Public Health - Tianeptine Consumer Protection Act [HB-1230]
Prohibiting a retailer from distributing, selling, exposing for sale, or advertising for sale a tianeptine product to an individual; and establishing a penalty for a retailer who violates the Act of a fine of up to $5,000 or imprisonment for up to 90 days or both.
HB-1230: Public Health - Tianeptine Consumer Protection Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 249 on 04/25/2024
Highways – Tourist Area and Corridor Signage Program [HB-1032]
Establishing the Tourist Area and Corridor Signage Program to create a system of supplemental guide signs to direct motorists to eligible individual attractions by directing the motorists first to groups of attractions; requiring the State Highway Administration and the Department of Commerce to develop standards and procedures for determining the eligibility of an attraction for a sign; requiring the Administration to notify certain committees of the General Assembly at least 30 days before amending the Program; etc.
HB-1032: Highways – Tourist Area and Corridor Signage Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Healey
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 458 on 05/09/2024
Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024 [HB-1135]
Requiring certain regulated financial institutions to develop a community benefit plan in connection with certain applications to the Commissioner of Financial Regulation relating to financial services; requiring the Commissioner to exercise certain oversight authority relating to the adequacy of the community benefit plans and attainment of goals under the plans; establishing the Community Reinvestment Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund to finance certain community development activities; etc.
HB-1135: Financial Institutions - Community Benefit Plan Act of 2024
Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/04/2024
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification Requirements [SB-996]
Requiring advanced practice registered nurses practicing as an advanced practice registered nurse in the State to notify patients in writing if the nurse does not maintain professional liability insurance coverage or if the coverage has lapsed and not been renewed; requiring that the notification be provided at certain visits and as part of certain informed consents, signed by a patient at certain times, and retained as part of the advanced practice registered nurse's patient records; etc.
SB-996: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 870 on 05/16/2024
State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Modifications [HB-987]
Altering provisions of law relating to equal access to public services for individuals with limited English proficiency by establishing certain requirements for certain State departments, agencies, or programs, including establishing certain positions, establishing a certain language access plan, and developing certain guides and offering certain services; and requiring the Office of the Attorney General to provide oversight, monitoring, investigation, and enforcement of certain language access provisions.
HB-987: State Government - Equal Access to Public Services for Individuals With Limited English Proficiency - Modifications
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/13/2024
Election Law - Incarcerated Individuals - Voting Eligibility and Access (Voting Rights for All Act) [HB-1022]
Establishing requirements regarding the provision of ballot drop boxes and information related to voting to eligible voters by correctional facilities and the State Board of Elections; establishing a Voting Rights Ombudsman for Incarcerated Individuals; altering the circumstances under which an individual is not qualified to be a registered voter for the purpose of allowing individuals convicted of a felony and serving a court-ordered sentence of imprisonment for the conviction to register to vote; etc.
HB-1022: Election Law - Incarcerated Individuals - Voting Eligibility and Access (Voting Rights for All Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. (judiciary) on 02/13/2024
Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Obstruction - Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024) [SB-943]
Prohibiting a person from parking or standing certain vehicles in a dedicated bus lane; making statewide the authority of a local jurisdiction to use, in accordance with certain standards and procedures, a bus lane monitoring system to enforce the prohibition against driving, standing, or parking a motor vehicle in a designated bus lane; and establishing the Workgroup on Curb Space Management.
SB-943: Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Obstruction - Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 751 on 05/16/2024
Public Health - Pregnancy - Coercion (Protecting Pregnant Women Against Coercive Abuse and Human Trafficking) [HB-884]
Prohibiting an individual from committing or threatening certain actions, including certain actions related to sex trafficking, with the intent of coercing a pregnant woman to have an abortion; providing that a pregnant minor is considered an emancipated minor for purposes of eligibility for public assistance if the minor is denied financial support from a parent or guardian due to the minor's refusal to have an abortion; etc.
HB-884: Public Health - Pregnancy - Coercion (Protecting Pregnant Women Against Coercive Abuse and Human Trafficking)
Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Arentz
Hearing Canceled on 03/15/2024
Public Health - Pregnancy - Coercion (Protecting Pregnant Women Against Coercive Abuse and Human Trafficking) [SB-862]
Prohibiting an individual from committing or threatening certain actions, including certain actions related to sex trafficking, with the intent of coercing a pregnant woman to have an abortion; providing that a pregnant minor is considered an emancipated minor for purposes of eligibility for public assistance if the minor is denied financial support from a parent or guardian due to the minor's refusal to have an abortion; etc.
