Signs And Billboards

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Public Health - Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - Identification and Posting of Information [HB-184]
Requiring the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to identify, in consultation with stakeholders who wish to participate, specified up-to-date, evidence-based, written information relating to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; requiring the Department to post specified information in a printable form on the Department's Web site that may be accessed by health care practitioners engaged in treating children and adolescents for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill Approved By The Governor - Chapter 768 on 05/25/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Public Health - Use of Medical Oxygen in Residential Dwellings - Smoking and Open Flame Restrictions [SB-175]
Prohibiting an individual from lighting or smoking specified matters or substances that contain tobacco in a room of a residential dwelling in which medical oxygen is being used and within a specified number of feet of a specified room of a specified residential dwelling; prohibiting an individual from having an open flame in a room of a residential dwelling in which medical oxygen is being used and within a specified number of feet of a specified room of a specified residential dwelling; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman Unfavorable Report By Finance on 02/23/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Physicians - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification and Posting Requirements [SB-193]
Requiring physicians licensed to practice medicine in the State to notify patients in writing and on each visit of specified information relating to professional liability insurance coverage; requiring the notification to be signed by the patient and retained by the physicians as part of the patient records; requiring the physician to post specified information in a specified location in their place of practice; requiring the State Board of Physicians to develop specified language for the notification; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs; Withdrawn on 02/09/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Railroad Grade Crossings - Exempt Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Plaque [SB-98]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to erect an exempt highway-rail grade crossing plaque at each railroad grade crossing in the State that is no longer in use by a railroad; specifying that the design and placement of a plaque shall be erected in accordance with the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices; and exempting specified vehicles from the requirement to stop at specified railroad grade crossings if the railroad grade crossing has an exempt highway-rail grade crossing plaque.


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Reilly Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/23/2018

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles - Reserved Parking Spaces [HB-36]
Prohibiting a person from stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle that is not a plug-in electric drive vehicle in a parking space that is designated for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles; requiring that a parking space for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles have green pavement markings; requiring that a parking space for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles be counted as part of the overall number of parking spaces for specified purposes; applying a civil penalty of $100 for a violation of the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/01/2017

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2017 Regular Session

Baltimore City - High Crime Zones - Required Public Notice [HB-13]
Requiring the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City to post signs reasonably calculated to notify the public of the presence of an area designated as a "High Crime Zone", A "Stop and Frisk Zone", or any similar name; and requiring signs to be placed intermittently around the perimeter of the designated areas to notify the public of the existence and effects of the designation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 04/07/2017

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