Department of Human Services - Electronic Benefits Transfer Cards - Restoration of Benefits [HB-1434]
Requiring, subject to a certain provision of law, the Department of Human Services to reimburse a beneficiary for any benefits lost due to the fraudulent use of the beneficiary's Electronic Benefits Transfer card and restore the benefits without further action from the household; and requiring the Department to establish a workgroup to study and make recommendations to the General Assembly by December 1, 2024, on a dedicated funding stream for the restoration of stolen benefits from certain assistance programs.
HB-1434: Department of Human Services - Electronic Benefits Transfer Cards - Restoration of Benefits
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Hearing 3/21 At 1:00 P.m. (finance) on 03/18/2024
Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations [HB-1086]
Altering certain benefits that a certain individual who has been erroneously convicted of a crime is entitled to receive; requiring the State to notify a certain individual of certain information in writing under certain circumstances when the State intends to reduce or prevent an award of compensation to the individual; and repealing obsolete provisions of law relating to the filing of a certain petition for compensation.
HB-1086: Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 138 on 04/25/2024
Criminal Organizations - Criminal Prohibitions, Civil Actions, and Forfeiture [SB-1111]
Establishing the statute of limitations for a certain civil action for damages resulting from certain participation in a criminal organization; altering certain definitions of "criminal organization" and "underlying crime"; authorizing the filing of and establishing procedures for a civil action for injunctive relief and damages arising out of certain participation in a criminal organization; and establishing procedures for the forfeiture of property connected to certain participation in a criminal organization.
SB-1111: Criminal Organizations - Criminal Prohibitions, Civil Actions, and Forfeiture
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 03/21/2024
Civil Actions - Nonprofit Organizations - Unauthorized Support of Israeli Settlement Activity (Not on Our Dime Act) [HB-1124]
Prohibiting certain nonprofit organizations from aiding or abetting certain activity by the government of Israel or a citizen of Israel; authorizing the Attorney General or a certain person to bring a certain action against a nonprofit organization that violates the Act; and requiring the Secretary of State to remove a nonprofit organization from the Registry of Charitable Solicitation after receiving notice from the Attorney General or a prevailing plaintiff of a decision entered against a nonprofit organization.
HB-1124: Civil Actions - Nonprofit Organizations - Unauthorized Support of Israeli Settlement Activity (Not on Our Dime Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Gabriel Acevero
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2024
Civil Actions - Lead Poisoning - Liability and Statute of Limitations (Maryland Lead Poisoning Compensation Act) [SB-1031]
Establishing that an action against the owner or manager of certain property to recover certain damages arising from injuries suffered as a result of lead poisoning may be filed at any time; establishing strict liability for the owner or manager of a property with lead-based paint hazards resulting in lead poisoning of another; establishing that limitations on certain damages awarded to a prevailing plaintiff do not apply to a claim under the Act; etc.
SB-1031: Civil Actions - Lead Poisoning - Liability and Statute of Limitations (Maryland Lead Poisoning Compensation Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Carter
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations [SB-890]
Altering certain benefits that a certain individual who has been erroneously convicted of a crime is entitled to receive; requiring the State to notify a certain individual of certain information in writing under certain circumstances when the State intends to reduce or prevent an award of compensation to the individual; and repealing obsolete provisions of law relating to the filing of a certain petition for compensation.
SB-890: Compensation for Individuals Erroneously Convicted - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 139 on 04/25/2024
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights - Monetary Relief [SB-666]
Altering certain maximum amounts of monetary relief the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights is authorized to award if the Commission finds that a respondent has engaged in a discriminatory act under provisions of law regarding public accommodations and persons licensed or regulated by the Maryland Department of Labor; requiring, by July 1, 2025, and by each July 1 for the next 4 years, the Commission to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the impact of the Act on persons against whom complaints have been filed; etc.
