State and Local Parks – Playground Accessibility – Communication Boards [SB-680]
Requiring the Department of Natural Resources and local governing bodies to construct a communication board in each public playground by October 1, 2027; defining "communication board" as a device that displays photos, symbols, or illustrations to enable individuals with limited language skills to express themselves and communicate; and providing for the funding of communication board construction.
SB-680: State and Local Parks – Playground Accessibility – Communication Boards
Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Gallion
Hearing 3/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2022
Cannabis – Legalization and Regulation (Cannabis Legalization and Reparations for the War on Drugs Act) [SB-692]
Legalizing the use and possession of a certain amount of cannabis by an individual who is at least 21 years of age; providing for the clearing of criminal records and disposition of certain charges relating to the use and possession of cannabis; and establishing a system for the regulation and taxation of the market for the production and sale of cannabis in the State.
SB-692: Cannabis – Legalization and Regulation (Cannabis Legalization and Reparations for the War on Drugs Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Carter
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. (finance) on 02/11/2022
Public Schools - Student Athletics - Requirements and Emergency Action Plans (Elijah Gorham Act) [HB-836]
Altering the requirements for an automated external defibrillator program in public middle and high schools; altering the requirements for actions to be taken by county boards of education regarding heat acclimatization for student athletes; requiring middle schools and high schools to develop venue-specific emergency action plans for the operation and use of automatic external defibrillators, heat acclimatization, and coordination of care for other emergent injuries and severe weather for outdoor facilities; etc.
HB-836: Public Schools - Student Athletics - Requirements and Emergency Action Plans (Elijah Gorham Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Brooke Lierman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 212 on 04/21/2022
Gun-Free Higher Education Zones [HB-780]
Altering a certain exception relating to law enforcement officers to the prohibition on carrying certain weapons on public school property; prohibiting the carrying or possession of certain firearms on the property of public institutions of higher education; requiring a public institution of higher education to post certain signs at certain locations; etc.
HB-780: Gun-Free Higher Education Zones
Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Jalisi
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/15/2022
Real Property - Partition of Property [HB-777]
Requiring the court in an action to partition real property to determine whether the property is heirs property for the purpose of partition of the property among certain cotenants and if so, to determine the market value of the property unless the court makes certain determinations; etc.
HB-777: Real Property - Partition of Property
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 401 on 05/16/2022
Vehicle Laws - Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles - Reserved Parking Spaces [HB-782]
Prohibiting a person from stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle that is not a plug-in electric drive vehicle in a parking space that is designated in a certain manner for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles; and requiring that a parking space that is for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles be counted in a certain way for complying with certain laws intended to meet certain requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Public Schools - Student Athletics - Requirements and Emergency Action Plans (Elijah Gorham Act) [SB-638]
Altering the requirements for an automated external defibrillator program in public middle and high schools; altering the requirements for actions to be taken by county boards of education regarding heat acclimatization for student athletes; and requiring middle schools and high schools to develop venue-specific emergency action plans for the operation and use of automatic external defibrillators, heat acclimatization, and coordination of care for other emergent injuries and severe weather for outdoor facilities.
SB-638: Public Schools - Student Athletics - Requirements and Emergency Action Plans (Elijah Gorham Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Favorable With Amendments Report By Ways And Means on 04/11/2022
Task Force on Traffic Patterns and Infrastructure on MD Route 45 (York Road) [SB-584]
Establishing the Task Force on Traffic Patterns and Infrastructure on MD Route 45 (York Road) to study and make recommendations on traffic patterns, infrastructure, street parking, bicycle lanes, sidewalk width, and signage on York Road; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Committee and the House Environment and Transportation Committee on or before December 31, 2023.
SB-584: Task Force on Traffic Patterns and Infrastructure on MD Route 45 (York Road)
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/28/2022
Public Schools – Self–Contained Special Education Classroom – Use of Video Recording Devices [SB-577]
Requiring each county board of education, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, to install a video recording device in each self-contained special education classroom; providing for the installation, operation, notification, and use of a video recording device and the viewing, use, and confidentiality of system recordings; requiring the school administration to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency on receipt of a complaint of alleged neglect or abuse of a student under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-577: Public Schools – Self–Contained Special Education Classroom – Use of Video Recording Devices
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/03/2022
Places of Public Accommodation and Public Buildings - Gender-Inclusive Signage [HB-572]
Requiring that single-occupancy public restrooms be marked with gender-inclusive signage that does not indicate a specific gender, contains certain descriptive language and contains a picture or icon that does not indicate a specific gender, in certain places of public accommodation and certain public buildings; providing that a county is responsible for enforcing the signage requirement in places of public accommodation; and authorizing a county to set certain fines for second and subsequent violations after a certain period of time.
