizing a susceptible or older adult to bring an action under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-327: Civil Actions - Financial Exploitation of Susceptible Adults and Older Adults (Maryland SAFE Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 12/28/2021
Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition and Statute of Limitations [SB-134]
Altering the definition of "sexual abuse"; altering the statute of limitations in certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse by providing that a certain action may be filed at any time; providing for the retroactive application of the Act to revive any action that was barred by the application of the period of limitations applicable before October 1, 2021, if the action is filed before October 1, 2023; and repealing a statute of repose for certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse.
SB-134: Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition and Statute of Limitations
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 2/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 12/28/2021
Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition and Statute of Limitations [HB-263]
Altering the definition of "sexual abuse"; altering the statute of limitations in certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse by providing that a certain action may be filed at any time; providing for the retroactive application of the Act to revive any action that was barred by the application of the period of limitations applicable before October 1, 2021, if the action is filed before October 1, 2023; and repealing a statute of repose for certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse.
HB-263: Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition and Statute of Limitations
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/16/2021
Criminal Law - Human Trafficking and Prostitution Offenses [SB-881]
Altering the elements of the prohibitions against human trafficking and renaming them sex trafficking; prohibiting a person from knowingly obtaining or procuring for any person the labor or services of another by certain means; prohibiting a person from knowingly causing another to engage in a debt bondage; prohibiting a person from aiding, abetting, or conspiring with another to violate the Act; establishing that the lack of knowledge about a victim's age is not a defense to certain offenses involving a child; etc.
SB-881: Criminal Law - Human Trafficking and Prostitution Offenses
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/27/2018
Criminal Procedure - Coram Nobis - Time for Filing [SB-838]
Providing that, unless good cause is shown, a petition for writ of error coram nobis may not be filed more than 3 years after the petitioner knew or should have known that the petitioner faces a significant collateral consequence from the conviction that is the basis for the petition.
SB-838: Criminal Procedure - Coram Nobis - Time for Filing
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/25/2018
Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Consumer Contracts [SB-837]
Prohibiting a merchant in a certain consumer contract from extending the period of time during which the merchant may file a civil action at law against a consumer; prohibiting a merchant in a certain consumer contract from shortening the period of time during which a consumer may file a civil action at law against a merchant; establishing that a violation of certain provisions of the Act is an unfair or deceptive trade practice and is subject to certain enforcement and penalty provisions; etc.
SB-837: Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Consumer Contracts
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2018
Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders [SB-816]
Providing that a person who is convicted of first degree murder may be sentenced to death under certain circumstances; providing that the murder of a law enforcement officer or a first responder under certain circumstances constitutes aggravating circumstances that the court or jury must consider in making a determination as to the imposition of the death penalty; establishing procedures for the imposition of the death penalty; etc.
SB-816: Criminal Law - Death Penalty - Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Salling
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/22/2018
Election Laws - Loans to a Campaign Finance Entity [SB-426]
Altering the conditions under which the principal balance on a loan to a campaign finance entity is considered a contribution; providing that the terms of a loan to a campaign finance entity require that the loan be repaid not later than the end of the second year of the election cycle immediately following the election cycle in which the loan was made; specifying that penalties assessed for violations of campaign contribution limits may be assessed against a lender, the candidate whose campaign finance entity received the loan, or both; etc.
SB-426: Election Laws - Loans to a Campaign Finance Entity
Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly
Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2018
Courts - Consumer Debt Collection Actions - Statute of Limitations [SB-42]
Clarifying that any payment toward, written or oral affirmation of, or any other activity on a certain debt that occurs after the expiration of the statute of limitations applicable to the consumer debt collection action does not revive or extend the limitations period; and providing that a certain provision of law may not be interpreted to affect the statute of limitations applicable to a cause of action arising from a certain agreement or payment plan entered into before the expiration of a certain statute of limitations.