SB-666: Maryland Commission on Civil Rights - Monetary Relief
Sponsored by: Sen. Nick Charles
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 344 on 04/25/2024
Public Safety - Police Accountability - Time Limit for Filing Administrative Charges [SB-608]
Altering a requirement for a law enforcement agency to file administrative charges relating to alleged police officer misconduct that is required to be reviewed by an administrative charging committee within 30 days; requiring a law enforcement agency to file any administrative charges arising out of an investigation of alleged police officer misconduct that is not required to be reviewed by an administrative charging committee within 1 year and 1 day after the date that the agency became aware of the incident; etc.
SB-608: Public Safety - Police Accountability - Time Limit for Filing Administrative Charges
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judiciary on 04/08/2024
Criminal Procedure - Victim Compensation - Alterations (Victim Compensation Reform Act of 2024) [HB-575]
Altering the composition of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board; altering certain duties, powers, and procedures for the Board to make awards to victims of crime; altering the powers and duties of certain employees; altering the amount and types of awards the Board is authorized to make to certain victims of crime; authorizing reconsideration and judicial review of decisions of the Board; authorizing the Governor to include certain funding in the annual budget bill for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; etc.
Criminal Law - Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn - Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review [HB-544]
Altering the statute of limitations applicable to the crime of sexual extortion to be 5 years; altering the statute of limitations applicable to the crime of stalking to be 10 years; providing that the State may institute a prosecution for revenge porn at any time; and providing that, for purposes of the Maryland Constitution, a person who commits revenge porn shall be deemed to have committed a misdemeanor whose punishment is confinement in the penitentiary and may reserve a point or question for a certain in banc review.
HB-544: Criminal Law - Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn - Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 773 on 05/16/2024
Criminal Law - Destroying Funerary Objects and Cemetery Elements - Statute of Limitations and Prohibition [HB-593]
Extending from 1 year to 3 years the statute of limitations for prosecutions relating to destroying funerary objects and other elements of a cemetery to begin at the time local authorities knew or reasonably should have known of the violation; and prohibiting a person from willfully destroying, damaging, defacing, or removing a funerary object or another structure in a cemetery or landscaping or part of the grounds of a cemetery.
HB-593: Criminal Law - Destroying Funerary Objects and Cemetery Elements - Statute of Limitations and Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheree Sample-Hughes
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2024
Criminal Procedure - Victim Compensation - Alterations (Victim Compensation Reform Act of 2024) [SB-471]
Altering the composition of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board; altering certain duties, powers, and procedures for the Board to make awards to victims of crime; altering the powers and duties of certain employees; altering the amount and types of awards the Board is authorized to make to certain victims of crime; authorizing reconsideration and judicial review of decisions of the Board; authorizing the Governor to include certain funding in the annual budget bill for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; etc.
Criminal Law - Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn - Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review [SB-391]
Altering the statute of limitations applicable to the crime of sexual extortion to be 5 years and the crime of stalking to be 10 years; providing that the State may institute a prosecution for revenge porn at any time; and providing that, for purposes of the Maryland Constitution, a person who commits revenge porn shall be deemed to have committed a misdemeanor whose punishment is confinement in the penitentiary and may reserve a point or question for a certain in banc review.
SB-391: Criminal Law - Sexual Extortion, Stalking, and Revenge Porn - Statute of Limitations and In Banc Review
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 772 on 05/16/2024
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights - Monetary Relief [HB-368]
Altering certain maximum amounts of monetary relief the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights is authorized to award if the Commission finds that a respondent has engaged in a discriminatory act under provisions of law regarding public accommodations and persons licensed or regulated by the Maryland Department of Labor; and requiring, by July 1, 2025, and by each July 1 for the next 4 years, the Commission to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the impact of the Act on persons against whom complaints were filed.
HB-368: Maryland Commission on Civil Rights - Monetary Relief
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 02/26/2024
Criminal Law - Maryland RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act [HB-1138]
Establishing the statute of limitations for a certain civil action for damages resulting from a certain pattern of racketeering activity; prohibiting a person from participating in certain racketeering activity; authorizing the filing of and establishing procedures for civil actions for injunctive relief and damages arising out of certain racketeering activity; and establishing procedures for the forfeiture of property connected to certain racketeering activity.
HB-1138: Criminal Law - Maryland RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Smith
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/24/2023