Labor and Employment - Equal Pay for Equal Work - Revisions [HB-401]
Establishing the Equal Pay Commission to study and promote research on wage disparities and recommend ways to remediate wage disparities in the public and private sectors, between men and women and between minorities and nonminorities; requiring an employer to include specified information in a job advertisement to recruit an employee or individual contractor to fill a position within the employer's organization; prohibiting an employer from seeking salary history information by specified methods; etc.
HB-401: Labor and Employment - Equal Pay for Equal Work - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/16/2016
Maryland No-Fault Birth Injury Fund [HB-377]
Establishing a system for adjudication of a claim involving a birth-related neurological injury; providing equitable compensation, on a no-fault basis, for a limited class of catastrophic injuries that result in unusually high costs for custodial care and rehabilitation; establishing the Maryland No-Fault Birth Injury Fund to provide compensation and benefits to eligible claimants; providing for specified premiums and insurance surcharges to be used to finance and administer the Fund; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
HB-377: Maryland No-Fault Birth Injury Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/12 At 1:00 P.m. (health And Government Operations And Judiciary) on 02/12/2016
Civil Action - Wrongfully Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages [HB-345]
Providing that a civil action for specified damages may be brought under specified circumstances against an alcoholic beverages licensee or the licensee's employee who sells or furnishes alcoholic beverages to an individual who was visibly under the influence of alcoholic beverages and who negligently drove or attempted to drive a motor vehicle after consuming the alcoholic beverages; etc.
HB-345: Civil Action - Wrongfully Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 04/08/2016
Senior Apartment Facilities - Limitation on Occupancy by Person Convicted of Crime of Violence [HB-284]
Prohibiting under specified circumstances a landlord from renting a unit to an individual convicted of a crime of violence or allowing an individual convicted of a crime of violence to reside in a unit in a senior apartment facility on the same floor on which a vulnerable adult resides; providing for enforcement by the Division of Consumer Protection of the Office of the Attorney General; etc.
HB-284: Senior Apartment Facilities - Limitation on Occupancy by Person Convicted of Crime of Violence
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 02/22/2016
Comptroller - Taxpayer Protection Act [HB-162]
Altering the definition of "public record" to exclude specified documents about State employees' salaries; authorizing specified employees of the Comptroller's Office to act as police officers when enforcing specified tax laws; requiring a tax collector to impose a penalty on specified paid tax preparers not to exceed 100% of the underpayment of tax resulting from a false return filed with the intent to evade the payment of tax; etc.
HB-162: Comptroller - Taxpayer Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep.
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/11/2016
Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Time Period for Filing Administrative Charges - Reduction [HB-153]
Reducing from 1 year to 90 days the period of time under the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights during which a law enforcement agency may file administrative charges against a law enforcement officer after becoming aware of an act giving rise to a charge for those acts not involving criminal activity or excessive force.
HB-153: Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Time Period for Filing Administrative Charges - Reduction
Sponsored by: Rep. John Cluster
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 02/29/2016
Courts and Judicial Proceedings - Consumer Debt Collection Actions - Restrictions [HB-1491]
Prohibiting a creditor or a debt collector from initiating or filing a specified consumer debt collection action under specified circumstances; specifying that a specified debt buyer or a specified collector has a specified burden in a specified consumer debt collection action; prohibiting a debt buyer or a specified collector from initiating a specified consumer debt collection action unless the debt buyer or the collector possesses specified documents; etc.
Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Common Law Battery [HB-1436]
Authorizing a person to file a petition for expungement based on a conviction of common law battery; providing that a petition for expungement based on a conviction of common law battery may not be filed within 15 years after the person was convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation or a crime where the act on which the conviction is based is no longer a crime.
HB-1436: Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Common Law Battery
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2016
Environment - Administrative Penalties - Statute of Limitations [HB-1358]
Establishing an exception from the statute of limitations for an action for an administrative penalty for an ongoing violation of specified environmental laws, rules, regulations, orders, or permits; and requiring the statute of limitations for an action for an administrative penalty for an ongoing violation to run from a specified date in specified circumstances.
HB-1358: Environment - Administrative Penalties - Statute of Limitations
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/19/2016
Criminal Procedure - Expungement - Acquittal, Dismissal, and Nolle Prosequi [HB-1317]
Providing that a person who has been charged with the commission of a crime is entitled to automatic expungement of specified records relating to the matter if the person is acquitted, the charge is dismissed, or a specified nolle prosequi is entered; requiring a court to take specified actions within 60 days after a disposition of a charge that is required to be expunged under the Act; etc.