HB-572: Places of Public Accommodation and Public Buildings - Gender-Inclusive Signage
Sponsored by: Rep. Jared Solomon
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 04/11/2022
Maryland Fair Scheduling Act [SB-530]
Requiring an employer who employs individuals in a food service facility or retail establishment to pay certain employees at a certain rate of pay for certain shifts of work, except under certain circumstances; and providing that certain employees employed in a food service facility or retail establishment have the right to decline to work hours that occur during the 11 hours following the end of a shift; etc.
SB-530: Maryland Fair Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2022
Places of Public Accommodation and Public Buildings - Gender-Inclusive Signage [SB-486]
Requiring that single-occupancy public restrooms be marked with gender-inclusive signage in certain places of public accommodation and certain public buildings; providing that a county is responsible for enforcing the signage requirement in places of public accommodation; and authorizing a county to set certain fines for second and subsequent violations after a certain period of time.
SB-486: Places of Public Accommodation and Public Buildings - Gender-Inclusive Signage
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m. (judicial Proceedings) on 01/31/2022
Maryland Fair Scheduling Act [HB-431]
Requiring an employer who employs individuals in a food service facility or retail establishment to pay certain employees at a certain rate of pay for certain shifts of work, except under certain circumstances; and providing that certain employees employed in a food service facility or retail establishment have the right to decline to work hours that occur during the 11 hours following the end of a shift; etc.
HB-431: Maryland Fair Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Foley
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/01/2022
Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas [SB-416]
Requiring the driver of a vehicle traveling slower than the general speed of traffic on an interstate highway in a rural area to drive the vehicle in the right-hand lanes under certain circumstances; prohibiting the issuance of a citation for a violation of the Act; and requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to include information about the requirement in the State's driver education curriculum and to inform drivers of the requirement through certain signage.
SB-416: Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas
Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards
Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 04/08/2022
Vehicle Laws - Speed Limits - Establishment [HB-404]
Authorizing local authorities statewide to decrease the maximum speed limit to not less than a certain speed after performing an engineering and traffic investigation, subject to certain restrictions on the use of speed monitoring systems.
Gas Price Gouging Act [SB-322]
Altering the information about a certain measurement of certain gasoline that must be stated on a sign on the premises of a retail service station dealer to require that the highest price, or the cash price and the credit price, be stated in a clear and visible manner; and authorizing a certain sign to state the highest price for a certain measurement of certain other motor fuel products.
SB-322: Gas Price Gouging Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 2/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/28/2022
Election Law - Campaign Signs - Prohibitions [SB-285]
Establishing the offense of willfully and maliciously destroying, injuring, or defacing campaign signs; and establishing the offense of willfully and knowingly obtaining or exerting unauthorized control over campaign signs under certain circumstances.
SB-285: Election Law - Campaign Signs - Prohibitions
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Hough
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/08/2022
State Highway Administration - Pedestrian and Bicyclist Fatalities - Infrastructure Review (Vision Zero Implementation Act of 2022) [HB-254]
Requiring the State Highway Administration to conduct an infrastructure review of each pedestrian or bicyclist fatality that occurs on a State highway or at an intersection of a State highway and another highway or a municipal street to identify certain deficiencies and identify appropriate corrective actions; and requiring the Administration to complete the review within 6 months after being notified by law enforcement of a pedestrian or bicyclist fatality and publish the review on its website.
HB-254: State Highway Administration - Pedestrian and Bicyclist Fatalities - Infrastructure Review (Vision Zero Implementation Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 153 on 04/21/2022
You have voted HB-254: State Highway Administration - Pedestrian and Bicyclist Fatalities - Infrastructure Review (Vision Zero Implementation Act of 2022).