SB-862: Public Health - Pregnancy - Coercion (Protecting Pregnant Women Against Coercive Abuse and Human Trafficking)
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Business Regulation - Sale of Motor Fuel - Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act) [HB-882]
Establishing that certain provisions governing signage at retail service stations supersede inconsistent local law; altering a signage requirement for retail service stations relating to the price of regular gasoline so that the signage prominently displays clearly and visibly the credit and debit price, if higher than the cash price, or the credit and debit price and the cash price; repealing an exemption from a certain signage requirement for retail service station dealers with not more than 3 dispensing units; etc.
HB-882: Business Regulation - Sale of Motor Fuel - Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 451 on 05/09/2024
Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces [HB-889]
Requiring the construction of new multifamily residential buildings with separate garages, carports, or driveways for each residential unit to include certain parking spaces for electric vehicle charging; requiring certain significant renovations of housing units with separate garages, carports, or driveways for each residential unit to include certain parking spaces for electric vehicle recharging; etc.
HB-889: Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024
Public Safety - Missing Persons - Purple Alert Program [SB-817]
Establishing a Purple Alert Program to disseminate information to assist in locating a missing person who has a cognitive impairment, mental disorder, intellectual or developmental disability, or brain injury or who is deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or late-deafened and who does not meet the criteria for activation of a Silver Alert; and authorizing the Department of State Police to consult with relevant stakeholders representing citizens with disabilities to develop regulations and procedures to carry out the Act.
SB-817: Public Safety - Missing Persons - Purple Alert Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/08/2024
Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (Highway Left Lane Safety Act) [SB-768]
Expanding to every roadway in the State the requirement that the driver of a vehicle traveling slower than the general speed of traffic drive the vehicle in the right-hand lanes if practicable as determined by the driver; and providing that, on a roadway that has three or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction with a posted maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour or more, the far left lane may be used only for overtaking and passing another vehicle in a certain manner and under certain circumstances.
SB-768: Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (Highway Left Lane Safety Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 02/01/2024
Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 – Counties and Municipalities [HB-800]
Prohibiting local governments from denying or impairing the right of a protected class member to vote; establishing requirements on the State Board of Elections and local governments related to the provision of language-related assistance in local government elections; requiring the Attorney General or the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County to review and grant preclearance to certain policies before enactment or implementation; prohibiting acts of intimidation or obstruction that interfere with the right to vote; etc.
HB-800: Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 – Counties and Municipalities
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Smith
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2024
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification Requirements [HB-759]
Requiring advanced practice registered nurses practicing as an advanced practice registered nurse in the State to notify patients in writing if the nurse does not maintain professional liability insurance coverage or if the coverage has lapsed and not been renewed; requiring that the notification be provided at certain visits and as part of certain informed consents, signed by a patient at certain times, and retained as part of the advanced practice registered nurse's patient records; etc.
HB-759: Advanced Practice Registered Nurses - Professional Liability Insurance Coverage - Notification Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Tiffany Alston
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 869 on 05/16/2024
You have voted HB-844: Business Regulation - Cigarette, Other Tobacco Product, and Electronic Smoking Device Retailers - Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products (Make Quitting Convenient Act).
Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces [SB-695]
Requiring the construction of new multifamily residential buildings with separate garages, carports, or driveways for each residential unit to include certain parking spaces for electric vehicle charging; requiring certain significant renovations of housing units with separate garages, carports, or driveways for each residential unit to include certain parking spaces for electric vehicle recharging; etc.
SB-695: Building Code - Construction and Significant Renovation of Housing Units - Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing Canceled on 02/28/2024
Business Regulation - Sale of Motor Fuel - Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act) [SB-651]
Establishing that certain provisions governing signage at retail service stations supersede inconsistent local law; altering a signage requirement for retail service stations relating to the price of regular gasoline so that the signage prominently displays clearly and visibly the credit and debit price, if higher than the cash price, or the credit and debit price and the cash price; repealing an exemption from a certain signage requirement for retail service station dealers with not more than 3 dispensing units; etc.
SB-651: Business Regulation - Sale of Motor Fuel - Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Referred Economic Matters on 03/19/2024
Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 - Counties and Municipalities [SB-660]
Prohibiting local governments from denying or impairing the right of a protected class member to vote; establishing requirements on the State Board of Elections and local governments related to the provision of language-related assistance in local government elections; requiring the Attorney General or the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County to review and grant preclearance to certain policies before enactment or implementation; prohibiting acts of intimidation or obstruction that interfere with the right to vote; etc.
SB-660: Maryland Voting Rights Act of 2024 - Counties and Municipalities
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Sydnor
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
You have voted SB-582: Business Regulation - Cigarette, Other Tobacco Product, and Electronic Smoking Device Retailers - Nicotine Replacement Therapy Products (Making Quitting Convenient Act).