Human Relations - Discrimination by a Place of Public Accommodation - Enforcement and Remedies [HB-1269]
Authorizing specified persons or the Commission on Civil Rights to elect to have the claims asserted in a complaint alleging discrimination by a place of public accommodation determined in a civil action brought by the Commission; expanding the remedies available for specified discrimination; clarifying the remedies available for an unlawful employment practice; authorizing a complainant alleging specified discrimination to bring a civil action under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1269: Human Relations - Discrimination by a Place of Public Accommodation - Enforcement and Remedies
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn on 03/17/2016
Baltimore City - Civilian Review Board [HB-1262]
Altering procedures for filing a complaint with the Baltimore City Civilian Review Board; repealing specified time limits on filing a complaint; authorizing a complainant to request that a complaint be confidential; providing that a specified report, under specified circumstances, remains subject to a specified review and specified recommendations by the Board; repealing a specified period of time within which the Board is required to submit a specified statement to the head of a specified law enforcement unit; etc.
HB-1262: Baltimore City - Civilian Review Board
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Third Reading Passed (138-0) on 03/21/2016
Condominiums - Warranty Claims [HB-1170]
Establishing that, notwithstanding any provision in the declaration, bylaws, or rules and regulations of the condominium, a council of unit owners has the right to be involved in a specified manner in specified litigation or administrative proceedings affecting the condominium and to enforce implied warranties made to the council of unit owners by the developer; making unenforceable specified provisions of specified governing documents; applying the Act prospectively; etc.
HB-1170: Condominiums - Warranty Claims
Sponsored by: Rep. Barbara Frush
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/07/2016
Harris Creek Oyster Restoration - Vessel Damage - Compensation [HB-1169]
Authorizing a vessel owner to file a claim with the Department of Natural Resources for the payment of damages if specified persons make an error or omission related to the required depth of navigable water in the Harris Creek Oyster Restoration Project and, as a result of the error or omission, the vessel sustains damages; establishing a 1-year statute of limitations for a claim; establishing a $400,000 cap on the amount that may be paid under a claim; establishing specified sources of funds for payment under a claim; etc.
HB-1169: Harris Creek Oyster Restoration - Vessel Damage - Compensation
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheree Sample-Hughes
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/02/2016
Consumer Protection - Debt Buyers and Collectors - Restrictions [HB-1159]
Prohibiting a debt buyer or a specified debt collector from collecting or attempting to collect an alleged debt under specified circumstances; prohibiting a debt buyer or a specified collector from filing a civil action or initiating an arbitration or a specified legal proceeding under specified circumstances; prohibiting a debt buyer or a specified collector from collecting or attempting to collect specified attorney's fees or specified interest under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1159: Consumer Protection - Debt Buyers and Collectors - Restrictions
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/10/2016
Public Safety and Policing Workgroup - Recommendations [HB-1016]
Prohibiting retaliatory personnel action against a law enforcement officer who discloses specified information; authorizing the appointment to an administrative hearing board a member of the public who has received specified training; establishing the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission as an independent commission in the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services; establishing the Community Law Enforcement Program Fund; requiring the Governor to include an appropriation to the Fund of $500,000 annually; etc.
HB-1016: Public Safety and Policing Workgroup - Recommendations
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 519 on 05/19/2016
Civil Action - Wrongfully Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages [SB-93]
Providing that a civil action for specified damages may be brought under specified circumstances against an alcoholic beverages licensee or the licensee's employee who sells or furnishes alcoholic beverages to an individual who was visibly under the influence of alcoholic beverages and who negligently drove or attempted to drive a motor vehicle after consuming the alcoholic beverages; etc.
SB-93: Civil Action - Wrongfully Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/27/2015
Election Laws - Loans to a Campaign Finance Entity [SB-823]
Prohibiting money received by a campaign finance entity from specified persons from being considered a loan; providing that the terms of a loan to a campaign finance entity require that the loan be repaid no later than the end of the second year of the election cycle immediately following the election cycle in which the loan was made; specifying that penalties assessed for violations of campaign contribution limits may be assessed against a lender, the candidate whose campaign finance entity received the loan, or both; etc.
SB-823: Election Laws - Loans to a Campaign Finance Entity
Sponsored by: Sen. Gail Bates
Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2015